Family Ulmaceae Brisseau-Mirbel 1815 (elm)

Angiospermae - Rosales - Ulmaceae

Full reference: C. F. Brisseau-Mirbel. 1815. Elémens de physiologie végétale et de botanique. 2

Parent taxon: Rosales according to The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 2016

See also Christophel 1976, Hickey 1977, Knowlton 1919, Knowlton 1926, Mabberley 2000, MacGinitie 1941, Ozaki 1974 and Taylor et al. 2008

Sister taxa: Barbeyaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Cannabaceae, Davidsoniaceae, Dialypetalanthaceae, Dirachmaceae, Drupaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Eucryphiaceae, Mimosaceae, Papilionaceae, Pomaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rosaceae, Urticaceae

Subtaxa: Cedrelospermum Celtidophyllum Celtipollenites Celtis Celtoidanthus Chaetoptelea Hemiptelea Holoptelea Holopteleoxylon Momisia Planera Pteroceltis Tremophyllum Ulmaceaepites Ulmacites Ulmites Ulmophyllum Ulmoxylon Ulmus Ulmuxylon Zelkova

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Ecology: "photoautotroph"


• Quaternary of Argentina (1 collection), Australia (21), China (2), the Congo-Kinshasa (2), Egypt (1), France (5), Georgia (1), Hungary (7), India (32), Italy (1), Japan (6), Tanzania (1), United States (8: Arizona, Michigan, Texas, Virginia)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Hungary (1), Italy (2)

• Pliocene of China (8), Germany (1), Hungary (3), Japan (2), Portugal (6), Slovakia (1), United States (2: California, Florida)

• Hemphillian of United States (3: Kansas, Tennessee)

• Miocene to Oligocene of United States (1: Montana)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Japan (5), Peru (1), South Africa (1)

• Miocene of Argentina (1), Azerbaijan (4), Canada (1: Northwest Territories), China (15), Ecuador (1), France (1), Germany (9), Japan (14), Kenya (1), Poland (3), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (1), Switzerland (65), Turkey (1), United States (20: California, Georgia, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Texas, Virginia, Washington)

• Neogene of China (2), India (1)

• Oligocene to Eocene of United States (1: Oregon)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Australia (3), Germany (1), United States (3: Montana)

• Oligocene of Azerbaijan (1), China (1), the Czech Republic (3), Germany (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (10: Idaho, Montana, Oregon, South Dakota, Virginia)

• Eocene to Miocene of Argentina (1)

• Eocene to Oligocene of United States (10: Colorado, Utah)

• Eocene of Algeria (1), Canada (11: British Columbia), China (8), France (1), Germany (19), India (3), Japan (1), Mexico (1), Pakistan (2), the Russian Federation (1), United States (54: Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, North Dakota, Oregon, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming)

• Clarkforkian of United States (6: North Dakota, Wyoming)

• Tertiary of Japan (2)

• Paleocene of Canada (2: Alberta), China (1), United States (71: Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming)

• Cretaceous of Canada (2: British Columbia, Saskatchewan), Japan (1), Kazakhstan (1), United States (22: North Dakota, Virginia, Wyoming)

Total: 512 collections including 685 occurrences

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