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Cirripedia (barnacle)


Synonymy list
YearName and author
1816Cirripedia Rafinesque
1904Cirripedia Martin p. 94
1983Cirrhipedia Wilson p. 486
2001Cirripedia Martin and Davis p. 58
2002Cirripedia Sepkoski
2003Cirripedia Kiessling
2013Cirripedia Oakley et al.
2018Cirripedia Collareta et al. p. 15
2020Cirripedia Hegna et al. p. 37
2021Cirripedia Chan et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
PancrustaceaZrzavý and Štys 1997
subphylumCrustaceaBrünnich 1772
classThecostraca(Gruvel 1905)
subclassCirripedia(Rafinesque 1816)
subclassCirripedia(Rafinesque 1816)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subcl. Cirripedia Rafinesque 1816 [barnacle]
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Infracl. Acrothoracica Gruvel 1905
Or. Cryptophialida Kolbasov et al. 2009
Fm. Cryptophialidae Gerstaecker 1866
G. Australophialus Tomlinson 1969
G. Cryptophialus Darwin 1854
Or. Lithoglyptida Kolbasov et al. 2009
Fm. Lithoglyptidae Aurivillius 1892
Subfm. Berndtiinae Utinomi 1950
G. Berndtia Utinomi 1950
G. Weltneria Berndt 1907
Subfm. Kochlorininae Gruvel 1905
G. Kochlorine Noll 1875
G. Kochlorinopsis Stubbings 1967
Subfm. Lithoglyptinae Aurivillius 1892
G. Auritoglyptes Kolbasov and Newman 2005
G. Balanodytes Utinomi 1950
G. Lithoglyptes Aurivillius 1892
Fm. Trypetesidae Stebbing 1910
G. Tomlinsonia Turquier 1985
G. Trypetesa Norman 1903
Trypetesa caveata Tomlinson 1963
Trypetesa lampas Hancock 1849
Invalid names: Alcippe Hancock 1849 [replaced], Alcippoides Strand 1928 [replaced]
Invalid names: Apygophora Berndt 1907 [synonym], Pygophora Berndt 1907 [synonym]
Fm. †Zapfellidae Saint-Seine 1954
G. †Brachyzapfes Codez and de Saint-Seine 1958
Brachyzapfes elliptica Codez 1957
G. †Simonizapfes Codez and de Saint-Seine 1958
Simonizapfes elongata Codez 1957
G. †Zapfella Saint-Seine 1956
Zapfella patei Saint-Seine 1954
Invalid names: Rodgerellidae Codez and Saint-Seine 1958 [empty]
G. †Bassettina Hodges 1995
G. †Chitobalanus de Gregorio 1930
Chitobalanus minusculus de Gregorio 1930
G. †Corobalanus de Gregorio 1930
Corobalanus problematicus de Gregorio 1930
Fm. †Ctenaenigmatidae Novojilov 1955
G. †Ctenaenigma Novojilov 1955
Ctenaenigma tuvaense Novojilov 1955
G. Ilba
Infracl. Rhizocephala Müller 1862
Fm. Chthamalophilidae Bocquet-Vedrine 1961
G. Bocquetia Pawlik 1987
G. Boschmaella Bocquet-Vedrine 1957
G. Chthamalophilus Bocquet-Vedrine 1957
Chthamalophilus delagei Bocquet-Vedrine 1957
Fm. Clistosaccidae Lilljeborg 1861
G. Clistosaccus Lilljeborg 1861
Clistosaccus paguri Lilljeborg 1861
G. Sylon Kroeyer 1855
Sylon hippolytes Sars 1870
Fm. Duplorbidae Høeg and Rybakov 1992
G. Duplorbis Smith 1906
Fm. Mycetomorphidae Høeg and Rybakov 1992
G. Mycetomorpha Potts 1912
Fm. Parthenopeidae Rybakov and Høeg 2013
G. Parthenopea Kossman 1874
Fm. Peltogasterellidae Høeg and Glenner 2019
