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Mammalia - Notoungulata - Toxodontidae

Synonymy list
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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
Theriamorpha(Rowe 1993)
AfrotheriaStanhope et al. 1998
PaenungulataSimpson 1945
suborderToxodontiaAmeghino 1887
subfamilyNesodontinae(Murray 1866)
subfamilyNesodontinae(Murray 1866)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subfm. †Nesodontinae Murray 1866
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G. †Adinotherium Ameghino 1887
Adinotherium corriguenense Ameghino 1907
Adinotherium haplodontoides Ameghino 1891
Adinotherium karaikense Ameghino 1891
Adinotherium nitidum Ameghino 1887
Adinotherium ovinum Owen 1846
Invalid names: Acrotherium kobyi Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Acrotherium mutabile Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Adinotherium ferum Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Adinotherium magister Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Adinotherium proximum Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Adinotherium robustum Ameghino 1891 [synonym]
Adinotherium splendidum Ameghino 1887
Invalid names: Adinotherium antiquum Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Adinotherium koby Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Adinotherium pulchrum Mercerat 1891 [synonym]
G. †Berroia Kraglievich 1931
G. †Gronotherium Ameghino 1887
Invalid names: Protoxodon Ameghino 1887 [synonym]
G. †Nesodon Owen 1846
Nesodon andium Ameghino 1891
Nesodon brachycephalus Ameghino 1894
Nesodon cavifrons Ameghino 1894
Nesodon imbricatus Owen 1846
Invalid names: Acrotherium intermedium Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Acrotherium variegatum Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Adelphotherium ligatum Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Adelphotherium lutarium Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Adelphotherium pumilum Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Adelphotherium repandum Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Adelphotherium rothi Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Adelphotherium trivium Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Gronotherium decrepitum Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Nesodon conspurcatus Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Nesodon cornutus Scott 1912 [synonym], Nesodon marmoratus Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Nesodon oweni Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Nesodon typicus Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Nesotherium argentinum Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Nesotherium nehringi Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Nesotherium rufum Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Nesotherium studeri Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Protoxodon clemens Fernández and Muñoz 2019 [synonym], Protoxodon henseli Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Protoxodon obliteratus Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Protoxodon speciosus Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Protoxodon sullivani Owen 1846 [synonym], Scophotherium cyclops Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Toxodon patagonensis Ameghino 1887 [synonym]
Nesodon limitatum Mercerat 1891
Nesodon taweretus Forasiepi et al. 2015
Invalid names: Acrotherium Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Adelphotherium Ameghino 1887 [synonym]
G. †Phobereotherium Ameghino 1887
Phobereotherium silvaticum Mercerat 1891
G. †Probereotherium Ameghino 1887
Probereotherium silvaticum Ameghino 1887
Pronesodon cristatus Ameghino 1894
Pronesodon robustus Ameghino 1894
Pronesodon vates Ameghino 1902
G. †Rhadinotherium Ameghino 1887
G. †Senodon
Senodon platyarthrus Ameghino 1894
G. †Xotoprodon Ameghino 1891
Xotoprodon maximus Ameghino 1891
Xotoprodon solidus Ameghino 1891
D. A. Croft et al. 2004The Nesodontinae, as traditionally conceived (e.g., Nesodon, Adinotherium, Proadinotherium, etc.), is likely a paraphyletic group of toxodontids lacking derived character states present in other toxodontid subclades (Madden, 1990; Nasif et al., 2000). Specimens from Chucal are referred to the Toxodontidae based on large size; presence of very hypsodont cheek teeth; cheek teeth with protocone and hypocone united early in wear; upper molars with distinct and persistent first crista; lingual origin of the crochet in upper molars; triangular cross section of i1; hypselodont, procumbent, and tusklike i3; and reduced enamel along the lingual portions of the lower molars (Madden, 1990; Cifelli, 1993; Nasif et al., 2000). Nesodontines differ from other toxodontids in absence of derived mandibular symphysis morphology (Madden, 1990); unreduced sagittal crest (Nasif et al., 2000); lack of hypselodont molars (although M3 roots form only in old individuals; Madden, 1990); absence of simplified, straight ectoloph (i.e., lacking distinct parastyle, paracone, and metacone) on P2–4; presence of lingual folds on upper molars that become completely isolated as fossettes; and presence of two lingual folds plus an accessory fossettid in the lower molars.
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Maximum body mass: 554.61 kgg
Minimum body mass: 121.26 kgg
Environment: terrestrialsubc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: scansorialsubc
Diet: herbivoreo
Reproduction: viviparoussubc
Created: 2009-01-05 17:11:49
Modified: 2009-01-05 19:11:49
Source: g = genus, o = order, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum
References: Lillegraven 1979, Ji et al. 2002, Vizcaíno et al. 2010, MacFadden et al. 1996, Hendy et al. 2009, Carroll 1988

