Family Cyprinidae Rafinesque 1815 (carp-like fish)

Actinopteri - Cypriniformes - Cyprinidae

Parent taxon: Cypriniformes according to R. Betancur et al. 2013

See also Böhme 2008, Böhme 2010, Fierstine et al. 2012, Hay 1902, Jordan 1963, Leidy 1873, Mors et al. 2000, Nelson et al. 2016, Seymour 2004 and Woodward 1901

Sister taxa: Botiidae, Catostomidae, Cobitidae, Cobitoidea, Cyprinoidea, Gyrinocheilidae, Nemacheilidae, Siluri

Subtaxa: Acheilognathinae Acrocheilus Alisodon Amblypharyngodon Amyzon Aspius Barbinae Barbus Cultrinae Cyprininae Cyprinion Cyprinus Danioninae Ecocarpia Esox destructus Gila Gobio Gobioninae Hexapsephus Idadon Iquius Labeoninae Lavinia Leuciscinae Leuciscus Mylocyprinus Nemachilus Opsariichthyinae Orthodon Palaeoleuciscus Palaeotinca Phoxininae Planktophaga Protothymallus Ptychocheilus Puntius Rhodeus Siphateles Squaliobarbinae Thynichthys Tinca Tincinae Xenocyprinae

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Ecology: nektonic omnivore


• Quaternary of Bulgaria (1 collection), the Congo-Kinshasa (5), the Czech Republic (1), Egypt (5), Ethiopia (1), Hungary (2), Japan (1), Kenya (17), Mexico (1), Niger (2), Portugal (1), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (2), Sudan (1), Syria (1), Tunisia (1), the United Kingdom (11), United States (19: California, Michigan, Oregon , South Dakota, Virginia)

• Blancan of United States (6: Arizona, California, Oregon)

• Pliocene to Holocene of the Congo-Kinshasa (2)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of the Congo-Kinshasa (1), Spain (3)

• Pliocene of Armenia (1), China (1), Egypt (1), Ethiopia (1), Germany (1), India (1), Kenya (6), Moldova (1), the Russian Federation (1), Slovakia (1), Spain (8), Turkey (1), Ukraine (1), United States (6: California, Oregon)

• Hemphillian of United States (1: California)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Uganda (2)

• Miocene of Austria (3), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), China (4), France (2), Germany (12), Greece (3), India (2), Italy (2), Japan (1), Kenya (7), Moldova (1), Nepal (1), Portugal (4), the Russian Federation (1), Saudi Arabia (1), Slovakia (1), South Korea (1), Spain (3), Switzerland (9), Thailand (3), Tunisia (2), Turkey (2), Ukraine (1), United States (5: Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Utah)

• Oligocene of China (1), the Czech Republic (2), France (1), Germany (3), Kazakhstan (1), Romania (1), Switzerland (1), United States (1: Montana)

• Eocene to Oligocene of United States (1: Oregon)

• Eocene of Canada (4: British Columbia), China (2), Pakistan (1), United States (3: Washington, Wyoming), Vietnam (2)

• Jurassic of Greenland (2)

Total: 217 collections including 312 occurrences

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