Mioscalops Ostrander et al. 1986 (mole)

Mammalia - Soricomorpha - Talpidae

Full reference: G. E. Ostrander, A. Mebrate, and R. W. Wilson. 1986. Type and Figured Specimens of Fossil Vertebrates in the Collection of the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History Part IV. Fossil Mammals. The University of Kansas Museum of Natural History Miscellaneous Publication 79:1-83

Parent taxon: Talpidae according to G. E. Ostrander et al. 1986

Sister taxa: Anomodon, Asthenoscapter, Chrysochlorina, Desmana, Desmaninae, Desmanodon, Domninoides, Entomodon, Eotalpa, Galeospalax, Geolabis, Hugueneya, Hyporyssus, Mogera, Mongolopala, Neurotrichus, Oreotalpa, Parascalops, Parascaptor, Proscalopinae, Quadrodens, Scalopinae, Scaptochirus, Scaptogale, Soricina, Suleimaninae, Talpa, Talpina, Talpinae, Tegulariscaptor, Tenrecina, Tupaina, Uropsilinae

Subtaxa: none

Type: Scalopoides isodens

Ecology: fossorial insectivore

Distribution: found only at Gray Fossil Site ( of Tennessee)

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