Mammalia - Carnivora - Canidae
Alternative spelling: Canis (Lycalopex)
Synonyms: Angusticeps Hilzheimer 1906, Canis (Pseudalopex) Burmeister 1856, Eunothocyon Allen 1905, Microcyon Trouessart 1906, Pseudalopex Burmeister 1856, Pseudolycos Philippi 1903, Viverriceps Hilzheimer 1906
Parent taxon: Caninae according to M. A. Ramirez and F. J. Prevosti 2014
See also Allen 1895, Bourguignat 1875, Burgin et al. 2018, Cabrera 1931, Deschamps 2005, Montalvo et al. 2017, Tedford et al. 2009, van Gelder 1978, Wang et al. 2008 and Wilson and Reeder 2005
Sister taxa: Aenocyon, Canini, Canis, Chrysocyon, Leptocyon, Nyctereutes, Protocyon, Theriodictis, Vulpini
Subtaxa: Lycalopex culpaeus Lycalopex ensenadensis Lycalopex fulvipes Lycalopex griseus Lycalopex gymnocercus Lycalopex sechurae Lycalopex vetulus Pseudalopex culpaeus Pseudalopex gracilis Pseudalopex griseus Pseudalopex gymnocercus Pseudalopex sechurae
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore-omnivore
• Quaternary of Argentina (13 collections), Bolivia (2), Brazil (1), Chile (4), Ecuador (2), Peru (7), Uruguay (3)
• Pliocene of Argentina (1)
• Miocene of Brazil (1)
Total: 34 collections including 40 occurrences
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