Family Geoemydidae Theobald 1868 (turtle)

Reptilia - Testudines - Geoemydidae

Parent taxon: Testudinoidea according to E. Vlachos 2021

See also Cadena et al. 2017, Cadena et al. 2012, Claude et al. 2012, Collareta et al. 2020, de la Fuente et al. 2018, Hutchison 2006, Joyce 2007, Perez-Garcia et al. 2021, Takahashi et al. 2013, van Dijk et al. 2014, Vlachos 2018, Vlachos and Delfino 2016, Vlachos et al. 2015 and Vremir 2013

Sister taxa: Bergouniouxchelys, Borkenia, Chrysemys (Pseudemys) hibbardi, Clemmys hesperia, Clemmys percrassus, Cucullemys, Cuvierichelys, Emydidae, Emys euglypha, Emys euthnetus, Emys latilabiatus, Emys megaulax, Emys pachylomus, Emys petrolei, Eupachemys obtusus, Euroemys, Francellia, Hadrianus allabiatus, Hybemys arenarius, Landreatchelys, Lindholmemydidae, Notomorpha testudinea, Owenemys, Palaeomauremys, Panemydidae, Pangeoemydidae, Pantestudinidae, Promalacoclemmys, Provencemys, Rhinoclemmys nicoyana, Testudinidae, Testudo culbratus, Testudo distans, Testudo isis, Testudo munda, Trachemys delicata, Trachemys nuchocarinata, Wutuchelys

Subtaxa: Bridgeremys Clemmydopsis Cuora Cyclemys Echmatemys Geiselemys Geoemyda Geoemydinae Guangdongemys Isometremys Mauremys Ocadia Orlitia Palaeochelyinae Palaeochelys Palatochelydia Ptychogasterinae Ptychogastrini Rhinoclemmydinae Rhinoclemmys Sacalia Siebenrockiella

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Ecology: aquatic omnivore


• Quaternary of Algeria (1 collection), Brazil (1), China (4), Ecuador (6), Greece (8), Honduras (1), India (2), Indonesia (6), Israel (1), Italy (1), Japan (5), Morocco (1), the Netherlands (1), Peru (1), Spain (3), Taiwan (1), Thailand (7), Venezuela (1)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Greece (1), Italy (1)

• Pliocene of Egypt (1), France (6), Greece (4), Hungary (1), India (5), Italy (2), Japan (1), Moldova (1), Pakistan (4), Poland (2), Romania (1), Slovakia (2), Spain (3), Turkey (1), Ukraine (1)

• MN 13 of Turkey (1)

• Miocene to Pliocene of France (1), Greece (2)

• Miocene of Argentina (1), Austria (8), Bulgaria (1), China (2), the Czech Republic (5), France (26), Germany (32), Greece (4), India (1), Italy (5), Japan (4), Kazakhstan (1), Nepal (12), Pakistan (1), Panama (2), Poland (3), the Russian Federation (1), Slovakia (1), Spain (30), Sri Lanka (2), Switzerland (2), Turkey (8), the United Arab Emirates (11)

• Oligocene to Miocene of France (1)

• Oligocene of Belgium (1), China (1), France (16), Germany (3), Kazakhstan (2), Slovenia (1), Switzerland (1)

• Eocene to Oligocene of France (1)

• Eocene of China (1), France (15), Germany (9), Macedonia (1), Romania (1), Spain (1), Thailand (2), the United Kingdom (1), United States (145: Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)

Total: 458 collections including 556 occurrences

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