Asteroidea - Paxillosida - Astropectinidae
Full reference: H. Hess. 1960. Pentasteria (Archastropecten) procera n. sp. (Asteroidea, Astropectinidae) aus dem Bajocien von Cheltenham, England. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae 53(1):331-335
Belongs to Pentasteria (Archastropecten) according to H. Hess 1960
See also Lewis 1993
Sister taxa: Archastropecten carroni, Archastropecten carthusiae, Archastropecten clavaeformis, Archastropecten desori, Archastropecten hooperi, Archastropecten leckenbyi, Archastropecten lorioli, Archastropecten mabillei, Archastropecten mandelslohi, Archastropecten obesus, Archastropecten orion, Archastropecten phillipsii, Archastropecten priscus, Archastropecten rupellensis, Archastropecten scarburgensis, Archastropecten suprajurensis, Archastropecten wilckensis, Archastropecten wittsii, Archastropecten wolterdorfi, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) cotteswoldiae, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) huxleyi, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) infirma, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) lithographica, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) longispina
Type specimen: Holotype BNHM E 5021
Ecology: slow-moving semi-infaunal carnivore
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Pentasteria (Archastropecten) procera in the database
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