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Acanthopterygii was named as a superorder. It is extant.
It was reranked as the suborder Acanthopterygii by Woodward (1902); it was reranked as the order Acanthopterygii by Jaekel (1911).
It was assigned to Actinopterygii by Woodward (1902); to Teleostea by Jaekel (1911); to Ostariophysi by Jordan (1963); to Acanthomorpha by Nolf and Dockery (1990) and Forey et al. (2003); to Actinopterygii by Martinelli and Forasiepi (2004); to Teleostei by Nelson (2006); to Euteleosteii by Long (2011); and to Euteleostei by Bannikov (2014), Nelson et al. (2016) and Ebersole et al. (2024).
It was reranked as the suborder Acanthopterygii by Woodward (1902); it was reranked as the order Acanthopterygii by Jaekel (1911).
It was assigned to Actinopterygii by Woodward (1902); to Teleostea by Jaekel (1911); to Ostariophysi by Jordan (1963); to Acanthomorpha by Nolf and Dockery (1990) and Forey et al. (2003); to Actinopterygii by Martinelli and Forasiepi (2004); to Teleostei by Nelson (2006); to Euteleosteii by Long (2011); and to Euteleostei by Bannikov (2014), Nelson et al. (2016) and Ebersole et al. (2024).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1832 | Acanthoessus Agassiz p. 149 |
1902 | Acanthoessus Hay p. 273 |
1902 | Acanthopterygii Woodward p. 3 |
1911 | Acanthopterygii Jaekel p. 95 |
1963 | Acanthoessus Jordan p. 591 |
1963 | Acanthopterygii Jordan p. 671 |
1990 | Acanthopterygii Nolf and Dockery III p. 8 |
2003 | Acanthopterygii Forey et al. p. 229 |
2004 | Acanthopterygii Martinelli and Forasiepi p. 260 |
2006 | Acanthopterygii Nelson |
2011 | Acanthopterygii Long p. 243 |
2014 | Acanthopterygii Bannikov p. 26 |
2016 | Acanthopterygii Nelson et al. p. 302 |
2024 | Acanthopterygii Ebersole et al. p. 13 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Superor. Acanthopterygii
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G. †Caprosimilis Bienkowska-Wasiluk and Bonde 2015
†Caprosimilis carpathicus Bienkowska-Wasiluk and Bonde 2015
Or. Cataphracti Jordan 1963
Unr. Cottiformes
Invalid names: Abyssocottidae [empty], Ascelichthyidae [empty], Aspidophoroididae [empty], Blepsiidae [empty], Comephoridae [empty], Cottocomerphoridae [empty], Hemitripteridae [empty], Icelidae [empty], Neophrynichthyidae [empty], Synchridae [empty]
Unr. Hexagrammiformes
Fm. Ophiodontidae
Invalid names: Anoplopomidae [empty], Erilepidae [empty], Oxylebiidae [empty]
Invalid names: Platycephaliformes Jordan 1963 [empty], Trigliformes [empty]
Or. †Labyrinthici
Invalid names: Cirrhitoidei [empty], Helostomidae [empty], Luciocephalidae [empty], Ophicephalidae [empty], Polyacanthidae [empty]
G. †Pepemkay Alvarado-Ortega and Than-Marchese 2013
†Pepemkay maya Alvarado-Ortega and Than-Marchese 2013
Unr. Percomorpha
G. †Kelemejtubus Cantalice and Alvarado-Ortega 2017
†Kelemejtubus castroi Cantalice and Alvarado-Ortega 2017
G. †Nardoichthys Sorbini and Bannikov 1992
Unr. Ovalentaria Smith and Near 2012
G. †Cylindracanthus Leidy 1856
†Cylindracanthus acus Cope 1870
†Cylindracanthus bisulcatus Arambourg and Joleaud 1943
†Cylindracanthus gigas Woodward 1888
†Cylindracanthus isnusris Udovichenko and Nessov 1987
†Cylindracanthus ornatus Leidy 1856
†Cylindracanthus rectus Agassiz 1843
Or. Istiophoriformes
Fm. Istiophoridae
G. †Hemirhabdorhynchus Casier 1946
G. Istiophorus Lacépède 1802
Invalid names: Brachyrhynchus Van Beneden 1871 [synonym], Encheiziphius Rutimeyer 1857 [synonym]
G. Makaira Lacépède 1802
G. †Marlina Grey 1928
G. Tetrapturus Rafinesque 1810
Invalid names: Istiophorus solidus Van Beneden 1871 [invalid subgroup]
Fm. Sphyraenidae [barracuda]
G. †Parasphyraena Switchenska 1968
G. Sphyraena Artedi 1793 [barracuda]
Fm. Xiphiidae Swainson 1839 [sword fish]
G. †Embalorhynchus Marsh 1869
G. †Glyptorhynchus Leriche
Subfm. Xiphiinae Swainson 1839
Subfm. †Xiphiorhynchinae Regan 1909
G. †Xiphiorhynchus Van Beneden 1871
Unr. Trachiniformes
Fm. Ammodytidae
G. Ammodytes Linnaeus 1758
G. †Ammodytidarum Bonaparte 1832
G. †Gymnammodytes Duncker and Mohr 1935
G. Hyperoplus Guenther 1862
Fm. Leptoscopidae
G. †Awamoa Schwarzhans 2019
G. Leptoscopus Gill 1859
G. Lesueurina Fowler 1908
G. †Neopercis Steindachner 1884
G. †Waitahana Schwarzhans 2019
Invalid names: Cheimarrhichthyidae [empty], Trichonotidae [empty]
Invalid names: Gobiesociformes [empty], Grammatidae [empty], Moroniformes [empty], Scombrolabraciformes [empty]
Invalid names: Ophidiida [empty], Pelagia Miya et al. 2013 [empty]
Invalid names: Acanthoessus Agassiz 1832 [nomen nudum], Aulostomi Cuvier [empty], Cetomimiformes [empty], Euacanthopterygii Johnson and Patterson 1993 [empty], Hypostomides [empty], Xenoberyces [empty], Zeoidei [empty]
No diagnoses are available