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Restioniidites pascualii


Restioniidites pascualii was named by Archangelsky (1973). It is not extant. It is considered to be a form taxon. Its type specimen is Holotype: p.m. 1007; coord. 31.9/113. Stored at Museo de La Plata, Paleobotanical division., a microspore (Pollen grain). Its type locality is Cerro Abigarrado, which is in a Danian terrestrial shale in the Salamanca Formation of Argentina.

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Synonymy list
YearName and author
1973Restioniidites pascualii Archangelsky p. 385 figs. Lám. IX, figs. 4-8

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genusRestioniiditesElsik 1968

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Restioniidites pascualii Archangelsky 1973
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S. Archangelsky 1973Granos subesféricos, monoporados; poro subcircular de márgenes poco nítidos (no engrosados) a veces rasgados. Exina delicada, hasta 1 µ, regularmente micropunctada.
No measurements are available
Diet: "photoautotroph"p
Created: 2011-07-22 00:04:15
Modified: 2011-07-21 09:04:15
Source: p = phylum
Reference: Kiessling 2009

Age range: Danian or 66.00000 to 61.60000 Ma

Collections (6 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Danian66.0 - 61.6Argentina (Chubut) Restioniidites pascualii (type locality: 136508 167921 167922 172885 172887)
Paleocene66.0 - 56.0Argentina (Chubut) Restioniidites pascualii (136554)