Full reference: R. Kellogg. 1924. Description of a new genus and species of whalebone whale from the Calvert Cliffs, Maryland. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 63(15):1-14
Parent taxon: Cetotherioidea according to P. Gol'din and M. E. Steeman 2015
See also Barnes 1977, Berta 2017, Bisconti et al. 2013, Boessenecker and Fordyce 2015, Bouetel and Muizon 2006, Carroll 1988, Geisler and Sanders 2003, Gol'din 2018, Gottfried et al. 1994, Hay 1930, Kellogg 1928, Kellogg 1931, Marx and Fordyce 2015, McKenna and Bell 1997, Otsuka and Ota 2008, Sepkoski 2002, Simpson 1945, Steeman 2007, Steeman 2010, Uhen et al. 2008, Whitmore 1984 and Whitmore and Barnes 2008
Sister taxa: Otradnocetus, Pinocetus
Subtaxa: Parietobalaena affinis Parietobalaena campiniana Parietobalaena laxata Parietobalaena palmeri Parietobalaena securis Parietobalaena yamaokai
Ecology: aquatic carnivore-suspension feeder
• Miocene to Pliocene of the Netherlands (1 collection)
• Miocene of Australia (1), Belgium (5), Japan (4), Mexico (2), the Netherlands (4), United States (13: California, Maryland, Virginia)
Total: 30 collections including 35 occurrences
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