G. Angulosaccus Reinhard 1944
G. Boschmaia Reinhard 1958
G. Cyphosaccus Reinhard 1958
G. Peltogasterella Krüger 1912
Fm. Peltogastridae Lilleborg 1861
G. Briarosaccus Boschma 1930
G. Dipterosaccus van Kampen and Boschma 1925
G. Galatheascus Boschma 1929
G. Lernaeodiscus Mueller 1862
G. Ommatogaster Yoshida and Osawa 2011
G. Paratriangulus Høeg and Glenner 2019
G. Peltogaster Rathke 1843
Peltogaster paguri Lilljeborg 1862
G. Pterogaster Van Baal 1937
G. Septodiscus Van Baal 1937
G. Septosaccus Duboscq 1912
G. Temnascus Boschma 1951
G. Tortugaster Reinhard 1948
G. Trachelosaccus Boschma 1928
G. †Triangulopsis Döring 1961
Triangulopsis discoidalis Döring 1961
Triangulopsis plicatus Singh and Kumar 1969
Triangulopsis varians Singh and Kumar 1969
Fm. Pirusaccidae Høeg and Glenner 2019
G. Pirusaccus Lützen 1985
Fm. Polyascidae Høeg and Glenner 2019
G. Parasacculina Høeg and Glenner 2019
G. Polyascus Glenner et al. 2003
Fm. Polysaccidae Lützen and Takahashi 1996
G. Polysaccus Høeg and Lützen 1993
Fm. Sacculinidae Lilleborg 1861
G. Drepanorchis Boschma 1927
G. Heterosaccus Smith 1906
G. Loxothylacus Boschma 1928
G. Ptychascus Boschma 1933
G. Sacculina Thompson 1836
Sacculina carcini Boschma 1955
G. Sesarmaxenos Annandale 1911
Fm. Thompsoniidae Høeg and Rybakov 1992
G. Diplothylacus Høeg and Lützen 1993
G. Jensia Boyko and Williams 2015
G. Thompsonia Kossmann 1873
Thompsonia globosa Kossmann 1873
G. Thylacoplethus Coutière 1902
Fm. Triangulidae Høeg and Glenner 2019
G. Triangulus Smith 1906
Invalid names: Akentrogonida Hafele 1911 [invalid subgroup], Kentrogonida Delage 1884 [invalid subgroup]
Infracl. Thoracica Darwin 1854
Or. Lepadiformes Buckeridge and Newman 2006
Invalid names: Heteralepadomorpha Newman 1987 [empty]
Superor. Phosphatothoracica Gale 2019
Or. †Eolepadomorpha Chan et al. 2021
Fm. †Eolepadidae Buckeridge 1983
G. †Eolepas Withers 1928
G. †Toarcolepas Gale and Schweigert 2015
Fm. †Praelepadidae Chernyshev 1930
G. †Illilepas Schram 1986
G. †Praelepas Chernyshev 1930
Or. Iblomorpha Buckeridge and Newman 2006
Fm. Iblidae Leach 1825
Subfm. Iblinae Leach 1825
Subfm. Neoiblinae Buckeridge and Newman 2006
Fm. Idioiblidae Buckeridge and Newman 2006
Subfm. Chaetolepadinae Buckeridge and Newman 2006
Subfm. Idioiblinae Buckeridge and Newman 2006
Superor. Thoracicalcarea Gale 2016
Or. †Archaeolepadomorpha Chan et al. 2021
Fm. †Archaeolepadidae Gale 2019
G. †Archaeolepas Zittel 1885
G. †Loriolepas Gale 2016
Fm. †Myolepadidae Gale 2015
G. †Bosquetlepas Gale 2015
G. †Myolepas Gale 2015
Fm. †Stramentidae Withers 1920
Subfm. †Loriculinae Gale 2016
Subfm. †Stramentinae Withers 1920
Or. Balanomorpha Pilsbry 1916
Superfm. Balanoidea Leach 1817
Fm. Balanidae Leach 1817
Invalid names: Archaeobalanidae Newman and Ross 1976 [synonym]
Fm. Pyrgomatidae Gray 1825 [coral barnacle]
Fm. †Brachylepadidae Woodward 1901
G. †Calvatilepas Gale and Vidovic 2023
G. †Crithmumlepas Gale and Vidovic 2023
