Asteroidea - Paxillosida - Astropectinidae
Alternative combinations: Astropecten phillipsii, Crenaster phillipsii
Full reference: E. Forbes. 1848. On the Asteriadae found fossil in British strata. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology in London 2(2):457-482
Belongs to Archastropecten according to H. Hess 1955
See also d'Orbigny 1850, Dujardin and Hupé 1862, Forbes 1848, Forbes 1849, Morris 1854, Pictet 1857, Stürtz 1886 and Wright 1863
Sister taxa: Archastropecten carroni, Archastropecten carthusiae, Archastropecten clavaeformis, Archastropecten desori, Archastropecten hooperi, Archastropecten leckenbyi, Archastropecten lorioli, Archastropecten mabillei, Archastropecten mandelslohi, Archastropecten obesus, Archastropecten orion, Archastropecten priscus, Archastropecten rupellensis, Archastropecten scarburgensis, Archastropecten suprajurensis, Archastropecten wilckensis, Archastropecten wittsii, Archastropecten wolterdorfi, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) cotteswoldiae, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) huxleyi, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) infirma, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) lithographica, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) longispina, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) procera
Ecology: slow-moving semi-infaunal carnivore
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Archastropecten phillipsii in the database
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