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Hyracoidea (hyrax)

Mammalia - Hyracoidea

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1869Hyracoidea Huxley
1883Hyracoidea Flower p. 185
1889Hyracoidea Ameghino p. 355
1889Hyracoidea Cope p. 876
1891Hyracoidea Flower and Lydekker p. 90
1898Hyracoidea Gadow p. 45
1906Hyracoidea Andrews p. 83
1945Hyracoidea Simpson
1975Hyracoidea McKenna p. 43
1982Hyracoidea Olds and Shoshani p. 1
1988Hyracoidea Carroll
1989Hyracoidea Prothero and Schoch p. 530
1990Hyracoidea Rasmussen et al. p. 4691
1991Hyracoidea Nowak
1999Hyracoidea Waddell et al. p. cover
2001Hyracoidea Madsen et al. p. 610
2001Hyracoidea Waddell et al. p. 148
2005Hyracoidea Wilson and Reeder
2006Hyracoidea O'Leary et al. p. 985
2007Hyracoidea Seiffert
2010Hyracoidea Asher and Helgen p. 3 figs. Figure 1
2010Hyracoidea Barrow et al. p. 215

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
AfrotheriaStanhope et al. 1998
orderHyracoideaHuxley 1869
orderHyracoideaHuxley 1869

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. Hyracoidea Huxley 1869 [hyrax]
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G. †Dimaitherium Barrow et al. 2010
Dimaitherium patnaiki Barrow et al. 2010
G. †Namahyrax Pickford et al. 2008
Namahyrax corvus Pickford et al. 2008
Fm. †Pliohyracidae Matsumoto 1926
Subfm. †Geniohyinae Matsumoto 1926
G. †Brachyhyrax Pickford 2004
Brachyhyrax aequatorialis Pickford 2004
Brachyhyrax oligocenus Rasmussen and Gutierrez 2009
G. †Geniohyus Andrews 1904
Geniohyus diphycus Matsumoto 1926
Geniohyus gigas Matsumoto 1926
Geniohyus magnus Andrews 1904
Geniohyus micrognathus Schlosser 1911
Geniohyus mirus Andrews 1904
Geniohyus subgigas Matsumoto 1926
G. †Hengduanshanhyrax Cheng 2003
G. †Kvabebihyrax Gabunia and Vekua 1966
G. †Megalohyrax Andrews 1903
Megalohyrax eocaenus Andrews 1903
Megalohyrax gevini Sudre 1979
Megalohyrax major Andrews 1904
Megalohyrax minor Andrews 1904
Invalid names: Mixohyrax Schlosser 1910 [synonym]
G. †Meroehyrax Whitworth 1954
Meroehyrax bateae Whitworth 1954
Meroehyrax kyongoi Rasmussen and Gutierrez 2009
G. †Pachyhyrax Schlosser 1910
Pachyhyrax crassidentatus Schlosser 1910
G. †Parapliohyrax Lavocat 1961
Parapliohyrax mirabilis Lavocat 1961
Parapliohyrax ngororaensis Pickford and Fisher 1987
Subfm. †Pliohyracinae Osborn 1899
G. †Soqdohyrax Dubrovo 1978
G. †Pliohyrax Osborn 1899
G. †Postschizotherium von Koenigswald 1932
Postschizotherium chardini Koenigswald 1932
Postschizotherium intermedium Koenigswald 1966
Postschizotherium licenti Koenigswald 1966
Subfm. Saghatheriinae Andrews 1906
G. †Bunohyrax Schlosser 1910
Bunohyrax affinis Matsumoto 1926
Bunohyrax fajumensis Andrews 1904
Bunohyrax major Andrews 1904
Bunohyrax matsumatoi Tabuce et al. 2000
Bunohyrax matusmotoi Tabuce 2000
G. †Microhyrax Sudre 1979
Microhyrax lavocati Sudre 1979
G. †Saghatherium Andrews and Beadnell 1902
Saghatherium annectens Matsumoto 1926
Saghatherium antiquum Andrews and Beadnell 1902
Saghatherium bowni Rasmussen and Simons 1991
Saghatherium euryodon Matsumoto 1926
Saghatherium humarum Rasmussen and Simons 1988
Saghatherium macrodon Matsumoto 1926
Saghatherium magnum Andrews 1904
Saghatherium majus Andrews 1906