G. †Epibrachylepas Gale 2014
G. †Fallaxlepas Gale 2020
G. †Parabrachylepas Gale 2014
Superfm. Chthamaloidea Darwin 1854
Fm. Catophragmidae Utinomi 1968
Fm. Chthamalidae Darwin 1854
Fm. Pachylasmatidae Utinomi 1968
Fm. Waikalasmatidae Ross and Newman 2001
Superfm. Coronuloidea Leach 1817
Fm. Austrobalanidae Newman and Ross 1976
Fm. Bathylasmatidae Newman and Ross 1971
Fm. Chelonibiidae Pilsbry 1916 [turtle barnacle]
Fm. Coronulidae Leach 1817 [whale barnacle]
Invalid names: Platylepadidae Newman and Ross 1976 [synonym]
Fm. Tetraclitidae Gruvel 1903
Invalid names: Tetraclitoidea Gruvel 1903 [synonym]
Superfm. Elminoidea Foster 1982
Fm. Elminidae Foster 1982
Infraor. Neobalanomorpha Gale 2014
Superfm. Chionelasmatoidea Buckeridge 1983
Invalid names: Pachylasmatoidea Pilsbry 1916 [empty]
Superfm. †Pachydiadematoidea Chan et al. 2021
Fm. †Pachydiadematidae Chan et al. 2021
Unr. Calamida Gale 2019
Subor. Lepadomorpha Gruvel 1905
Fm. †Cyprilepadidae Newman and Zullo 1969
G. †Rhamphoverritor Briggs et al. 2005
Or. Calanticomorpha Chan et al. 2021
Fm. Calanticidae Zevina 1978
G. Aurivillialepas Newman 1980
G. Calantica Gray 1825
G. Crosnieriella Jones 1998
G. Euscalpellum Hoek 1907
G. †Gruvelialepas Newman 1980
G. Newmanilepas Nevina and Yakhontova 1987
G. Paracalantica Utinomi 1958
G. Scillaelepas Seguenza 1872
G. Smilium Leach 1825
G. †Zeascalpellum Buckeridge 1983
Fm. †Cretiscalpellidae Buckeridge 1983
G. †Cretiscalpellum Withers 1922
G. †Jagtscalpellum Gale 2020
G. †Striascalpellum Gale 2020
G. †Witherscalpellum Gale 2020
G. †Pachyscalpellum Buckeridge 1991
Pachyscalpellum cramptoni Buckeridge 1991
Pachyscalpellum glauerti Withers 1926
Invalid names: Pollicipes aboriginalis Buckeridge 1983 [synonym]
Fm. †Titanolepadidae Gale 2015
G. †Ivoelepas Gale 2015
G. †Levelepas Gale 2015
G. †Titanolepas Withers 1913
Or. Pollicipomorpha Chan et al. 2021
Fm. Lithotryidae Gruvel 1905
G. Lithotrya Sowerby 1822
Fm. Pollicipedidae Gruvel 1905
G. Anelasma Darwin 1852
G. Capitulum Gray 1825
G. Pollicipes Leach 1817
Fm. †Zeugmatolepadidae Newman 2004
Subfm. †Martillepadinae Gale 2014
Subfm. †Zeugmatolepadinae Newman 1996
Or. Scalpellomorpha Newman 1987
Superfm. Lepadoidea Darwin 1852
Fm. Heteralepadidae Nilsson-Cantrell 1921
Fm. Lepadidae Darwin 1851
Fm. Malacolepadidae Hiro 1937
Fm. Poecilasmatidae Annandale 1909
Invalid names: Microlepadidae Zevina 1980 [synonym], Oxynaspididae Gruvel 1905 [synonym]
Fm. Rhizolepadidae Zevina 1980
Superfm. Neolepadoidea Yamaguchi et al. 2004
Fm. Neobrachylepadidae Newman and Yamaguchi 1995
Fm. Neolepadidae Yamaguchi et al. 2004
Fm. Neoverrucidae Newman 1989
Superfm. Scalpelloidea Pilsbry 1907
Fm. †Proverrucidae Newman 1989
Fm. Scalpellidae Pilsbry 1907
Unr. Sessilia Lamarck 1818
Invalid names: Brachylepadomorpha Withers 1923 [invalid subgroup]
Or. Verrucomorpha Pilsbry 1916
Fm. †Eoverrucidae Gale 2020
G. †Eoverruca Withers 1935
