Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Araceae was named by de Jussieu (1789). It is extant. Its type is Aquaephyllum.
It was assigned to Monocotyledones by Chandler (1962) and Chandler (1964); to Spathiflorae by Hickey (1977); to Monocotyledones by Chandler (1978); to Arales by Knowlton (1919), Knowlton (1926), McIver and Basinger (1993) and Mabberley (2000); to Alismatales by Taylor et al. (2008), The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2016) and Puebla et al. (2019); and to Monocots by Perez Loinaze et al. (2023).
It was assigned to Monocotyledones by Chandler (1962) and Chandler (1964); to Spathiflorae by Hickey (1977); to Monocotyledones by Chandler (1978); to Arales by Knowlton (1919), Knowlton (1926), McIver and Basinger (1993) and Mabberley (2000); to Alismatales by Taylor et al. (2008), The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2016) and Puebla et al. (2019); and to Monocots by Perez Loinaze et al. (2023).
Acoropsis, Acorus, Anthuriophyllum, Araceaeites, Araceaepites, Araceophyllum, Aracispermum, Arecites, Arisaema, Arisaemites, Aronites, Aronium, Caladiosoma, Campylospermum, Cobbania, Colocasia, Colocasioideaepites, Lemnoideae, Monsteroideae, Natantisphyllum, Orontioideae, Pandaniidites, Peltandra, Pistia, Pistites, Porosia, Proxapertites, Thrinax, Typhonium
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1789 | Araceae de Jussieu |
1919 | Araceae Knowlton |
1926 | Araceae Knowlton |
1962 | Araceae Chandler p. 56 |
1964 | Araceae Chandler p. 101 |
1977 | Araceae Hickey |
1978 | Araceae Chandler p. 18 |
1993 | Araceae McIver and Basinger |
2000 | Araceae Mabberley |
2008 | Araceae Taylor et al. p. 1029 |
2016 | Araceae The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group p. 15 |
2019 | Araceae Puebla et al. p. 3 |
2023 | Araceae Perez Loinaze et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Fm. Araceae de Jussieu 1789
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G. Acorus Linnaeus 1753 [calamus]
†Acorus affinis Lesquereux 1873
†Acorus brachystachys Heer 1870
Acorus calamus Linnaeus 1753
G. †Araceaepites Biswas 1962
†Araceaepites conditi Biswas 1962
†Araceaepites microgranulata Biswas 1962
†Araceaepites nagappae Biswas 1962
G. †Aracispermum Nikitin
†Aracispermum arnense Chandler 1962
†Aracispermum hippuriformis Nikitin 1965
G. †Arisaemites Knowlton 1896
G. Colocasia Schott
G. †Colocasioideaepites Biswas 1962
†Colocasioideaepites benstonei Biswas 1962
†Colocasioideaepites kamrupensis Biswas 1962
†Colocasioideaepites kingstoni Biswas 1962
†Colocasioideaepites nymphaeaceaeformis Biswas 1962
†Colocasioideaepites sellingii Biswas 1962
†Colocasioideaepites simsangensis Biswas 1962
Subfm. Lemnoideae Babington 1843
Subfm. †Orontioideae Mayo et al. 1997
G. Pistia Linnaeus 1753 [water cabbage]
†Pistia claibornensis Berry 1914
†Pistia corrugata Lesquereux 1874
†Pistia nordenskioeldi Heer 1874
Pistia spathulata Michaux 1803
Pistia stratiotes Linnaeus 1753
†Pistia wilcoxensis Berry 1916
G. †Proxapertites Van der Hammen 1956
†Proxapertites cursus van Hoeken-Klinkenberg 1966
†Proxapertites humbertoides Van der Hammen 1954
†Proxapertites magnus Müller et al. 1987
†Proxapertites maracaiboensis Muller 1987
†Proxapertites operculatus Van der Hammen 1956
†Proxapertites psilatus Sarmiento 1992
†Proxapertites tertiaria Van der Hammen and Garcia de Mutis 1966
†Proxapertites verrucatus Sarmiento 1992
G. Typhonium Schott 1829
No diagnoses are available