Saghatherium minus Andrews and Beadnell 1902
Saghatherium sobrina Matsumoto 1926
G. †Seggeurius Crochet 1986
Seggeurius amourensis Crochet 1986
G. †Thyrohyrax Meyer 1973
Thyrohyrax domorictus Meyer 1973
Thyrohyrax kenyaensis Rasmussen and Gutierrez 2009
Thyrohyrax libycus Coster et al. 2015
Thyrohyrax litholagus Rasmussen and Simons 1991
Thyrohyrax meyeri Rasmussen and Simons 1991
Thyrohyrax microdon Rasmussen and Gutierrez 2009
Thyrohyrax pygmaeus Matsumoto 1921
G. †Selenohyrax Rasmussen and Simons 1988
Selenohyrax chatrathi Rasmussen and Simons 1988
G. †Sogdohyrax Dubrovo 1978
Fm. Procaviidae Thomas 1892 [hyrax]
G. Dendrohyrax Gray 1868 [tree hyrax]
Dendrohyrax arboreus Smith 1827 [southern tree hyrax]
Dendrohyrax dorsalis Fraser 1853 [western tree hyrax]
Dendrohyrax samueli Pickford 2005
G. †Gigantohyrax Kitching 1965
Gigantohyrax maguirei Kitching 1965
G. Heterohyrax Gray 1868 [rock hyrax]
Heterohyrax auricampensis Rasmussen et al. 1996
Heterohyrax brucei Gray 1868 [rock hyrax]
Invalid names: Dendrohyrax (Heterohyrax) blainvillii Gray 1868 [synonym], Procavia pumila Thomas 1901 [synonym]
G. Procavia Storr 1780 [Cape hyrax]
Procavia antiqua Broom 1934
Procavia capensis Pallas 1766 [Cape hyrax]
Procavia obermeyerae Broom 1937
Procavia pliocenica Pickford 2005
Procavia robertsi Broom and Schepers 1946
Invalid names: Euhyrax Gray 1868 [synonym], Hyrax Herman 1783 [synonym]
G. †Prohyrax Stromer 1926
Prohyrax hendeyi Pickford 1994
Prohyrax tertiarius Stromer 1922
Invalid names: Hyracidae Gray 1821 [synonym]
G. †Rukwalorax Stevens et al. 2009
Rukwalorax jinokitana Stevens et al. 2009
Fm. †Titanohyracidae Matsumoto 1926
G. †Afrohyrax Pickford 2004
Afrohyrax championi Arambourg 1933
G. †Antilohyrax Rasmussen and Simons 2000
Antilohyrax pectidens Rasmussen and Simons 2000
G. †Rupestrohyrax Pickford 2015
Rupestrohyrax palustris Pickford 2015
G. †Titanohyrax Matsumoto 1922
Titanohyrax andrewsi Matsumoto 1922
Titanohyrax angustidens Rasmussen and Simons 1988
Titanohyrax mongereaui Sudre 1979
Titanohyrax schlosseri Matsumoto 1921
Titanohyrax tantulus Court and Hartenberger 1992
Titanohyrax ultimus Matsumoto 1922
Invalid names: Titanohyrax palaeotherioides Schlosser 1911 [nomen nudum]
Invalid names: Procaviamorpha Whitworth 1954 [empty], Pseudhippomorpha Whitworth 1954 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Environment: terrestrialsubc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: scansorialo
Diet: herbivoreo
Reproduction: viviparoussubc
Comments: life habit and diet based on Nowak 1999 o
Created: 2005-08-26 13:57:48
Modified: 2005-08-26 15:57:48
Source: o = order, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum
References: Carroll 1988, Lillegraven 1979, Ji et al. 2002, Nowak 1999, Hendy et al. 2009

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Early/Lower Eocene to the top of the Holocene or 55.80000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 47.8 Ma

Collections (169 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Algeria Hyracoidea indet., Seggeurius amourensis (71984)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Mali (Gao) Pliohyracidae indet. (175262)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Mali Pliohyracidae indet. (209422)
