Archastropecten leckenbyi Wright 1863 (sea star)

Asteroidea - Paxillosida - Astropectinidae

Alternative combination: Astropecten leckenbyi

Full reference: T. Wright. 1863. Monograph on the British fossil Echinodermata of the Oolitic Formations. Volume 2 - The Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea. Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society 1861:1-130

Belongs to Archastropecten according to H. Hess 1955

See also Fox-Strangeways 1892, Phillips 1875 and Wright 1863

Sister taxa: Archastropecten carroni, Archastropecten carthusiae, Archastropecten clavaeformis, Archastropecten desori, Archastropecten hooperi, Archastropecten lorioli, Archastropecten mabillei, Archastropecten mandelslohi, Archastropecten obesus, Archastropecten orion, Archastropecten phillipsii, Archastropecten priscus, Archastropecten rupellensis, Archastropecten scarburgensis, Archastropecten suprajurensis, Archastropecten wilckensis, Archastropecten wittsii, Archastropecten wolterdorfi, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) cotteswoldiae, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) huxleyi, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) infirma, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) lithographica, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) longispina, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) procera

Ecology: slow-moving semi-infaunal carnivore

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Archastropecten leckenbyi in the database

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