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Insecta - Hemiptera - Tropiduchidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1866Tropiduchidae Stål
1878Tropiduchinae Scudder p. 773
1922Tropiduchidae Tillyard
1923Tropiduchidae Tillyard
2004Tropiduchidae Szwedo et al. p. 82
2010Tropiduchidae Lin et al. p. 751
2010Tropiduchidae Szwedo and Stroinski p. 132
2012Tropiduchidae Cryan and Urban
2018Tropiduchidae Szwedo p. 111
2019Tropiduchidae Szwedo p. 360
2022Tropiduchidae Bourgoin and Szwedo
2023Tropiduchidae Bourgoin and Szwedo p. 566

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
superclassHexapodaLatreille 1825
NeopterygotaCrampton 1924
infraclassNeopteraMartynov 1923
HemelytrataFallen 1829
suborderFulgoromorpha(Evans 1946)
familyTropiduchidaeStål 1866
familyTropiduchidaeStål 1866

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. Tropiduchidae Stål 1866
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Subfm. Elicinae Melichar 1915
Tr. †Austrini Szwedo and Stroinski 2010
G. †Austris Szwedo and Stroinski 2010
Austris raffelis Szwedo and Stroinski 2010
Tr. Bucini Gnezdilov et al. 2016
G. †Krundia Szwedo 2019
Krundia korba Szwedo 2019
Tr. Elicini Melichar 1915
G. †Dakrutulia Szwedo 2019
G. †Senogaetulia Szwedo 2019
Senogaetulia kwalea Szwedo 2019
G. †Tritophania Jacobi 1937
Tritophania patruelis Jacobi 1937
Tr. †Gedanotropidini Szwedo and Stroinski 2017
G. †Gedanotropis Szwedo and Stroinski 2017
Gedanotropis sontagae Szwedo and Stroinski 2017
Tr. †Patollini Szwedo and Stroinski 2013
G. †Patollo Szwedo and Stroinski 2013
Patollo aestiorum Szwedo and Stroinski 2013
Patollo natangorum Szwedo and Stroinski 2013
Subfm. Tropiduchinae Stål 1866
Subtr. Catulliini Melichar 1914
G. †Catulliastites Szwedo 2019
Catulliastites muiri Cockerell 1922
Invalid names: Hastites Cockerell 1922 [replaced]
Tr. †Jantaritambiini Szwedo 2000
G. †Jantaritambia Szwedo 2000
Jantaritambia loculata Germar and Berendt 1856
Jantaritambia serafini Szwedo 2000
G. †Keirophettus Szwedo 2019
Keirophettus atibenus Szwedo 2019
G. †Phatanako Szwedo 2019
Phatanako wilmattae Cockerell 1926
Invalid names: Cixius succineus Germar and Berendt 1856 [nomen dubium]
Tr. Paricanini Melichar 1914
G. †Seeteascanopia Bourgoin and Wang 2019
Seeteascanopia arcabucana Wang and Bourgoin 2019
Tr. Tambiniini Kirkaldy 1907
G. †Sognotela Szwedo 2019
Sognotela emeljanovi Szwedo 2019
Tr. Trypetimorphini Fieber 1872
G. †Reteotissus Szwedo 2019
Reteotissus hooleyi Szwedo 2019
Invalid names: Emilianini Shcherbakov 2006 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: chitinc
Environment: terrestrialc
Locomotion: actively mobilep
Created: 2017-04-17 09:56:18
Modified: 2017-04-17 09:56:18
Source: c = class, p = phylum
References: Kiessling 2004, Bush and Bambach 2015

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Priabonian to the top of the Early/Lower Miocene or 38.00000 to 15.97000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 33.9 Ma

Collections (12 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Poland Cixius loculatus, Cixius succineus (109625) Jantaritambia serafini (123215) Patollo natangorum, Gedanotropis sontagae (110737)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Russian Federation (Kaliningrad) Austris raffelis (123458) Patollo aestiorum (110735) Tritophania patruelis (124073)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9United Kingdom (England) Hastites muiri, Sognotela emeljanovi, Reteotissus hooleyi, Keirophettus atibenus, Dakrutulia mikhailkozlovi (123960) Krundia sp., Krundia korba (113829) Myndus wilmattae (129546) Senogaetulia kwalea (127743)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97New Zealand Tropiduchidae indet. (207009)
Burdigalian - Langhian20.44 - 13.82Dominican Republic Seeteascanopia arcabucana (176579)