Ypresian - Lutetian56.0 - 41.3Algeria (Bechar) Titanohyrax mongereaui (36615)
Ypresian - Lutetian56.0 - 41.3Algeria (Bechar region) Bunohyrax sp. (77017) Hyracoidea indet. (77021) Hyracoidea indet., Titanohyrax tantulus (36612) Hyracoidea n. gen., Hyracoidea indet., Thyrohyrax sp., Microhyrax lavocati (77014) Hyracoidea sp. (77022) Hyracoidea sp., Hyracoidea indet., Microhyrax lavocati (77016) Hyracoidea sp., Megalohyrax gevini, Microhyrax lavocati (77015) Microhyrax lavocati (77019) Titanohyrax mongereaui (77013)
Ypresian - Lutetian56.0 - 41.3Tunisia Titanohyrax tantalus (87795)
Ypresian - Lutetian56.0 - 41.3Algeria Microhyrax lavocati (215025)
Early/Lower Eocene - Middle Eocene55.8 - 37.71Algeria (Bechar) Hyracoidea indet. (36614) Megalohyrax gevini, Microhyrax lavocati (36613)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Namibia (Sperrgebiet) Namahyrax corvus (149173)
Bartonian41.3 - 38.0Namibia (Sperrgebiet) Rupestrohyrax palustris (180197) Titanohyracidae indet. (165176)
Bartonian - Late/Upper Eocene41.3 - 33.9Libya Hyracoidea indet. (55449)
Bartonian - Priabonian41.3 - 33.9Algeria Bunohyrax matsumotoi (59733)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Egypt (Fayum) Pliohyracidae indet. (181546)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Egypt Dimaitherium patnaiki (67706)
Early/Lower Oligocene33.9 - 28.4Libya Saghatherium sp. (180110)
Early/Lower Oligocene33.9 - 28.4Oman (Dhofar) Saghatherium bowni, Thyrohyrax meyeri (175334) Thyrohyrax meyeri (162464)
Early/Lower Oligocene33.9 - 28.4Libya (Sirt Basin) Thyrohyrax libycus (166446)
Early/Lower Oligocene33.9 - 28.4Egypt Antilohyrax sp. (187873)
Rupelian33.9 - 28.1Egypt Thyrohyrax domorictus (71943)
Rupelian33.9 - 28.1Angola (Cabinda) Bunohyrax mirus, Geniohyus fajumensis (56682)
Rupelian33.9 - 28.1Egypt (Fayum) Bunohyrax sp., Geniohyus sp., Titanohyrax sp. nov. B, Megalohyrax eocaenus, Saghatherium bowni, Thyrohyrax meyeri, Titanohyrax sp. nov. A, Thyrohyrax litholagos (60127) Geniohyus diphycus (175420) Geniohyus major, Saghatherium magnum, Saghatherium antiquum, Saghatherium minus, Saghatherium majus, Megalohyrax eocaenus, Megalohyrax minor, Geniohyus mirus, Geniohyus fajumensis, Titanohyrax andrewsi, Titanohyrax ultimus (65960) Megalohyrax eocaenus, Pachyhyrax crassidentatus, Thyrohyrax domorictus (12960) Megalohyrax eocaenus, Titanohyrax angustidens, Pachyhyrax crassidentatus, Thyrohyrax domorictus (12954) Pachyhyrax crassidentatus, Thyrohyrax domorictus (12956) Thyrohyrax domorictus (13070 13071) Thyrohyrax sp. (12968) Thyrohyrax sp., Thyrohyrax pygmaeus (12964) Titanohyrax angustidens, Saghatherium humarum, Selenohyrax chatrathi, Geniohyus magnus, Thyrohyrax domorictus (12950) Titanohyrax angustidens, Thyrohyrax domorictus (12969)
Oligocene33.9 - 23.03Libya Megalohyrax palaeotherioides (154222)
Oligocene33.9 - 23.03Saudi Arabia (Al Hijaz) Geniohyus sp., Megalohyrax eocaenus (97221)
Late/Upper Oligocene28.4 - 23.03Kenya Saghatheriinae indet. (166975 174673)
Late/Upper Oligocene28.4 - 23.03Kenya (Turkana) Afrohyrax n. sp., Brachyhyrax oligocenus, Thyrohyrax kenyaensis, Meroehyrax kyongoi (174662)
