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Strophomenata - Orthotetida - Meekellidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1954Meekellinae Stehli p. 303
2000Meekellinae Williams et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumRhynchonelliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classStrophomenataWilliams et al 1996
orderOrthotetidaWaagen 1884

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subfm. †Meekellinae Stehli 1954
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G. †Alatorthotetina He and Zhu 1985
Alatorthotetina derbyiformis He and Zhu 1985
Alatorthotetina sichuanensis He and Zhu 1985
G. †Geyerella Schellwien 1900
Geyerella alpina Schellwien 1900
Geyerella americana Girty 1908
Invalid names: Orthotetes campanulatus Girty 1909 [synonym], Orthotetes distortus Girty 1908 [synonym]
Geyerella distorta Schellwien 1900
Geyerella gemmellaroi Schellwien 1900
Geyerella hessi Cooper and Grant 1974
Geyerella inexpectata Cooper and Grant 1974
Geyerella kedaoensis Lee and Gu 1980
Geyerella kingorum Cooper and Grant 1974
Geyerella mongolica Grabau 1931
Geyerella ofunatoensis Tazawa 2011
Geyerella ovata Lee and Gu 1980
Geyerella rex de Gregorio 1930
Geyerella tschernyschewi Licharew 1932
Invalid names: Turriculum de Gregorio 1930 [synonym]
G. †Meekella
Meekella abnormalis Huang 1933
Meekella addicta Grant 1976
Meekella angustiplicata Cooper and Grant 1974
Meekella arakeljani Sokolskaja 1965
Meekella attenuata Girty 1908
Meekella baschkirica Tschernyschew 1902
Meekella beipeiensis Chen 2005
Meekella bellistriata Lee and Gu 1980
Meekella bisculpta Grant 1976
Meekella calathica Cooper and Grant 1974
Meekella caperata Cooper and Grant 1974
Meekella chenxianensis Shen and Shi 2007
Meekella circularis Cooper and Grant 1974
Meekella colpata Grant 1976
Meekella deltoides Liao 1980
Meekella depressa Schellwien 1900
Meekella dongluoensis Chen and Liao 2007
Meekella enigma Cloud 1944
Meekella enormis Cooper and Grant 1974
Meekella evanescens Schellwien 1900
Meekella eximia Eichwald 1845
Meekella eximiaeformis Toula 1875
Meekella garnieri Bayan 1874
Meekella gigantea Hayasaka 1932
Meekella guocunensis Liang 1982
Meekella hessensis King 1931
Meekella heterofolda Liang 1990
Invalid names: Asiomeekella heterofolda Liang 1990 [synonym], Meekella perigeyerelloides Shen et al. 1992 [synonym]
Meekella intermedia Cooper and Grant 1974
Meekella irregularis Schellwien 1900
Meekella jiangxiensis Hu and Jin 1982
Meekella julfensis Garbelli et al. 2014
Meekella kayseri Jaekel 1892
Meekella kueichowensis Huang 1933
Invalid names: Meekella dorsisulcata Feng 1978 [synonym], Meekella langdaiensis Liao 1980 [synonym], Parameekella hauyinshanensis He and Zhu 1985 [synonym]
Meekella magnifica Cooper and Grant 1974
Meekella megala Grant 1993
Meekella mexicana Girty 1909
Meekella minatoi Nakamura 1972
Meekella minuta Zeng et al. 1995
Meekella multilirata Girty 1908
Meekella nagaiwensis Shintani 2011
Meekella nodosa Nakamura 1972
Meekella occidentalis Newberry 1861
Invalid names: Meekella grandis King 1931 [synonym], Streptorhynchus pyramidalis Newberry 1861 [synonym]
Meekella pacifica Licharew and Kotlyar 1978
Meekella prionota Cooper and Grant 1974
Meekella procera Schellwien 1900
Meekella punjabica Reed 1944
Meekella sanheensis Liao and Meng 1986
Meekella sichuanensis Shen et al. 1992
Meekella skenoides Girty 1908
Invalid names: Meekella difficilis Girty 1908 [synonym]
Meekella storta Glushenko 1975
Meekella texana King 1931
Meekella timanica Tschernyschew 1902
Meekella ufensis Tschernyschew 1902
Meekella uncitoides Tschernyschew 1902
Meekella undulata Chang 1987
Meekella uralica Tschernyschew 1902
Meekella versiformis Shen et al. 1992
Meekella yanjiensis Lee and Gu 1980
Meekella zhejiangensis Liang 1982
Invalid names: Asiomeekella Liang 1990 [synonym], Gegenella [synonym], Parameekella He and Zhu 1985 [synonym]
G. †Meekellogeyerella Shen and Shi 2007
Meekellogeyerella meekelloides Shen and Shi 2007
G. †Niviconia Cooper and Grant 1974
Niviconia abrupta Cooper and Grant 1974
Niviconia globosa King 1931
G. †Orthothetina Schellwien 1900
Orthothetina azarjani Kotlyar 1989
Invalid names: Orthothetina flabellum Merla 1934 [synonym]
Orthothetina curvata Ustritsky 1960
Orthothetina deminuta Zhan 1979
Orthothetina dzhulfensis Sokolskaja 1965
Orthothetina ellipsoides Shen et al. 1992
Orthothetina elongata Nakamura 1972
Invalid names: Orthothetina rara Shen et al. 1992 [synonym]
Orthothetina emaciatus Jin and Ye 1979
Orthothetina eusarkos Abich 1878
Invalid names: Orthotetes armeniacus Arthaber 1900 [synonym]
Orthothetina frechi Huang 1933
Orthothetina gigantea Liang 1990
Orthothetina hayasakai Nakamura 1972
Orthothetina iljinae Sokolskaja 1965
Orthothetina kayseri Jaekel 1929
Orthothetina ladina Stache 1878
Orthothetina leei Thomas 1910
Invalid names: Orthothetina mianchuensis Lu 1982 [synonym]
Orthothetina neilsoni McIntosh 1974
Orthothetina peregrina Abich 1878
Orthothetina persica Schellwien 1900
Orthothetina planoconvexa Hayasaka 1933
Orthothetina polita Fliegel 1901
Orthothetina regularis Huang 1933
Orthothetina ruber Frech 1911
Orthothetina ruchae Yanagida and Nakornsri 1999
Invalid names: Orthothetina mutabilis Liang 1990 [synonym]
Orthothetina sokolskajae Kotlyar 1989
Orthothetina thomasi McIntosh 1974
Orthothetina transversa Nakamura 1972
Invalid names: Orthothetina exquisita Shen et al. 1992 [synonym]
Orthothetina vediensis Sokolskaja 1965
Invalid names: Lopingia Zhan 1979 [synonym]
G. †Paraorthotetina He and Zhu 1985
Paraorthotetina glausi Fantini Sestini and Glaus 1966
Perigeyerella chenxianensis Shen and Shi 2007
Invalid names: Perigeyerella minuta Liao 1987 [synonym]
Perigeyerella fastigiata Liao and Meng 1986
Invalid names: Perigeyerella altilosina Xu and Grant 1994 [synonym], Perigeyerella subpelargonatus Liang 1990 [synonym]
Perigeyerella guangxiensis Chen and Liao 2007
Perigeyerella miriae Verna and Angiolini 2011
Perigeyerella obesa Shen and Shi 2007
Perigeyerella raffaellae Angiolini 1999
Perigeyerella rutehiana Crippa and Angiolini 2012
Perigeyerella tricosa Grant 1976
G. †Sicelia Gortani and Merla 1934
Sicelia explicata Grant 1995
Sicelia merlai Greco 1938
No diagnoses are available