Osteichthyes - Synapsida - Varanopidae
Alternative spellings: Varanopseidae, Varanopsidae
Synonym: Elliotsmithidae Broom 1937
Full reference: A. S. Romer and L. I. Price. 1940. Review of the Pelycosauria. Geological Society of America Special Paper 28:1-538
Parent taxon: Eupelycosauria according to D. C. Evans et al. 2009
See also Anderson and Reisz 2004, Carroll 1988, Dilkes and Reisz 1996, Eberth and Brinkman 1983, Haughton and Brink 1954, Ivakhnenko 2008, Kemp 1982, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Langston and Reisz 1981, Maddin et al. 2006, Maho et al. 2019, Martens et al. 2005, Reisz 1986, Reisz and Dilkes 2003, Reisz and Laurin 2004, Reisz and Modesto 2007 and Romer and Price 1940
Sister taxa: Edaphosauridae, Haptodontiformes, Ophiacodontidae, Sphenacomorpha
Subtaxa: Apsisaurus Archaeovenator Ascendonanus Dendromaia Mycterosaurinae Neovaranopsia Pyozia Thrausmosaurus Thrausmosaurus serratidens