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Ostracoda - Podocopida - Bairdiidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1982Petasobairdia Chen
1985Praelobobairdia Kozur p. 66
1985Petasobairdia Kozur p. 69
1997Lanczichebairdia Gramm p. 63
2002Praelobobairdia Sepkoski
2008Praelobobairdia Chitnarin et al. p. 350
2008Petasobairdia Crasquin p. 249
2017Petasobairdia Chitnarin p. 668
2017Petasobairdia Forel
2018Petasobairdia Tanaka p. 17

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
PancrustaceaZrzavý and Štys 1997
Hymenostraca(Rolfe 1969)
superclassOligostracaZrzavý et al. 1997
subclassPodocopaSars 1865
orderPodocopidaSars 1866
suborderBairdiocopinaGrundel 1967
superfamilyBairdioidea(Sars 1888)
familyBairdiidaeSars 1888
genusPetasobairdiaChen 1982

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Petasobairdia Chen 1982
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Petasobairdia campbelli Chitnarin 2017
Petasobairdia collini Forel 2011
Petasobairdia crassa Kristan-Tollmann 1970
Petasobairdia kozuri Crasquin-Soleau 1998
Petasobairdia ophistocerata Kristan-Tollmann 1978
Invalid names: Lanczichebairdia Gramm 1997 [synonym], Praelobobairdia Kozur 1985 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
carapace height170.6150.4701.180.5520.195
shell height10.460----
valve height70.5200.3551.000.5380.237

Composition: low Mg calcitec
Environment: hypersaline, marine, brackish, freshwaterc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: detritivoreo
Diet 2: grazero
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2010-02-05 02:00:00
Modified: 2010-02-23 23:16:56
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Jell and Adrain 2002, Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Sakmarian to the top of the Sevatian or 293.52000 to 205.60000 Ma

Collections (116 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Sakmarian293.52 - 290.1Japan P. sp. (197662)
Roadian272.3 - 268.8Thailand P. campbelli (223964) P. sp. (223970) P. subnantongensis (137906 223962 223963)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Thailand P. subnantongensis, P. campbelli (223976) Praelobobairdia silentiformis (87199 87204)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51Russian Federation Lanczichebairdia koczyrkeviczi (124401) Lanczichebairdia sp. (124390) P. bicornuta (124391) P. sp., Lanczichebairdia koczyrkeviczi (124400)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51Turkey P. nantongensis (48000) P. subnantongensis (48009)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17Greece P. kozuri (112055 112056)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17China (Sichuan) P. sichuanensis (148477) P. sp.1 (189474) P. sp.1, P. sp.2 (189480) P. sp.2 (189478 189479 189488)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17Hungary P. bidentata (146243) Praelobobairdia postsilentiformis (146220) Praelobobairdia silentiformis (146200 146201)
Wuchiapingian - Changhsingian259.9 - 252.17Israel Praelobobairdia sp., Praelobobairdia silenitiformis (95762)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17Israel Praelobobairdia silenitiformis (108992 108993)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17China (Fujian) P. bicornuta (121202 121228 121293) P. nantongensis, P. bicornuta (121230) P. nantongensis, P. subnantongensis (121229 121289 121292) P. subnantongensis, P. bicornuta (121291)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17China (Guangxi) P. sp. 1 (97106) P. sp. 2 (97095)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17Italy P. nantongensis (84133 84151)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17China (Guizhou) P. sp. 1 (132520) P. sp. 3 (95649) P. sp. 3, P. sp. 2 (132517) P. sp. 4 (132518)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17China (Sichuan) P. bicornuta (148506 148507) P. nantongensis (148481 148489) P. sp. (148493 148500 148512)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17Iran P. subnantongensis (125568 168917 168919)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17China (Zhejiang) P. bicornuta (117573 117580 117581 117587 117588 117590 117592 117615 117619 117633 117637 117639 117644 117650 117656 117659 117664 117668) P. nantongensis (117618 117625) P. nantongensis, P. bicornuta (117595 117598 117601 117638) P. nantongensis, P. subnantongensis, P. bicornuta (117642) P. nantongensis, P. subnantongensis, P. bicornuta, P. tricornuta (97920) P. sp. A (97929) P. sp. B (97918) P. subnantongensis (97910 97921 97925 117586 117597 117645 117647 117655 117660 117666) P. subnantongensis, P. bicornuta (117575 117596 117653 117669 117670)
Griesbachian251.902 - 250.5Turkey P. sp. 1 (169089)
Griesbachian251.902 - 250.5China (Zhejiang) P. sp. 1 (116316)
Spathian251.3 - 247.2China (Xizang) P. collini (112027 112030)
Spathian - Anisian251.3 - 242.0Israel Praelobobairdia sp. (156890 156893)
Aegean247.2 - 242.0Romania Ceratobairdia longispinosa (154997 155000)
Aegean247.2 - 242.0China (Xizang) P. collini (112035 112036 112037 112038)
Anisian247.2 - 242.0Romania Ceratobairdia longispinosa (48637)
Bithynian247.2 - 242.0Romania P. sp., P. crassa (197722)
Julian235.0 - 232.0Turkey P. crassa (197739) P. crassa, P. longispinosa (197740)
Sevatian212.0 - 205.6Canada (Yukon) P. sp. (225012)