Late/Upper Oligocene28.4 - 23.03Tanzania Rukwalorax jinokitana (99405)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03Ethiopia Bunohyrax sp., Megalohyrax sp., Pachyhyrax sp. (71941)
Aquitanian23.03 - 20.44Kenya (Rift Valley) Pachyhyrax sp., Afrohyrax n. sp., Brachyhyrax oligocenus, Thyrohyrax kenyaensis, Thyrohyrax microdon, Meroehyrax kyongoi (174664)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97Kenya Megalohyrax championi (70808)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97Uganda Megalohyrax championi (21723)
Early/Lower Miocene - Middle Miocene23.03 - 11.608Namibia Prohyrax sp. (70420)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Kenya (Northern Frontier District) Pliohyrax championi, Megalohyrax championi, Prohyrax tertiarius (122454)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Kenya Brachyhyrax aequatorialis (21726) Hyracoidea indet. (57007) Megalohyrax championi (38060)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Uganda Megalohyrax championi (28441) Meroehyrax bataeae, Megalohyrax championi (192070)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Saudi Arabia Pachyhyrax championi (47069)
MN 320.0 - 16.9Uganda Brachyhyrax aequatorialis (73864)
Langhian15.97 - 13.82Kenya Megalohyrax sp. (22082) Pachyhyrax championi (22069 22070)
Astaracian15.97 - 11.608Morocco (Tadla-Azilal) Hyracoidea indet. (48630)
Astaracian15.97 - 11.608Greece (Crete) Prohyrax hendeyi (208183)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Namibia Prohyrax hendeyi (21855)
Serravallian13.82 - 11.62Kenya Parapliohyrax ngororaensis (22287) Procaviidae indet. (22300)
Tortonian11.62 - 7.246Kenya Heterohyrax sp. (219711)
Late/Upper Miocene11.608 - 5.333Turkey (Usak) Pliohyrax graceus (34462)
MN 911.1 - 9.7Namibia Heterohyrax auricampensis (87787)
MN 109.7 - 8.7France (Region Rhone-Alpes) Pliohyrax rossignoli (36634)
Turolian8.7 - 5.333Afghanistan Pliohyrax sp. (75492)
Turolian8.7 - 5.333Tajikistan (Sor) Sogdohyrax magianense (34392)
Turolian8.7 - 5.333Turkey Pliohyrax graecus (151910)
Turolian8.7 - 5.333Greece (Euboea) Pliohyrax graecus (202213)
Turolian8.7 - 5.333Bulgaria Hyracoidea indet. (208566 208567 208568)
Messinian7.246 - 5.333Kenya Dendrohyrax samueli (110080)
Messinian - Piacenzian7.246 - 2.588South Africa (Cape) Procavia antiqua (59167)
Zanclean5.333 - 3.6South Africa Procavia pliocenica, Procavia antiqua (22221)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Georgia Kvabebihyrax kachethicus (40392)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588South Africa Procavia transvaalensis, Procavia antiqua (22355)
Pliocene - Calabrian5.333 - 0.774South Africa Procavia transvaalensis, Procavia antiqua (21791)
Pliocene - Pleistocene5.333 - 0.0117South Africa Procavia sp., Procavia transvaalensis, Procavia antiqua (207105) Procavia transvaalensis, Procavia antiqua (21960)
Late/Upper Pliocene3.6 - 2.588China (Hebei) Postschizotherium sp. (36317)
Late/Upper Pliocene3.6 - 2.588South Africa (Langebaanweg) Procavia antiqua (21713)
Piacenzian3.6 - 2.588Ethiopia Gigantohyrax maguirei (21639) Heterohyrax brucei (21624)
