Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Stylopidia was named by Kinzelbach (1969). It is extant.
It was reranked as the unranked clade Stylopidia by Engel (2016).
It was assigned to Strepsiptera by Kinzelbach and Lutz (1985), Kinzelbach (1990), Kinzelbach and Pohl (1994) and Kathirithamby and Engel (2014); and to Eustrepsiptera by Engel (2016).
It was reranked as the unranked clade Stylopidia by Engel (2016).
It was assigned to Strepsiptera by Kinzelbach and Lutz (1985), Kinzelbach (1990), Kinzelbach and Pohl (1994) and Kathirithamby and Engel (2014); and to Eustrepsiptera by Engel (2016).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1969 | Stylopidia Kinzelbach |
1985 | Stylopidia Kinzelbach and Lutz p. 600 |
1990 | Stylopidia Kinzelbach p. 301 |
1994 | Stylopidia Kinzelbach and Pohl |
2014 | Stylopidia Kathirithamby and Engel p. 386 |
2016 | Stylopidia Engel p. 164 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. Stylopidia Kinzelbach 1969
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Unr. Corioxeniformia Kinzelbach 1990
Fm. Corioxenidae Kinzelbach 1970
G. †Eocenoxenos Henderickx and Bosselaers 2013
†Eocenoxenos palintropos Henderickx and Bosselaers 2013
Invalid names: Corioxenoidea Kinzelbach 1970 [empty]
Unr. Stylopiformia Kinzelbach 1971
Fm. Bohartillidae Kinzelbach 1969
G. Bohartilla Kinzelbach 1969
†Bohartilla joachimscheveni Kinzelbach and Pohl 1994
†Bohartilla kinzelbachi Kathirithamby and Grimaldi 1993
Bohartilla megalognatha Kinzelbach 1969
Fm. †Protelencholacidae Pohl and Beutel 2005
Superfm. Stylopoidea Kirby 1813
Unr. Hymenophagida Engel 2016
Fm. Myrmecolacidae Saunders 1872
G. Caenocholax Pierce 1909
†Caenocholax barkleyi Antell and Kathirithamby 2016
†Caenocholax brodzinskyi Kathirithamby and Grimaldi 1993
†Caenocholax comperei Kogan and Poinar 2019
†Caenocholax debachi Kogan and Poinar 2019
†Caenocholax dominicensis Kathirithamby and Grimaldi 1993
†Caenocholax flandersi Kogan and Poinar 2019
†Caenocholax groehni Kathirithamby and Henderickx 2008
†Caenocholax mcmurtryi Kogan and Poinar 2019
†Caenocholax palusaxus Antell and Kathirithamby 2016
G. Myrmecolax Westwood 1861
†Myrmecolax glaesi Kinzelbach 1983
†Myrmecolax hageni Kogan and Poinar 2019
†Myrmecolax huffakeri Kogan and Poinar 2019
G. †Palaeomyrmecolax Kulicka 2001
†Palaeomyrmecolax giecewiczi Kulicka 2001
†Palaeomyrmecolax gracilis Kulicka 2001
†Palaeomyrmecolax neotropicallis Kogan and Poinar 2010
†Palaeomyrmecolax succineus Kulicka 2001
†Palaeomyrmecolax triangulum Pohl and Kinzelbach 1995
†Palaeomyrmecolax weitschati Kinzelbach and Pohl 1994
G. Stichotrema Hofeneder 1910
Stichotrema beckeri de Oliveira and Kogan 1959
Invalid names: Stichotrema trilobulata Brailovsky 1974 [synonym]
†Stichotrema dominicanum Kinzelbach and Pohl 1994
†Stichotrema doutti Kogan and Poinar 2019
†Stichotrema schlingeri Kogan and Poinar 2019
†Stichotrema vandenboschi Kogan and Poinar 2019
Invalid names: Bohartilloidea Kinzelbach 1969 [invalid subgroup]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: c = class, p = phylum | |||||
References: Kiessling 2004, Bush and Bambach 2015 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the MP 11 to the top of the Holocene or 48.60000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 47.8 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 47.8 Ma
Collections (20 total)
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Ypresian | USA (Colorado) | Caenocholax palusaxus (182249) | |
Ypresian | China (Liaoning) | Kronomyrmecolax fushunicus (125934) | |
MP 11 | Germany (Hessen) | Stichotrema sp. (120798) | |
Lutetian | Germany (Sachsen-Anhalt) | Pseudococcites eocaenicus (155693) | |
Uintan | USA (Colorado) | Caenocholax barkleyi (182250) | |
Priabonian | Poland | Palaeomyrmecolax succineus, Palaeomyrmecolax giecewiczi, Palaeomyrmecolax gracilis, Jantarostylops kinzelbachi (120813) | |
Priabonian | Russian Federation (Kaliningrad) | Myrmecolacidae indet. (124580) Stichotrema triangulum (124201) Stichotrema weitschati (123760) Stichotrema weitschati, Caenocholax groehni (110735) Stylops neotropicallis, Palaeomyrmecolax succineus (125139) | |
Priabonian | Russian Federation | Eocenoxenos palintropos (123930) | |
Burdigalian - Langhian | Dominican Republic | Caenocholax sp., Caenocholax dominicensis, Caenocholax brodzinskyi, Elencholax clauseni, Caenocholax debachi, Caenocholax flandersi, Caenocholax mcmurtryi, Stichotrema schlingeri, Stichotrema doutti, Stichotrema vandenboschi, Myrmecolax huffakeri, Myrmecolax hageni, Lychnocolax legneri, Cryptelencholax poinari (122472) Myrmecolax glaesi, Bohartilla joachimscheveni (120817) Myrmecolax glaesi, Bohartilla kinzelbachi, Bohartilla megalognatha, Caenocholax dominicensis, Caenocholax brodzinskyi (122982) Protelencholax schleei (122474) Stichotrema beckeri (146557 160250) Stichotrema dominicanum, Bohartilla joachimscheveni, Stichotrema beckeri (124846) | |
Holocene | Dominican Republic | Caenocholax comperei (140259) |