Pterobranchia - Graptoloidea - Dichograptidae
Parent taxon: Dichograptina according to J. Maletz et al. 2018
See also Bulman 1970, Fortey 2011, Lo Valvo et al. 2020, Maletz 2017, Maletz et al. 2009, Toro 1993, Toro and Maletz 2008 and Vento et al. 2012
Sister taxa: Phyllograptidae, Pterograptidae, Tetragraptidae
Subtaxa: Clonograptus Dichograpti Dichograptinae Dichograptus Didymograpti Didymograptus Goniograpti Loganograptus Orthodichograptus Schizograpti Temnograpti Tetragrapti
Ecology: passively mobile planktonic suspension feeder
• Dobrotivian of France (1 collection), Portugal (3), Spain (1)
• Whiterockian of Canada (3: Newfoundland and Labrador), United States (2: Texas, Utah)
• Yapeenian of New Zealand (15)
• Fennian of France (1)
• Volkhov of Lithuania (3)
• Arenigian of Argentina (7), Canada (2: Northwest Territories), United States (2: Alaska)
• Arenig of Argentina (2), Australia (12), Bolivia (4), Canada (12: Newfoundland and Labrador, Yukon), Chile (1), China (78), France (4), Morocco (1), Norway (3), Sweden (3), the United Kingdom (3), United States (3: Alaska, Montana, Nevada)
• Klabava of the Czech Republic (2), France (1)
• Ningkuo of China (19)
• Dawan of China (7)
• Canadian of Canada (1: Northwest Territories), United States (1: Nevada)
• Ordovician of Argentina (19), Australia (7), Bolivia (5), Canada (10: Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Northwest Terrorities, Quebec, Yukon), Chile (1), China (36), Colombia (1), the Czech Republic (1), Estonia (1), France (5), Lithuania (3), Morocco (8), New Zealand (27), Norway (4), Peru (1), Portugal (2), the Russian Federation (30), Saudi Arabia (2), Spain (10), Sweden (3), the United Kingdom (3), United States (27: Alaska, British Columbia, California, Idaho, Nevada, New York, Utah), Venezuela (1)
• Tremadoc of Argentina (1), Canada (7: Yukon), China (14), Iran (3), Sweden (1), United States (2: Texas, Utah)
• Cressagian of the United Kingdom (1)
• Ibexian of United States (1: California)
Total: 434 collections including 645 occurrences