Late/Upper Pliocene - Pleistocene3.6 - 0.0117South Africa Hyracoidea indet., Procavia transvaalensis, Procavia antiqua (22334) Procavia sp. (22332)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781South Africa Procavia antiqua (21827) Procavia capensis (21826) Procavia transvaalensis, Procavia antiqua (21824)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781South Africa (Gauteng) Procavia sp. (183152)
Pleistocene2.588 - 0.0117Kenya Procavia sp. (21963)
Pleistocene2.588 - 0.0117South Africa (Orange Free) Procavia capensis (21867)
Pleistocene2.588 - 0.0117Israel Procavia sp. (225664) Procavia syriaca (39252)
Pleistocene2.588 - 0.0117South Africa Procavia capensis (21695 21823 21915 21916 21929 21956 115191 115205) Procavia capensis, Procavia transvaalensis (21829) Procavia sp. (21913 21920) Procavia sp., Procavia transvaalensis, Procavia antiqua (21825) Procavia transvaalensis, Procavia antiqua (21828)
Pleistocene - Holocene2.588 - 0.0South Africa (Orange Free) Procavia capensis (21868)
Pleistocene - Holocene2.588 - 0.0Congo-Kinshasa Procaviidae indet., Procavia sp., Procavia johnstoni (22074)
Pleistocene - Holocene2.588 - 0.0South Africa Procavia capensis (21948 21949 21950 21951 21952 21957)
Pleistocene - Holocene2.588 - 0.0Zambia Dendrohyrax sp. (21854) Procavia capensis, Heterohyrax brucei (21924)
Calabrian1.8 - 0.774South Africa Procavia capensis, Procavia transvaalensis (21961) Procavia sp. (21822)
Middle Pleistocene0.774 - 0.129Israel Procavia capensis (192424 192425)
Middle Pleistocene - Late/Upper Pleistocene0.774 - 0.0117Kenya Heterohyrax sp. (22272 22276) Procavia sp. (21276) Procaviidae indet., Procavia sp. (21277)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Kenya (Athi-Kapiti Plains) Procavia sp. (32090)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Kenya (Athi-Kapiti) Procavia sp. (32119)
Late/Upper Pleistocene (interglacial)0.129 - 0.0117South Africa Procavia capensis (115167)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Kenya (Athi-Kapiti plains) Procavia sp. (32124)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117South Africa Procavia capensis (90070 96974) Procavia sp. (113858)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Israel (Mount Carmel) Procavia syriaca (11803)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Kenya (Athi-Kapiti Plain) Procavia sp. (32093)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Israel Procavia capensis (225667)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0Kenya (Athi-Kapiti Plains) Procavia sp. (32107)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0South Africa Procavia capensis (21862 21866 21914 21918 21930 21940 21946 96973)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0South Africa (Orange Free) Procavia capensis (21858 21861 21897 21908 21909 21911 21912 21943)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0Swaziland Procavia capensis (21927 21955)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0Zambia Dendrohyrax sp. (21895) Heterohyrax brucei (21894)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0Kenya Heterohyrax brucei (21933)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0Tanzania Procavia habessinica, Heterohyrax brucei (21690)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0Congo-Kinshasa Dendrohyrax arboreus (22068) Procaviidae indet., Procavia sp., Dendrohyrax sp. (22073)