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Octopoda (octopus)

Cephalopoda - Octobrachia

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1818Octopoda Leach
1942Octopoda Kretzoi p. 134
1994Octopoda Doyle et al. p. 7
2001Octopoda Wells and Houston p. 137
2002Octopida Sepkoski
2005Octopodida Boyle and Rodhouse p. 345
2006Octopoda Martill and Barker p. 1036
2008Octopoda Fuchs et al. p. 1131
2008Octopodida Tanabe p. 405
2017Octopoda Fuchs et al. p. 501
2018Octopoda Fuchs and Schweigert p. 207
2019Octopoda Fuchs et al. p. 55

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EubilateriaAx 1987
classCephalopodaCuvier 1797
subclassColeoideaBather 1888
superorderVampyropodavon Boletzky 1992
orderOctobrachia(Fiorini 1981)
orderOctopodaLeach 1818
orderOctopodaLeach 1818

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. Octopoda Leach 1818 [octopus]
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Subor. Cirrata Grimpe 1917
Invalid names: Cirroteuthidae Kefferstein 1866 [empty], Opisthoteuthidae Verrill 1896 [empty]
Subor. Incirrata Grimpe 1917
Superfm. Argonautoidea Cantraine 1841
Fm. Argonautidae Tryon 1879
G. Argonauta Linnaeus 1758
Argonauta absyrtus Martill and Barker 2006
Argonauta argo Linnaeus 1758
Argonauta biarmata Ponzi 1876
Argonauta tokunagai Yokoyama 1913
Subfm. Argonautinae Tryon 1879
G. †Obinautilus Kobayashi 1954
Subfm. †Mizuhobariinae Noda et al. 1986
G. †Mizuhobaris Noda et al. 1986
Subor. Incirrina Grimpe 1916
Invalid names: Alloposidae Verrill 1881 [empty], Amphitretidae Hoyle 1886 [empty], Bolitaenidae Chun 1911 [empty], Idioctopodidae Taki 1962 [empty], Ocythoidae Gray 1849 [empty], Tremoctopodidae Tryon 1879 [empty], Vitreledonellidae Robson 1932 [empty]
G. †Kapal Martin 1930
Fm. Octopodidae d'Orbigny 1840
G. †Bolcaoctopus Mironenko et al. 2024
Bolcaoctopus pesciaraensis Mironenko et al. 2024
G. †Styletoctopus Fuchs et al. 2009
Styletoctopus annae Fuchs et al. 2009
Fm. †Palaeoctopodidae Dollo 1912
G. †Keuppia Fuchs et al. 2009
Keuppia hyperbolaris Fuchs et al. 2009
Keuppia levante Fuchs et al. 2009
G. †Palaeoctopus Woodward 1896
Palaeoctopus newboldi Woodward 1896
Invalid names: Beloteuthis libanotica Naef 1922 [synonym]
Invalid names: Calais Woodward 1896 [replaced], Parateudopsis Engeser and Reitner 1986 [synonym]
G. †Proteroctopus Fischer and Riou 1982
Subor. †Teudopseina Storabogatov 1983
Superfm. †Muensterelloidea Roger 1952
Fm. †Enchoteuthidae Larson 2010
G. †Enchoteuthis Miller and Walker 1968
Enchoteuthis cobbani Larson 2010
Enchoteuthis melanae Miller and Walker 1968
Invalid names: Kansasteuthis lindneri Miller and Walker 1968 [synonym], Niobrarateuthis walkeri Green 1977 [synonym]
Enchoteuthis tonii Wade 1993
Invalid names: Kansasteuthis Miller and Walker 1968 [synonym]
G. †Niobrarateuthis Miller 1957
