Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Merycoidodontidae
Alternative combination: Merycoidodon forsythae
Synonym: Prodesmatochoerus natronensis Schultz and Falkenbach 1954
Full reference: C. B. Schultz and C. H. Falkenbach. 1968. The Phylogeny of the Oreodonts. Part 1: Merycoidodontinae, Eporeodontinae, and Leptaucheniinae, Three Subfamilies Of Oreodonts, With an Appendix to the Revision Of The Merycoidodontidae, and Part 2. Summary and Conclusions Concerning the Merycoidodontidae. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 139:1-498
Belongs to Miniochoerus according to M. S. Stevens and J. B. Stevens 1996
See also Lander 1998, Schultz and Falkenbach 1954, Schultz and Falkenbach 1968 and Stevens and Stevens 2007
Sister taxa: Miniochoerus (Paraminiochoerus), Miniochoerus affinis, Miniochoerus chadronensis, Miniochoerus gracilis, Miniochoerus starkensis, Stenopsochoerus (Pseudostenopsochoerus)
Subtaxa: Otionohyus wardi degrooti
Type specimens:
- Miniochoerus forsythae: F:AM 72303, a skull. Its type locality is Flagstaff Rim IV, which is in a Chadronian terrestrial horizon in the White River Formation of Wyoming.
- Prodesmatochoerus natronensis: F:AM 45194, a partial skeleton (Partial skull with C/-P2 (rt.) and P3-M3, partial mandible with p3-m3 (br.) and calcaneum).
• Eocene of United States (11: Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming collections)
Total: 11 collections each including a single occurrence
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