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Trilobita - Ptychopariida

Kochaspis was named by Resser (1935) [Sepkoski's age data: Cm Tojo-l Cm lMid Sepkoski's reference number: 464,474]. Its type is Crepicephalus liliana.

It was assigned to Ptychoparioidea by Palmer (1954); to Ptychopariidae by Jell and Adrain (2002); to Ptychopariida by Palmer and Halley (1979) and Sepkoski (2002); and to Ptychopariacea by Sundberg and McCollum (2003).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1935Paleocrepicephalus Kobayashi p. 277
1935Kochaspis Resser p. 36
1954Kochaspis Palmer p. 79
1979Kochaspis Palmer and Halley p. 105
2002Kochaspis Jell and Adrain p. 393
2002Kochaspis Sepkoski
2003Kochaspis Sundberg and McCollum p. 345

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumArtiopoda(Hou and Bergstrom)
classTrilobitaWalch 1771
orderPtychopariidaSwinnerton 1915
suborderPtychopariinaRichter 1933
superfamilyPtychoparioidea(Matthew 1887)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Kochaspis Resser 1935
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Kochaspis cooperi Lochman 1952
Kochaspis gogensis Walcott 1917
Kochaspis liliana Walcott 1886
Invalid names: Kochaspis highlandensis Resser 1935 [synonym]
Kochaspis nevadensis Resser 1935
Kochaspis unzia Walcott 1916
Kochaspis upis Walcott 1916
Invalid names: Paleocrepicephalus Kobayashi 1935 [synonym]
A. R. Palmer 1954Cranidium subquadrate in outline, gently to moderately rounded anteriorly. Glabella well de- fined by dorsal furrow, straight sided or with sides slightly bowed outward, tapered forward, bluntly rounded anteriorly. Three pairs of deep glabellar fur- rows present. Occipital furrow deep. Occipital ring gently to moderately arched upward. Frontal area with distinct brim and border; border gently arched upward; marginal furrow shallow on midline, broad, deep distally. Width of fixed cheeks more than one- half width of glabella; prominent ocular ridges present. Palpebral lobes situated opposite middle third of gla- bella, poorly defined by shallow palpebral furrow. Length of posterior limbs about equal to width of glabella at occipital furrow; marginal furrow deep. Anterior course of facial suture nearly straight forward from palpebral lobe; posterior course divergent from longitudinal cranidial axis.
Free cheek and thorax unknown.
Pygidium, excluding spines, subquadrate in outline. Axial lobe prominent, distinctly furrowed, variable in length; width slightly more than one-half width of pleural lobes. Pleural segments coalesced distally to form a pair of posteriorly directed marginal spines.
Outer surface of carapace covered with scattered large granules; inner surface smooth
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitec
Composition 2: chitinc
Entire body: yesg
Adult length: 10 to < 100g
Adult width: 10 to < 100g
Spines: majorg
Ontogeny: molting, addition of partsc
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: fast-movingc
Life habit: low-level epifaunalc
Diet: deposit feedersubo
Comments: BODY SIZE: Data from Harrington et al. (1959).g
Created: 2009-06-10 08:28:55
Modified: 2009-06-10 10:28:55
Source: g = genus, subo = suborder, c = class
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Hendy 2009, Fortey and Owens 1999

Age range: base of the St Davids to the top of the Merioneth or 509.00000 to 485.40000 Ma

Collections (19 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5Canada (British Columbia) Ptychoparia gogensis (225278)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5USA (Nevada) K. liliana (149562 149563)
Delamaran - Menevian511.2 - 499.5Mexico K. sp. (10687)
St Davids509.0 - 497.0USA (Nevada) K. liliana (50098 50100 50101 50106 50110 50112 50115 50297 50300 50326 50334) K. sp. (50103 50298)
Menevian504.5 - 499.5USA (Idaho) K. maladensis (50208)
Merioneth497.0 - 485.4USA (Idaho) K. sp. (198)