Niobrarateuthis bonneri Miller 1957
Invalid names: Tusoteuthis Logan 1898 [nomen dubium], Tusoteuthis longa Logan 1898 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Muensterellidae Roger 1952
G. †Celaenoteuthis Naef 1922
G. †Engeseriteuthis Fuchs et al. 2019
Engeseriteuthis arcuatus Fuchs et al. 2019
G. †Etchesia Fuchs 2017
Etchesia martilli Fuchs 2017
G. †Listroteuthis Naef 1922
Listroteuthis conica Wagner 1859
G. †Muensterella Schevill 1950
Muensterella jillae Fuchs et al. 2019
Muensterella scutellaris Muenster 1842
Invalid names: Kelaeno arquata Münster 1842 [synonym]
Muensterella spinosa Fuchs et al. 2019
Invalid names: Kelaeno Gray 1825 [replaced]
G. †Muensterellina Fuchs et al. 2019
Muensterellina johnjagti Fuchs et al. 2019
G. †Tyrionella Fuchs et al. 2019
Tyrionella fauseri Fuchs et al. 2019
Invalid names: Kelaenidae Naef 1921 [replaced]
Fm. †Patelloctopodidae Fuchs and Schweigert 2018
G. †Patelloctopus Fuchs and Schweigert 2018
Patelloctopus ilgi Fuchs and Schweigert 2018
G. †Pearceiteuthis Hewitt and Jagt 1999
Pearceiteuthis buyi Hewitt and Jagt 1999
Fm. †Palaeololiginidae Naef 1922
G. †Marekites Košťák 2002
Marekites nebrodensis Fuchs et al. 2017
Marekites vinarensis Fritsch 1910
G. †Palaeololigo Naef 1921
G. †Rachiteuthis Fuchs 2006
Rachiteuthis acutali Jattiot et al. 2015
Rachiteuthis donovani Fuchs 2006
Fm. †Teudopsidae Regteren Altena 1949
G. †Teudopsinia Fuchs 2010
Teudopsinia haasi Fuchs 2010
G. †Teudopsis
Teudopsis bollensis Voltz 1836
Invalid names: Beloteuthis Münster 1843 [synonym]
Invalid names: Beloteuthidae Naef 1921 [synonym]
Fm. †Trachyteuthididae Naef 1922
G. †Glyphidiopsis Fuchs and Larson 2011
Glyphidiopsis waagei Fuchs and Larson 2011
G. †Glyphiteuthis Reuss 1854
Glyphiteuthis abisaadiorum Fuchs and Weis 2009
Glyphiteuthis freijii Fuchs and Larson 2011
Glyphiteuthis minor Fritsch and Schlönbach 1872
Glyphiteuthis ornata Reuss 1854
Glyphiteuthis rhinophora Fuchs et al. 2010
Invalid names: Libanoteuthis Kretzoi 1942 [synonym], Paraglyphiteuthis Košťák 2002 [synonym]
Trachyteuthis bacchiai Fuchs and Larson 2011
Trachyteuthis hastiformis Rüppell 1829
Invalid names: Coccoteuthis Owen 1855 [synonym], Voltzia Schevill 1950 [synonym]
Invalid names: Kalaenidae Naef 1921 [empty]
Invalid names: Cirrina Grimpe 1916 [empty], Octobrachiata Winchworth 1932 [empty], Octopia Gray 1849 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: fast-movingc
Life habit: nektobenthico
Diet: carnivorec
Vision: well-developedc
Created: 2005-10-06 14:28:52
Modified: 2005-10-06 16:28:52
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Kiessling 2004, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Falciferum to the top of the Zanclean or 183.00000 to 3.60000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 182.0 Ma

