Family Tiliaceae de Jussieu

Angiospermae - Malvales - Tiliaceae

Parent taxon: Malvales according to F. H. Knowlton 1919

See also Chandler 1961, Chandler 1963, Mabberley 2000 and Taylor et al. 2008

Sister taxa: Argyrodendron, Bixaceae, Bombacaceae, Buettneriaceae, Cistaceae, Crototricolpites, Cytinaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Echiperiporites, Lakiapollis, Malvaceae, Muntingiaceae, Neuradaceae, Sarcolaenaceae, Sphaerosepalaceae, Sterculiaceae, Thymelaeaceae

Subtaxa: Apeibopsis Burretia Cantitilia Corchorites Corchorus Etheridgea Grewia Grewiopsis Grewioxylon Heliocarpoxylon Intratriporopollenites Palaeogrewia Tilia Tiliaephyllum Tilianthus Tilieae Tilioxylon Triumfetta Willisia

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Ecology: stationary C3 autotroph


• Quaternary of France (2 collections), India (9), Japan (2), Tanzania (1), United States (4: Michigan, Virginia)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of the Congo-Kinshasa (1)

• Pliocene of China (1), Germany (1), Japan (2), Portugal (3), Slovakia (1)

• Miocene to Pliocene of India (1), Japan (1)

• Miocene of Azerbaijan (2), Chile (1), China (4), Denmark (1), Germany (3), India (1), Japan (7), Kenya (2), Nepal (1), Poland (2), the Russian Federation (3), United States (9: Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nebraska)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Argentina (5), United States (1: Maryland)

• Oligocene of Azerbaijan (1), the Czech Republic (1), the Russian Federation (2), the United Kingdom (1), United States (9: Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Virginia)

• Eocene to Miocene of Argentina (1)

• Eocene of Antarctica (3), Australia (1), China (2), Germany (16), India (2), Myanmar (3), the Russian Federation (1), the United Kingdom (4), United States (38: Alabama, California, Colorado, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming)

• Paleocene to Eocene of United States (4: Virginia)

• Paleogene of India (3)

• Paleocene of China (1), United States (3: California, Colorado, Virginia)

• Tertiary of Japan (2)

• Cretaceous to Paleogene of Argentina (2)

• Cretaceous of Argentina (2), United States (33: North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming)

Total: 206 collections including 242 occurrences

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