Asteroidea - Paxillosida - Astropectinidae
Alternative combinations: Archastropecten lithographica, Plutonaster lithographicus
Full reference: P. de Loriol. 1895. Etude sur quelques échinodermes de Cirin. Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon 6:3-9
Belongs to Pentasteria (Archastropecten) according to G. Breton et al. 1994
See also de Loriol 1895 and Hess 1955
Sister taxa: Archastropecten carroni, Archastropecten carthusiae, Archastropecten clavaeformis, Archastropecten desori, Archastropecten hooperi, Archastropecten leckenbyi, Archastropecten lorioli, Archastropecten mabillei, Archastropecten mandelslohi, Archastropecten obesus, Archastropecten orion, Archastropecten phillipsii, Archastropecten priscus, Archastropecten rupellensis, Archastropecten scarburgensis, Archastropecten suprajurensis, Archastropecten wilckensis, Archastropecten wittsii, Archastropecten wolterdorfi, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) cotteswoldiae, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) huxleyi, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) infirma, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) longispina, Pentasteria (Archastropecten) procera
Type specimen: Holotype ML 20 015 381, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Lyon
Ecology: slow-moving semi-infaunal carnivore
Distribution: found only at Echinodermata, Upper Kimmeridgian, Cerin, Southern French Jura , Ain (Jurassic of France)
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