Age range: base of the Deseadan to the top of the Huayquerian or 29.00000 to 5.00000 Ma

Collections (54 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Deseadan29.0 - 21.0Argentina (Santa Cruz) Nesodon sp. (50074)
Deseadan29.0 - 21.0Bolivia Nesodontinae indet. (95688)
Deseadan29.0 - 21.0Argentina (Chubut) Nesodontinae indet. (146358)
Colhuehuapian21.0 - 17.5Argentina (Mendoza) Nesodon taweretus (198588) Nesodontinae indet. (189519)
Colhuehuapian21.0 - 17.5Argentina (Neuquén) Adinotherium sp. (89030)
Colhuehuapian21.0 - 17.5Argentina (Río Negro) Nesodontinae indet. (89093)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Chile (Aisén) Adinotherium sp., Nesodon sp. (71843)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Chile (Magallanes) Adinotherium sp., Nesodon sp. (204203)
Santacrucian17.5 - 16.3Chile Adinotherium sp., Nesodon imbricatus (103804)
Santacrucian17.5 - 16.3Argentina (Santa Cruz) Adinotherium ovinum (176586 206241 207604) Adinotherium robustum (176574 176635) Adinotherium sp. (176569 176570 176624 207605 210786) Adinotherium sp., Adinotherium ovinum (176603) Adinotherium sp., Nesodon imbricatus (176641) Adinotherium sp., Nesodon sp. (176571 176622 176625) Adinotherium sp., Nesodon sp., Adinotherium ovinum (210638) Adinotherium sp., Nesodon sp., Adinotherium ovinum, Adinotherium ferum (142529) Adinotherium sp., Nesodon sp., Nesodon imbricatus (210787) Adinotherium sp., Nesodon sp., Nesodon imbricatus, Adinotherium ovinum (176578) Adinotherium sp., Nesodon sp., Nesodon imbricatus, Adinotherium ovinum, Adinotherium robustum (27313) Nesodon imbricatus (176583 176602) Nesodon imbricatus, Adinotherium ferum, Nesodon sp., Adinotherium sp. (142533) Nesodon imbricatus, Adinotherium ovinum (176576 176581 176585 176591 204358) Nesodon sp. (87314 176600 176601 176623 206235 210154) Nesodon sp., Adinotherium ovinum (176590) Nesodon sp., Adinotherium ovinum, Adinotherium robustum (206237) Nesodon sp., Nesodon cornutus (210153) Protoxodon marmoratus (176593)
Santacrucian17.5 - 16.3Chile (Araucania) Nesodon conspurcatus (144463)
Santacrucian17.5 - 16.3Argentina (San Juan) Nesodon conspurcatus (197900)
Santacrucian17.5 - 16.3Chile (Araucanía) Nesodon imbricatus (212330)
Santacrucian - Friasian17.5 - 15.5Venezuela (Portugesa) Adinotherium sp. (190535)
Friasian16.3 - 15.5Chile Adinotherium sp., Nesodon sp. (176666)
Huayquerian8.0 - 5.0Argentina (Entre Rios) Adinotherium paranense, Berroia sp. (55600)