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Craniata - Craniida - Craniidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1828Craniidae Menke
1869Craniadae Huxley p. 116
1961Craniidae Hoare p. 25
1963Craniidae Wright
1977Craniidae Mitchell
1987Craniidae Temple p. 28
1995Craniidae Pacaud and Le Renard p. 151
2000Craniidae Craig p. 113
2000Craniidae Williams et al. p. 171
2003Craniidae Kiessling
2013Craniidae Emig et al. p. 76
2017Craniidae Bitner and Müller p. 212

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumCraniiformeaPopov et al. 1993
orderCraniidaWaagen 1885
superfamilyCranioidea(Menke 1828)
familyCraniidaeMenke 1828
familyCraniidaeMenke 1828

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Craniidae Menke 1828
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G. †Acanthocrania Williams 1943
Acanthocrania alta Cooper and Grant 1974
Acanthocrania conferta Cooper and Grant 1974
Acanthocrania cracentis Wright 1963
Acanthocrania densispina Cooper and Grant 1974
Acanthocrania elusa Cocks 2014
Acanthocrania intermedia Cooper and Grant 1974
Acanthocrania magna Cooper and Grant 1974
Acanthocrania minutispinosa Cooper and Grant 1974
Acanthocrania nordtimanica Kalashnikov 1993
Acanthocrania platys Cooper and Grant 1974
Acanthocrania regularis Cooper and Grant 1974
Acanthocrania spiculata Rowley 1908
Acanthocrania vasta Cooper and Grant 1974
G. †Ancistrocrania Dall 1877
Ancistrocrania abnormis Defrance and Hoeninghaus 1828
Invalid names: Crania rugosa Seguenza 1866 [synonym]
G. †Celidocrania Zhu and Xue 1985
G. †Conocrania Smirnova 1996
Conocrania spinacostata Smirnova 1972
G. Crania Retzius 1781
Subg. †Crania (Lissocrania) Williams 1943
Crania altivertes Zezina 1990
Crania anticostiana Twenhofel 1928
Crania antiqua Defrance 1818
Crania austriaca Traub 1938
Crania badensis Michalik and Zagorsek 1986
Crania californica Berry 1921
Crania calymene Klipstein 1843
Crania chesterensis Miller and Gurley 1897
Crania columbiana Walcott 1889
Crania craniolaris Linnaeus 1758
Crania huttoni Thomson 1916
Crania kirkbyi Davidson 1858
Crania laevis Keyes 1894
Crania lamellosa Seguenza 1865
Crania missouriensis Weller 1909
Crania permica Kalashnikov 1993
Crania proavia Goldfuss 1840
Crania reposita White 1862
Crania roseradiata Jackson 1952
Crania rostrata Hoeninghaus 1828
Crania starhembergensis Zugmayer 1882
Crania subrostrata Boettger 1901
Crania suessi Reeve 1862
Crania trigonalis M'Coy 1844
Crania valdiviae Helmcke 1940
G. †Craniscus Dall 1871
Craniscus hesperius Cooper 1955
Craniscus izyumensis Smirnova 1996
G. †Danocrania Rosenkrantz 1964
G. †Deliella Halamski 2004
G. †Isocrania Jaekel 1902
Isocrania campaniensis Ernst 1984
Isocrania costata Sowerby 1823
Isocrania phosphatica Simon 1998
Isocrania praecostata Ernst 1984
G. †Lepidocrania Cooper and Grant 1974
Lepidocrania sparsispinosa Cooper and Grant 1974
Lepidocrania sublamellosa Cooper and Grant 1974
Lepidocrania tardispinosa Cooper and Grant 1974
G. †Mesocrania Smirnova 1997
G. †Nematocrania Grant 1976
Nematocrania crassa Grant 1976
G. Neocrania Lee and Brunton 2001
Neocrania anomala Muller 1776
Novocrania anomala Muller 1776
Novocrania bayaniana Davidson 1870
Novocrania kermes Costa and Humphrey 1770
Invalid names: Orbicula d'Archiac 1843 [replaced]
G. †Orthisocrania Rowell 1963
G. †Petrocrania Raymond 1910
Petrocrania diabloensis Cooper and Grant 1974
Petrocrania dodgei Rowley 1908
Petrocrania dubia Williams 1974
Petrocrania exasperata Cooper and Grant 1974
Petrocrania famelica Hall and Whitfield 1872
Invalid names: Craniella hamiltonae Hall 1867 [objective synonym]
Petrocrania meduanensis Oehlert 1888
Petrocrania modesta White and St. John 1867
Petrocrania ourayensi Kindle 1909
Petrocrania prona Raymond 1906
Petrocrania reversa Sardeson 1896
Petrocrania scabiosa Hall 1866
Petrocrania septifera Cooper and Grant 1974
Petrocrania teretis Cooper and Grant 1974
Invalid names: Craniella Oehlert 1911 [replaced], Philhedrella Kozlowski 1929 [synonym]
G. †Philhedra Koken 1889
Philhedra acutilirata Talent 1963
Philhedra athenae Whittard and Barker 1950
Philhedra baltica Koken 1889
Philhedra cribrum Temple 1958
Philhedra grayii Davidson 1866
Philhedra laelia Hall 1866
Philhedra megalophthalma Temple 1968
Philhedra pauciradiata Benedetto 2015
Philhedra playfairi Reed 1917
Philhedra pulchelloides Chapman 1913
Philhedra rowleyi Gurley 1883
Invalid names: Crania blairi Miller 1892 [synonym]
Philhedra stawyensis Temple 1965
G. †Pseudocrania M'Coy 1851
G. †Venetocrania Bitner and Dieni 2005
Venetocrania euganea Bitner and Dieni 2005
G. †Westralicrania Cockbain 1967
Westralicrania allani Cockbain 1967
G. †Xenocrania Chen and Rong 2019
Xenocrania haimei Reed 1915
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calciteo
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: stationaryo
Attached: yesp
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Created: 2004-02-28 14:22:18
Modified: 2005-02-03 09:29:53
Source: o = order, c = class, p = phylum
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Williams et al. 1996

