Tribe Testudinini Batsch 1788 (turtle)

Reptilia - Testudines - Testudinidae

Parent taxon: Testudininae according to A. Perez-Garcia et al. 2022

See also Vlachos 2021

Sister taxa: Agrionemys, Centrochelys, Cheirogaster, Chersina, Ergilemys, Geochelona, Geochelone, Geoemydinei, Gigantochersina, Impregnochelys, Indotestudo, Kinixys, Mesochersus, Namibchersus, Paleotestudo, Stigmochelys, Stylemys

Subtaxa: Acinixys Chersine Testudo

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Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore-herbivore


• Quaternary of Bulgaria (1 collection), China (2), the Congo-Kinshasa (1), Croatia (1), France (8), Georgia (1), Greece (22), Hungary (1), Indonesia (2), Israel (5), Italy (9), Malta (2), Mauritius (1), Morocco (4), Portugal (1), South Africa (2), Spain (29), Sudan (2), United States (4: Florida, Texas)

• Blancan of Mexico (1), United States (1: California)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of France (1), Greece (2), Italy (1), South Africa (3)

• Pliocene of China (1), France (3), Greece (8), Hungary (3), Italy (2), Japan (1), Moldova (2), Morocco (3), Pakistan (1), Poland (2), South Africa (1), Spain (1), Turkey (3), Ukraine (1)

• MN 13 of Turkey (1)

• Hemphillian of United States (1: Kansas)

• Miocene to Pliocene of France (1), Greece (3), South Africa (1)

• Miocene of Austria (6), Bulgaria (5), China (13), the Czech Republic (5), France (21), Germany (41), Greece (12), Hungary (1), Italy (7), Kazakhstan (1), Kenya (1), Lebanon (1), Moldova (1), Poland (1), Romania (1), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Slovakia (2), Spain (6), Switzerland (3), Turkey (12), Ukraine (3), United States (3: Nebraska, Texas)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Costa Rica (1), France (1)

• Oligocene of China (1), France (6), Georgia (1), Germany (1), Kazakhstan (1)

• Eocene to Miocene of France (1)

• Eocene of Belgium (1), China (3), France (1), Mongolia (1), United States (2: California, South Dakota)

Total: 314 collections including 338 occurrences

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