Mammalia - Cetacea - Kentriodontidae
Full reference: Z. Guo and N. Kohno. 2021. A new kentriodontid (Cetacea: Odontoceti) from the early to middle Miocene of the western North Pacific and a revision of kentriodontid phylogeny. PeerJ 9(e10945):1-36
Belongs to Kentriodon according to Z. Guo and N. Kohno 2021
Sister taxa: Kentriodon diusinus, Kentriodon fuchsii, Kentriodon hobetsu, Kentriodon hoepfneri, Kentriodon nakajimai, Kentriodon obscurus, Kentriodon pernix, Kentriodon schneideri
Type specimen: NMHF 999, a partial skull (incomplete skull including most of the neurocranium and a proximal portion of the rostrum, one tooth, the right tympanoperiotic and malleus, fragments of the le). Its type locality is Mabechi River, which is in a Burdigalian/Langhian deep-water siltstone in the Kadonosawa Formation of Japan.
Ecology: aquatic carnivore
Distribution: found only at Mabechi River
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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