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Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida

Cryptonelloidea was named by Thomson (1926) [Nom. transl. Stehli (1965, p. 762) from Cryptonelline Thomson (1926)].

It was assigned to Terebratulidina by Williams et al. (2006).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1926Cryptonelloidea Thomson
2006Cryptonelloidea Williams et al. p. 2019

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumRhynchonelliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classRhynchonellataWilliams et al. 1996
superfamilyCryptonelloideaThomson 1926
superfamilyCryptonelloideaThomson 1926

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Superfm. †Cryptonelloidea Thomson 1926
show all | hide all
Fm. †Cimicinellidae Stehli 1965
Fm. †Cranaenidae Cloud 1942
Subfm. †Afilasmatinae Williams et al. 2006
G. †Afilasma Stehli 1961
Afilasma beecheri Stehli 1961
Subfm. †Cranaeninae Thomson 1926
G. †Anomalesia Cooper and Grant 1976
Anomalesia perplexa Cooper and Grant 1976
G. †Cranaena Hall and Clarke 1893
Cranaena circularis Easton 1962
Cranaena concava Campbell and Engel 1963
Cranaena dorsisulcata Carter 1967
Cranaena globosa Weller 1914
Cranaena hannibalensis Moore 1928
Cranaena lincklaeni Hall 1860
Cranaena romingeri Hall 1863
Cranaena sullivanti Hall 1867
Cranaena texana Carter 1967
Invalid names: Eunella Hall and Clarke 1894 [synonym]
G. †Hamburgia
Hamburgia chappelensis Carter 1967
G. †Planothyris Glushenko 1975
Planothyris idonea Glushenko 1975
G. †Pontielasma Waterhouse and Piyasin 1970
Pontielasma praeundatum Waterhouse and Piyasin 1970
Subfm. †Girtyellinae Stehli 1965
G. †Eremithyris Brügge 1973
Eremithyris muhlbergensis Brügge 1973
G. †Girtyella Weller 1911
Girtyella cedarensis Weller 1914
Girtyella sacculus Sowerby 1825
G. †Harttella
Fm. †Cryptonellidae Thomson 1926
Subfm. †Cryptonellinae Thomson 1926
G. †Booralia
Booralia burnettensis Maxwell 1964
Booralia ovata Campbell 1961
Cryptonella circula Walcott 1884
Cryptonella ovalis Miller 1891
Cryptonella pinonensis Walcott 1884
Dielasmella larga Carter 1967
G. †Gacina Stehli 1961
Gacina moorefieldensis Stehli 1961
G. †Heterelasma Girty 1909
Heterelasma angulatum Cooper and Grant 1976
Heterelasma biplexiforme Schréter 1963
Heterelasma concavum Cooper and Grant 1976
Heterelasma contortum Cooper and Grant 1976
Heterelasma contrerasi Cooper 1953
Heterelasma geniculatum Stehli 1954
Heterelasma gibbosum Cooper and Grant 1976
Heterelasma glansfagea Cooper and Grant 1976
Heterelasma leganyii Schréter 1963
Heterelasma lenticularia Stehli 1954
Heterelasma magnum Cooper and Grant 1976
Heterelasma pentagonum Cooper and Grant 1976
Heterelasma quadratum Cooper and Grant 1976
Heterelasma solidum Cooper and Grant 1976
Heterelasma sulciplicatum Cooper and Grant 1976
Heterelasma venustulum Girty 1909
G. †Texarina Cooper and Grant 1970
Texarina elongata Cooper and Grant 1976
Texarina oblongata Cooper and Grant 1969
Texarina parallela Cooper and Grant 1976
Texarina paucula Cooper and Grant 1976
Texarina solita Cooper and Grant 1976
Texarina wordensis King 1931
Invalid names: Texasia Cooper and Grant 1969 [replaced]
Fm. †Labaiidae Licharew 1960
G. †Labaia Licharew 1956
Labaia aplata Liang 1990
Labaia muirwoodae Licharew 1956
Fm. †Notothyrididae Licharew 1960
G. †Alwynia
G. †Chondronia Cooper and Grant 1976
Chondronia bella Cooper and Grant 1976
Chondronia hiroshimensis Yanagida and Nishikawa 1984
Chondronia ningula Cooper and Grant 1976
Chondronia obesa Cooper and Grant 1976
Chondronia ovalis Cooper and Grant 1976
Chondronia parva Cooper and Grant 1976
Chondronia rectimarginata Cooper and Grant 1976
Subfm. †Cryptacanthiinae Stehli 1965
G. †Anadyrella Dagys 1974
Anadyrella infrequens Dagys 1974
Anadyrella maquensis Jin et al. 1979
G. †Anaptychius Hoover 1981
Anaptychius minutus Hoover 1981
G. †Cryptacanthia White and St John 1867
Cryptacanthia compacta White and St John 1867
Cryptacanthia glabra Cooper and Grant 1976
Cryptacanthia indica Reed 1944
Cryptacanthia permiana Licharew 1936
Cryptacanthia timanica Licharew 1936
Glossothyropsis carinata Cooper and Grant 1976