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Arenig to the top of the Holocene or 478.60000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 477.7 Ma

Collections (757 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Tremadoc486.5 - 477.7China (JiLin) Orthisocrania sp. (21143)
Tremadoc486.5 - 477.7Czech Republic Petrocrania sp. (192830)
Ordovician485.4 - 443.8USA (New York) Petrocrania sp. (332)
Arenig478.6 - 466.0United Kingdom (Wales) Petrocrania sp., Craniidae indet. (69096)
Arenig478.6 - 466.0China (GanSu) Orthisocrania sp. (8568)
Volkhov471.1 - 469.2Russian Federation Pseudocrania petropolitana (157085 157104 157105 157106 157107 157108 157109 157110 157111 157112 157113 157114 157115 157117 157118 157119 157120 157121 157122 157123 157124 157127 157128 157130 157131 157132 157133 157134 157135 157136 157139 157141)
Volkhov471.1 - 469.2Russian Federation (Leningrag oblast) Pseudocrania antiquissima (235818)
Middle Ordovician470.0 - 458.4USA (New York) Petrocrania sp. (335)
Chazyan470.0 - 457.3USA (New York) Crania prona (56215 172320) Petrocrania prona (171794 172144)
Chazyan470.0 - 457.3USA (Vermont) Petrocrania prona (101749)
Whiterockian - Mohawkian470.0 - 451.0USA (Minnesota) Crania sp. (10767)
Kunda469.2 - 464.3Estonia Pseudocrania antiquissima (56202)
Kunda469.2 - 464.3Sweden Pseudocrania sp. (188213 188217 188218 188225 188234 188268 188280)
Llanvirn468.0 - 458.4China (QingHai) Petrocrania sp. (8683 23596)
Darriwilian467.3 - 458.4Argentina (San Juan) Philhedra pauciradiata (195044)
Darriwilian467.3 - 458.4Canada (Newfoundland) Orthisocrania sp. (185947)
Darriwilian467.3 - 458.4Iran Pseudocrania insperata (186095)
Letna - Harnagian460.9 - 457.2Czech Republic Petrocrania obsoleta (3861)
Uhaku459.7 - 458.0Estonia Orthisocrania planissima (204098)
Costonian - Harnagian458.4 - 457.2Sweden Pseudocrania sp. (2767)