Fm. †Pycnolepadidae Gale and Vidovic 2023
G. †Faxelepas Gale 2014
G. †Pedupycnolepas Gale 2014
G. †Pycnolepas Withers 1914
Fm. Verrucidae Darwin 1854
G. Altiverruca Pilsbry 1916
G. Brochiverruca Zevina 1993
G. Cameraverruca Pilsbry 1916
G. Costatoverruca Young 1998
G. Cristallinaverruca Young 2002
G. Gibbosaverruca Young 2002
G. Globuloverruca Young 2004
G. Metaverruca Pilsbry 1916
G. Newmaniverruca Young 1998
G. †Priscoverruca Gale 2014
G. †Rostratoverruca Broch 1922
G. Spongoverruca Zevina 1987
G. Verruca Schumacher 1817
G. †Youngiverruca Gale 2014
Invalid names: Unilatera Gale 2019 [empty]
Invalid names: Pedunculata Lamarck 1818 [empty], Scalpelliformes Buckeridge and Newman 2006 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Locomotion: stationaryc
Attached: yesc
Epibiont: yesc
Life habit: epifaunalc
Diet: suspension feederc
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2008-03-04 07:51:33
Modified: 2011-06-14 02:28:17
Source: c = class
Reference: Kiessling 2004

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Darriwilian to the top of the Holocene or 467.30000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 458.4 Ma

Collections (1235 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Darriwilian467.3 - 458.4United Kingdom (Wales) Cirripedia indet. (230215)
Wenlock433.4 - 427.4United Kingdom Rhamphoverritor reduncus (68060)
Wenlock - Ludlow433.4 - 423.0USA (Tennessee) Cirripedia indet. (26817)
Ludfordian - Pridoli425.6 - 419.2USA (Oklahoma) Cirripedia indet. (26824)
Lochkovian - Pragian419.2 - 407.6Russian Federation Ctenaenigma sp. (26990)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7Russian Federation (Siberia) Ctenaenigma tuvaense (60392 60393)
Brigantian336.0 - 330.9USA (Alabama) Cirripedia indet. (6754 6755 6759)
Moscovian315.2 - 307.0USA (Illinois) Praelepas damrowi (132078)
Kasimovian307.0 - 303.7USA (Kansas) Trypetesa lampas (159905)
Missourian306.0 - 303.7USA (Ohio) Trypetesa caveata (159903 159904)
Missourian306.0 - 303.7USA (Texas) Trypetesa caveata (159900 159901 159902)
Gzhelian303.7 - 298.9USA (Kansas) Trypetesa caveata (159906 159907) Trypetesa lampas (159908)
Asselian298.9 - 295.5USA (Texas) Trypetesa caveata (159909)
Roadian272.3 - 268.8USA (Texas) Acrothoracica indet. (43553)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Italy Chitobalanus minusculus, Corobalanus problematicus (233340)
Pelsonian247.2 - 242.0Slovakia Cirripedia indet. (44913)
Late/Upper Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0Canada (British Columbia) Balanus sp. (53089)
Late/Upper Jurassic161.5 - 145.0China (Xizang) Cirripedia indet. (61421)
Late/Upper Jurassic161.5 - 145.0India (Madhya Pradesh) Triangulopsis plicatus (226734) Triangulopsis varians, Triangulopsis discoidalis (224685)
Late/Upper Jurassic - Early/Lower Cretaceous161.5 - 100.5India (Madhya Pradesh) Triangulopsis discoidalis (224642)