Mammalia - Soricomorpha - Talpidae
Synonym: Palaeoscalopus Macdonald 1970
Full reference: J. R. Macdonald. 1970. Review of the Miocene Wounded Knee faunas of southwestern South Dakota. Bulletin of the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Science 8:165-82
Parent taxon: Talpidae according to G. F. Gunnell et al. 2008
See also Carroll 1988, Hutchison 1972, Macdonald 1970 and McKenna and Bell 1997
Sister taxa: Anomodon, Asthenoscapter, Chrysochlorina, Desmana, Desmaninae, Desmanodon, Domninoides, Entomodon, Eotalpa, Galeospalax, Geolabis, Hugueneya, Hyporyssus, Mioscalops, Mogera, Mongolopala, Neurotrichus, Oreotalpa, Parascalops, Parascaptor, Proscalopinae, Scalopinae, Scaptochirus, Scaptogale, Soricina, Suleimaninae, Talpa, Talpina, Talpinae, Tegulariscaptor, Tenrecina, Tupaina, Uropsilinae
Subtaxa: Quadrodens wilsoni
Type: Quadrodens wilsoni
Ecology: fossorial insectivore
• Oligocene of United States (4: South Dakota collections)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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