Reptilia - Testudines - Testudinidae
Parent taxon: Testudininae according to E. Vlachos and M. Rabi 2018
See also Carroll 1988, de la Fuente et al. 2014, Frank and Ramus 1996, Meylan and Auffenberg 1986, Swingland and Klemens 1989 and van Dijk et al. 2014
Sister taxa: Agrionemys, Centrochelys, Cheirogaster, Chersina, Ergilemys, Geochelona, Geochelone, Geoemydinei, Gigantochersina, Impregnochelys, Indotestudo, Mesochersus, Namibchersus, Paleotestudo, Stigmochelys, Stylemys, Testudinini
Subtaxa: Kinixys belliana Kinixys erosa Kinixys homeana Kinixys lobatsiana Kinixys natalensis Kinixys nogueyi Kinixys zombensis
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore-herbivore
• Quaternary of the Congo-Kinshasa (2 collections)
• Pliocene of South Africa (1)
• Miocene of Kenya (1)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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