†order Therosauria Haeckel 1866 (dinosaur)

Reptilia - Therosauria

Full reference: E. Haeckel. 1866. Generelle Morphologie der Organismen, Allgemeine Grundzuge der Organischen Formen-Wissenschaft, Mechanisch Begründet Durch die von Charles Darwin Reformirte Descendez-Theorie. Verlag von Georg Reimer, Berlin CLX-462

Parent taxon: Dinosauria according to G. Baur 1887

See also Cope 1871, Cope 1875 and Haeckel 1866

Sister taxa: Ancistrodon, Astrodon pusillus, Carnosauriformes, Dictyoolithidae, Diplodocia, Dongyangoolithidae, Dystrophaeidae, Fusioolithidae, Gigantosauropus, Harpagosauria, Herreravia, Huanglongpus, Iguanodonichnus, Lagunculapes, Megalosauridae, Mirsosauropus, Mosaicoolithus, Neosauropus, Nyasasaurus, Omosaurus phillipsi, Ornithischiformes, Paleodinosauria, Phaceloolithidae, Phytodinosauria, Phytophagi, Polyclonoolithidae, Postpubici, Praepubici, Prismatoolithidae, Saurischia, Sauropodichnus, Similifaveoloolithidae, Sinoichnites, Stalicoolithidae, Therophagi, Theropoda, Toyamasauripus, Tretospondylia, Xiphopeza, Youngoolithidae, Yunnanpus, Ornithischia

Subtaxa: none


Distribution: there are no occurrences of Therosauria in the database

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