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Gastropoda - Murchisoniina - Hormotomidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1859Hormotoma Salter
1859Murchisonia (Hormotoma) Salter p. 22
1897Murchisonia (Hormotoma) Ulrich and Scofield
1938Murchisonia (Hormotoma) Wenz p. 39
1960Hormotoma Knight et al. p. 291
2002Murchisonia (Hormotoma) Sepkoski
2005Murchisonia (Hormotoma) Bouchet et al. p. 90
2023Hormotoma Wagner p. G323

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EubilateriaAx 1987

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Hormotoma Salter 1859
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Hormotoma aculeata Billings 1866
Hormotoma acuminata Parks 1915
Hormotoma agilis Billings 1865
Hormotoma altesinuata Koken and Perner 1925
Hormotoma amii McLearn 1924
Hormotoma anna Billings 1859
Hormotoma antiqua Peel 1977
Hormotoma artemesia Billings 1865
Invalid names: Hormotoma powellensis Cullison 1944 [synonym]
Hormotoma articulata Murchison 1839
Hormotoma bilineata Flower 1968
Hormotoma bistriata Clarke and Swartz 1913
Hormotoma cassina Whitfield 1897
Hormotoma centervillensis Foerste 1923
Hormotoma concinnus Horný 1952
Hormotoma confusa Whitfield 1889
Hormotoma cotterensis Cullison 1944
Hormotoma doquieri Grabau 1922
Hormotoma dubia Cullison 1944
Hormotoma dubia Donald 1899
Hormotoma exilis d'Eichwald 1860
Hormotoma fascinata Ulrich and Scofield 1897
Hormotoma funata Billings 1866
Hormotoma gigantea Billings 1857
Hormotoma gracilens Whitfield 1889
Hormotoma gracilis Hall 1847
Hormotoma gracilis goodhuensis Ulrich and Scofield 1897
Hormotoma gracilis multivolvis Ulrich and Scofield 1897
Hormotoma gracilis sublaxa Ulrich and Scofield 1897
Hormotoma gracillima Murchison 1859
Hormotoma grayiana Donald 1899
Hormotoma hyale Billings 1865
Hormotoma inceptor Longstaff 1909
Hormotoma insignis d'Eichwald 1860
Hormotoma latifasciatum Etheridge 1878
Hormotoma lutiensis Cullison 1944
Hormotoma meryenorfi Koken 1897
Hormotoma meyendorfi Koken 1897
Hormotoma minnesotensis Ulrich and Scofield 1897
Hormotoma moderata Flower 1968
Hormotoma multivolvis Billings 1857
Hormotoma neglecta Ulrich and Scofield 1897
Hormotoma nigra Longstaff 1924
Hormotoma oehlerti Ulrich and Scofield 1897
Hormotoma ordovix Donald 1902
Hormotoma piperi Donald 1899
Hormotoma polita Donald 1902
Invalid names: Turritoma pinguis Donald 1902 [synonym]
Hormotoma prava Whitfield 1886
Hormotoma robusta Donald 1902
Hormotoma rudis d'Eichwald 1860
Hormotoma scrobiculata Koken 1897
Hormotoma simplex Wilson 1932
Invalid names: Hormotoma infrequens Billings 1859 [synonym]
Hormotoma striatula Longstaff 1924
Hormotoma subangulata Ulrich and Scofield 1897
Hormotoma tenuifilosa Donald 1906
Hormotoma teretiformis Billings 1857
Hormotoma vesta Billings 1865
Hormotoma wilsoni Okulitch 1935
Hormotoma winnipegensis Whiteaves 1897
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragoniteo
Entire body: yessubg
Adult length: 10 to < 100subg
Adult width: 10 to < 100subg
Adult height: 10 to < 100subg
Folds: nonesubg
Ribbing: minorsubg
Spines: nonesubg
Internal reinforcement: nonesubg
Locomotion: actively mobilesubg
Life habit: epifaunalsubg
Diet: suspension feedersubg
Vision: limitedo
Comments: BODY SIZE: Data from Knight et al. (1960).subg
Created: 2009-06-06 07:32:58
Modified: 2009-09-24 16:06:23
Source: subg = subgenus, o = order
References: Bambach et al. 2007, Hendy 2009

Age range: base of the Tulean to the top of the Middle Devonian or 480.80000 to 382.70000 Ma

Collections (390 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Tremadoc486.5 - 477.7China (Hebei) H. doquieri (222590)
Migneintian485.4 - 478.6USA (Missouri) H. gracilis (50204)
Stairsian485.4 - 478.6USA (Vermont) Murchisonia confusa (154943) Murchisonia gracilens (154942)
Stairsian485.4 - 478.6USA (New York) Plethospira bilineata (289)
Tremadocian485.4 - 477.7Greenland H. sp. (181518)
Stairsian - Tulean485.4 - 474.9United Kingdom (Scotland) Murchisonia gracillima (188696)
Early/Lower Ordovician485.4 - 470.0Svalbard and Jan Mayen H. sp. (212592 212593)
Early/Lower Ordovician485.4 - 470.0USA (Texas) H. sp. (283 293)
Early/Lower Ordovician485.4 - 470.0USA (New York) H. sp. (290)
Jeffersonian485.4 - 470.0USA (Missouri) H. dubia (56503 56504)

Youngest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state PBDB collection number
Ludlow427.4 - 423.0United Kingdom (Wales) H. articulata (74671)
Ludlow427.4 - 423.0China (Yunnan) H. kutsingensis (56660)
Ludlow - Pridoli427.4 - 419.2USA (West Virginia) H. rowei (41628 41630 41634 41716 41721 41723) H. sp. (41720)
Ludlow - Pridoli427.4 - 419.2USA (Maryland) H. rowei (41145 41149 41646 41647)
Ludfordian425.6 - 423.0United Kingdom (England) H. piperi (156587)
Ludfordian425.6 - 423.0Canada (Nova Scotia) Murchisonia antigonishensis (3843)
Pridoli423.0 - 419.2Canada (Northwest Territories) H. sp. (498)
Pridoli423.0 - 419.2USA (New York) H. sp. (493 542)
Pridoli423.0 - 419.2USA (Maryland) H. sp. (488 489 490 24914 24916 24917)
Middle Devonian393.3 - 382.7USA (New York) H. micula (91250)