Collections (80 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Falciferum183.0 - 182.0Luxembourg Teudopsis bollensis (228290) Teudopsis sp. (233564)
Falciferum183.0 - 182.0Luxembourg (Mondercange) Teudopsis bollensis (224066) Teudopsis sp. (233563)
Early/Lower Callovian164.7 - 161.2France Proteroctopus ribeti, Teudopsis sp. (58221)
Late/Upper Callovian164.7 - 161.2United Kingdom (England) Muensterellina johnjagti (212961)
Oxfordian163.5 - 157.3Chile Trachyteuthis covacevichi (215835)
Oxfordian163.5 - 157.3Cuba (Pinar del Río) Voltzia palmeri (90913)
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian155.7 - 150.8Germany (Bayern) Engeseriteuthis arcuatus (59175 212959)
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian155.7 - 150.8Germany (Eastern Barvaria) Engeseriteuthis arcuatus (187436)
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian155.7 - 150.8Germany (Baden-Württemberg) Patelloctopus ilgi (41817) Trachyteuthis nusplingensis, Trachyteuthis hastiformis (154138)
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian - Early/Lower Tithonian155.7 - 145.0United Kingdom Trachyteuthis sp. (73315)
Early/Lower Tithonian150.8 - 145.0Germany (Bavaria) Tyrionella fauseri (177016)
Early/Lower Tithonian150.8 - 145.0Germany Celaenoteuthis incerta, Engeseriteuthis arcuatus (122880) Trachyteuthis sp. (73322 73323)
Early/Lower Tithonian150.8 - 145.0United Kingdom Trachyteuthis sp. (73320)
Early/Lower Tithonian150.8 - 145.0Antarctica (Antarctic Peninsula) Trachyteuthis sp. (10697)
Early/Lower Tithonian150.8 - 145.0Germany (Bayern) Celaenoteuthis incerta (123906) Engeseriteuthis arcuatus (117534) Listroteuthis conica (212960) Muensterella spinosa, Listroteuthis conica (132062) Trachyteuthis hastata, Muensterella scutellaris (84365)
Early/Lower Aptian121.4 - 122.46Germany Trachyteuthis sp. (212878)
Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Italy Marekites nebrodensis (212882) Rachiteuthis sp. (212883)
Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Lebanon Geoteuthis libanotica (213130) Glyphiteuthis abisaadiorum (212911) Glyphiteuthis libanotica (69118 212874) Glyphiteuthis sp., Glyphiteuthis libanotica, Glyphiteuthis freijii, Styletoctopus annae, Trachyteuthis hastiformis (60311) Glyphiteuthis sp., Rachiteuthis donovani, Glyphiteuthis libanotica, Glyphiteuthis abisaadiorum, Glyphiteuthis freijii, Glyphidiopsis waagei (212875) Glyphiteuthis sp., Rachiteuthis donovani, Glyphiteuthis libanotica, Trachyteuthis bacchiai, Glyphiteuthis abisaadiorum, Glyphiteuthis freijii (212910) Keuppia hyperbolaris (213131) Keuppia sp., Keuppia levante (69119) Rachiteuthis acutali (213132) Rachiteuthis donovani, Glyphiteuthis libanotica (212873)
Middle Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Lebanon Glyphiteuthis freijii (212912) Glyphiteuthis sp. (213197)
Middle Cenomanian - Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Mexico (Coahuila) Glyphiteuthis rhinophora (101698)
Early/Lower Turonian93.5 - 89.3Czech Republic Glyphiteuthis minor (213125) Glyphiteuthis ornata (213127)
Late/Upper Turonian93.5 - 89.3Czech Republic Styloteuthis vinarensis, Glyphiteuthis crenata (213123)
Middle Turonian93.5 - 89.3Czech Republic Glyphiteuthis minor (213124 213126) Glyphiteuthis ornata (213128)
Middle Turonian93.5 - 89.3USA (Texas) Muensterella jillae (212950)
Coniacian - Santonian89.8 - 83.6USA (Kansas) Niobrarateuthis bonneri (84456 84457 84458)
Late/Upper Coniacian89.3 - 85.8USA (Kansas) Kansasteuthis lindneri (212963) Niobrarateuthis walkeri (84459)
Santonian86.3 - 83.6Canada (British Columbia) Octopodida indet. (212867)
Late/Upper Santonian85.8 - 83.5USA (Kansas) Enchoteuthis melanae (212962) Enchoteuthis melanae, Enchoteuthis cobbani (212995)
Late/Upper Santonian85.8 - 83.5Lebanon Beloteuthis libanotica (213129) Calais newboldi (213175) Glyphiteuthis libanotica (212871)
Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6USA (South Dakota) Tusoteuthis cobbani (212993 212994)
Middle Campanian83.5 - 70.6Canada (Manitoba) Tusoteuthis longa (84462 84463 84464 84465 84466)
Middle Campanian83.5 - 70.6USA (Wyoming) Enchoteuthis melanae (212991 212992 212996)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Italy Bolcaoctopus pesciaraensis (236522 236523 236524)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97Japan (Nagano) Mizuhobaris izumoensis (51576)
Langhian15.97 - 13.82Cyprus Argonauta absyrtus (66957)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Japan (Nagano) Mizuhobaris izumoensis (227623)
Serravallian13.82 - 11.62Japan Argonauta tokunagai (167936 167937 179844)
Zanclean5.333 - 3.6Holy See (Vatican City State) Argonauta biarmata, Argonauta argo (209253)