Mammalia - Soricomorpha - Talpidae
Synonym: Myogalina Mivart 1871
Parent taxon: Talpidae according to E. Martín-Suárez et al. 2001
See also Mors et al. 2000 and Van Valen 1967
Sister taxa: Anomodon, Asthenoscapter, Chrysochlorina, Desmana, Desmanodon, Domninoides, Entomodon, Eotalpa, Galeospalax, Geolabis, Hugueneya, Hyporyssus, Mioscalops, Mogera, Mongolopala, Neurotrichus, Oreotalpa, Parascalops, Parascaptor, Proscalopinae, Quadrodens, Scalopinae, Scaptochirus, Scaptogale, Soricina, Suleimaninae, Talpa, Talpina, Talpinae, Tegulariscaptor, Tenrecina, Tupaina, Uropsilinae
Subtaxa: Desmanella Galemys Geomana Mygalea Mygalinia Paratalpa
Ecology: fossorial insectivore
• Quaternary of Greece (1 collection), the Netherlands (2), Portugal (1), Spain (2), Turkey (1)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Hungary (1)
• Pliocene of Austria (1), France (5), Germany (2), Greece (4), Moldova (1), Poland (3), Romania (3), Spain (1), Turkey (4), Ukraine (1)
• MN 13 of Turkey (2)
• Miocene of Austria (7), China (1), the Czech Republic (1), France (3), Germany (20), Greece (3), Hungary (2), the Russian Federation (1), Serbia and Montenegro (3), Spain (3), Switzerland (4), Turkey (3)
• Oligocene to Miocene of Germany (1)
• Oligocene of the Czech Republic (1), France (4), Germany (6), Kazakhstan (2), Spain (1)
Total: 101 collections including 110 occurrences