Full reference: R. Kellogg. 1924. Description of a new genus and species of whalebone whale from the Calvert Cliffs, Maryland. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 63(15):1-14
Belongs to Parietobalaena according to F. G. Marx and R. E. Fordyce 2015
See also Abel 1938, Bisconti et al. 2013, Bouetel and Muizon 2006, Gottfried et al. 1994, Hay 1930, Kellogg 1924, Kellogg 1968, Marx 2011, Steeman 2010 and Uhen et al. 2008
Sister taxa: Parietobalaena affinis, Parietobalaena campiniana, Parietobalaena laxata, Parietobalaena securis, Parietobalaena yamaokai
Type specimen: USNM 10668, a skull. Its type locality is Dares Wharf, north of, Zone 11, which is in a Langhian estuary/bay claystone in the Calvert Formation of Maryland.
Ecology: aquatic carnivore-suspension feeder
• Miocene of United States (12: Maryland, Virginia collections)
Total: 12 collections each including a single occurrence
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