Glossothyropsis cryptacanthoides Cooper and Grant 1976
Glossothyropsis immatura Cooper and Grant 1976
Glossothyropsis juvenis Cooper and Grant 1976
Glossothyropsis magna Cooper 1953
Glossothyropsis polita Cooper and Grant 1976
Glossothyropsis rectangulata Cooper and Grant 1976
Glossothyropsis sinuata Stehli 1954
Glossothyropsis superba Cooper and Grant 1976
G. †Obnixia Hoover 1979
Obnixia thaynesiana Girty 1927
G. †Enallosia Cooper and Grant 1976
Enallosia elongata Sun 1991
Enallosia rotundovata Cooper and Grant 1976
G. †Gefonia Licharew 1936
Gefonia bifrons Reed 1944
Gefonia carinata Jin and Ye 1979
Gefonia cubanica Licharew 1936
Gefonia emerita Reed 1931
Gefonia improvisa Koczyrkevicz 1983
Gefonia levis Licharew 1936
Gefonia licharewi Smirnova 2007
Gefonia mimicusa Liang 1990
Invalid names: Gefonia nola Liang 1990 [synonym]
Gefonia plicata Licharew 1936
Gefonia sinuata Zhang 1983
Gefonia warthiformis Grabau 1934
G. †Levinotothyris Smirnova 2007
Levinotothyris rotunda Smirnova 2007
Levinotothyris salomonense Gemmellaro 1899
G. †Notothyrina Licharew 1936
Notothyrina pontica Licharew 1936
G. †Notothyris Waagen 1882
Notothyris acuta Reed 1944
Notothyris berkeyi Grabau 1931
Notothyris bifoldes Xu and Grant 1994
Notothyris buriensis Reed 1944
Notothyris crassa Reed 1944
Notothyris daudensis Reed 1944
Notothyris depressus Liao 1987
Notothyris djoulfensis Abich 1878
Notothyris duplicata Reed 1944
Notothyris gillilandensis Cooper and Grant 1976
Notothyris gojraensis Reed 1944
Notothyris hexeris Waterhouse 1981
Notothyris inflata Waagen 1882
Notothyris irregularis Grabau 1931
Notothyris jalaidensis Lee and Su 1980
Notothyris lenticularis Waagen 1882
Notothyris liangshuikouensis Zhao and Tan 1984
Notothyris lochardi Mansuy 1916
Notothyris lucida Reed 1944
Notothyris minuta Waagen 1882
Notothyris multiplicata Waagen 1882
Notothyris nucleolus Kutorga 1842
Notothyris orthosinus Liang 1990
Notothyris planiplicata Cooper and Grant 1976
Notothyris polaris Tschernyschew and Stepanow 1916
Notothyris praelecta Reed 1944
Notothyris revocata Reed 1944
Notothyris riparia Reed 1944
Notothyris sakagami Yanagida and Nakornsri 1999
Notothyris sarinensis Reed 1944
Notothyris simplex Waagen 1882
Notothyris subnucleolus Zhang and Jin 1961
Notothyris subpentagona Grabau 1934
Notothyris subvesicularis Davidson 1862
Notothyris triplax Grant 1976
Notothyris triplicata Diener 1897
Notothyris uralica Tschernyschew 1902
Notothyris venusta Cooper and Grant 1976
Notothyris waageni Schréter 1963
Notothyris walkeri Diener 1903
Notothyris warthi Waagen 1882
Notothyris warthi bukkensis Schréter 1963
G. †Pseudorostranteris Glushenko 1975
G. †Rostranteris Gemmellaro 1899
Notothyris ovalis Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris adrianense Gemmellaro 1894
Rostranteris bachmutiensis Glushenko 1975
Rostranteris charymdarensis Smirnova and Grunt 2002
Rostranteris exile Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris gemmellaroi Smirnova and Grunt 2002
Rostranteris gibbosum Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris guttula Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris inflatum Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris jakovlevi Glushenko 1975
Rostranteris merriami Cooper 1957
Rostranteris ovaleformis Smirnova 2001
Rostranteris ptychiventria Xu and Grant 1994
Rostranteris pulchrum Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris sinuatum Gemmellaro 1899
Rostranteris sulcatum Cooper 1957
Rostranteris trispinus Glushenko 1975
G. †Timorina Stehli 1961
Timorina attenuata Cooper and Grant 1976
Timorina broili Stehli 1961
Timorina ovata Girty 1909
Invalid names: Xenocryptonella [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitep
Environment: marineuc
Locomotion: stationaryo
Attached: yesp
Life habit: low-level epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Created: 2004-02-28 14:14:12
Modified: 2018-11-10 17:47:38
Source: o = order, c = class, p = phylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Nesnidal et al. 2013, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Lochkovian to the top of the Lutetian or 419.20000 to 41.30000 Ma

Collections (993 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Spain (Palencia) Cryptonella minor (40347)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Morocco Cimicinella sp. (13938)
Devonian419.2 - 358.9USA (Alaska) Cranaena romingeri (111909) Eunella sp. (112326)
Pragian410.8 - 407.6Czech Republic (Prague) Cryptonella melonica (12071)
Early/Lower Emsian409.1 - 402.5Argentina Cryptonella baini (25561)
Early/Lower Emsian409.1 - 402.5Germany (Eifel) Cryptonella rhenana (24633)
Emsian407.6 - 393.3Canada (Nunavut) Cranaena sp. (26615 26616 26617)
Emsian407.6 - 393.3Brazil (Parana) Cryptonella sp. (37080 37082)
Emsian407.6 - 393.3Germany (Hessen) Cryptonella sp. (38349)
Emsian407.6 - 393.3Bolivia (Cochabamba) Cryptonella baini (36076)

Youngest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state PBDB collection number
Spathian251.3 - 247.2USA (Utah) Obnixia sp. (44569) Obnixia thaynesiana (72294 109733 109736 109751 109752 156093)
Olenekian251.2 - 247.2USA (Arizona) Obnixia thaynesiana (109768)
Olenekian251.2 - 247.2USA (Idaho) Obnixia thaynesiana (109730 109735 109737 109738 109740 109741 109745)
Olenekian251.2 - 247.2USA (Nevada) Obnixia thaynesiana (109732 109757)
Olenekian251.2 - 247.2USA (Wyoming) Obnixia thaynesiana (109734 109746 109747 109748)
Olenekian251.2 - 247.2USA (Utah) Obnixia thaynesiana (109749 109753 109769 109771)
Olenekian251.2 - 247.2USA (California) Terebratula thaynesiana, Obnixia thaynesiana (109758)
Norian228.0 - 208.5Russian Federation Anadyrella infrequens (128027 128163)
Early/Lower Coniacian89.3 - 85.8Brazil Texasia sp. (140901)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3USA (Virginia) Petria sp. (1448)