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Trilobita - Phacopida - Calymenidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1847Pharostoma Hawle and Corda
1847Prionocheilus Rouault
1925Pharostoma Warburg
1977Pharostoma Siveter
1980Prionocheilus Owen and Bruton
2002Prionocheilus Jell and Adrain p. 429
2002Pharostoma Sepkoski
2002Prionocheilus Sepkoski

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumArtiopoda(Hou and Bergstrom)
classTrilobitaWalch 1771
orderPhacopidaSalter 1864
suborderCalymeninaSwinnerton 1915
familyCalymenidaeMilne-Edwards 1840
subfamilyPharostomatinaeHupe 1953
genusPrionocheilusRouault 1847

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Prionocheilus Rouault 1847
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Prionocheilus foveolatum Törnquist 1884
Invalid names: Prionocheilus narinosus Siveter 1977 [synonym]
Prionocheilus mendax Vanek 1965
Prionocheilus obtusus McCoy 1846
Prionocheilus pulchra Beyrich 1846
Prionocheilus verneuili Rouault 1847
Invalid names: Pharostoma Hawle and Corda 1847 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitec
Composition 2: chitinc
Entire body: yesg
Adult length: 10 to < 100g
Adult width: 10 to < 100g
Spines: minorg
Ontogeny: molting, addition of partsc
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: actively mobilef
Life habit: nektobenthicf
Diet: carnivoref
Vision: well-developedf
Comments: BODY SIZE: Data from Harrington et al. (1959).g
Created: 2009-06-09 21:17:20
Modified: 2009-06-09 23:17:20
Source: g = genus, f = family, c = class
References: Hendy 2009, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Arenig to the top of the Late/Upper Ordovician or 478.60000 to 443.80000 Ma

Collections (96 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Tremadoc486.5 - 477.7Spain (Zaragoza) P. languedocensis (21076 197251)
Tremadocian485.4 - 477.7Morocco (Anti-Atlas) P. sp. (166727)
Arenig478.6 - 466.0Morocco P. sp. (20979 56608)
Arenig478.6 - 466.0France (Montagne Noire) P. sp. (20828)
Arenig478.6 - 466.0Spain (Zaragoza) P. sp. (21075)
Floian477.7 - 470.0Morocco (Anti Atlas) P. sp. (166726)
Fennian470.7 - 468.0France (Montagne Noire) P. sp. (20825)
Middle Ordovician470.0 - 458.4France P. mendax (174550 174556)
Middle Ordovician - Ordovician470.0 - 443.8France P. mendax (174538)
Early/Lower Llanvirn468.0 - 461.1United Kingdom (Wales) P. mendax (69843 69844)
Oretanian468.0 - 459.0Spain (Oviedo) P. sp. (21094)
Llanvirn468.0 - 458.4Czech Republic (Prague) P. sp. (76458)
Darriwilian467.3 - 458.4Algeria Pharostoma pulchra (196943)
Sarka466.0 - 466.0Czech Republic P. sp. (3857)
Llandeilo461.1 - 458.4China (Guizhou) Pharostoma sp. (5141) P. pulcher (188421)
Letna - Harnagian460.9 - 457.2Czech Republic Pharostoma pulchrum (3861) P. sp. (3862)
Dobrotivian459.0 - 457.9Spain (Cuidad Real) P. mendax (20891) P. sp. (21051)
Dobrotivian459.0 - 457.9Portugal Pharostoma sp., P. mendax (20958) P. sp. (20932 20957)
Dobrotivian459.0 - 457.9Spain (Toledo and Cuidad Real) P. sp. (20893)
Dobrotivian459.0 - 457.9France P. mendax (174536) P. sp. (21004)
Dobrotivian459.0 - 457.9Spain P. mendax (93271)
Dobrotivian459.0 - 457.9Spain (Guadalajara) P. almelai (194904) P. mendax (194901 194902)
Dobrotivian459.0 - 457.9Spain (Asturias) P. sp. (21084)
Dobrotivian459.0 - 457.9Spain (Sierra Morena and Cuidad Real) P. sp. (21017)
Dobrotivian - Berounian459.0 - 449.8Morocco (Maïder) P. sp. (20970)
Dobrotivian - Caradoc459.0 - 449.5Spain (Ciudad Real) P. sp. (20892)
Costonian - Harnagian458.4 - 457.2China (Yunnan) Pharostoma sp. (5425)
Soudleyan - Marshbrookian458.4 - 454.0Norway Pharostoma sp. (2945) P. sp. (2948)
Soudleyan - Marshbrookian458.4 - 454.0Sweden Pharostoma sp. (2941)
Sandbian458.4 - 453.0France P. verneuili (174560)
Caradoc458.4 - 449.5Sweden (Vastergotland) Pharostoma sp. (77099)
Kukruse458.0 - 456.8Russian Federation Pharostoma nieszkowskii (160531)
Kukruse458.0 - 456.8Sweden Pharostoma nieszkowskii (167235)
Idavere458.0 - 453.0Russian Federation Pharostoma sp. (160532)
Idavere - Johvi458.0 - 449.9Norway (Hadeland) Pharostoma nieszkowskii (164358)
Berounian457.9 - 449.8Morocco P. sp. (21001)
Berounian457.9 - 449.8Portugal P. sp. (20874)
Berounian457.9 - 449.8Czech Republic (Prague) P. sp. (76474)
Berounian457.9 - 449.8Spain (Caceres and Cuidad Real) P. costai (21047)
Berounian457.9 - 449.8Spain (Zaragoza) P. sp. (196901)
Berounian - Cautleyan457.9 - 448.8Spain (Sevilla) P. sp. (20928)
Vinice457.5 - 455.8Czech Republic Pharostoma pulchrum (3864)
Bohdalec457.5 - 445.2Czech Republic P. sp. (3874)
Vinice - Late/Upper Ordovician457.5 - 443.8Czech Republic Pharostoma pulchrum (3863)
Zahorany - Late/Upper Ordovician457.5 - 443.8Czech Republic Pharostoma pulchrum (3865) P. sp. (3866)
Longvillian - Marshbrookian457.2 - 454.0Norway P. sp. (2763)
Woolstonian457.2 - 454.0United Kingdom (Wales) Pharostoma sp. (192390)
Haljala - Keila456.8 - 453.0Norway Pharostoma nieszkowskii (162245)
Haljala - Keila456.8 - 453.0Norway (Asker) Pharostoma nieszkowskii (167232)
Marshbrookian - Actonian455.0 - 453.0Norway (Hadeland) P. sp. (166940 167370)
Keila453.9 - 453.0Sweden (Skåne) Pharostoma foveolatum (153973)
Keila - Oandu453.9 - 451.8Sweden (Dalarne) Pharostoma foveolata (73411 73855 161744)
Oandu - Keila453.0 - 453.0Sweden Pharostoma foveolata (161777)
Oandu453.0 - 451.8Russian Federation Pharostoma pediloba (169224)
Oandu453.0 - 451.8Norway (Nes-Hamar) Pharostoma foveolatum (167234)
Oandu453.0 - 451.8Sweden (Skåne) Pharostoma foveolatum (153974)
Oandu453.0 - 451.8Norway (Asker) P. obtusus (163199 163200)
Oandu453.0 - 451.8Norway P. obtusus (163187) P. obtusus, P. narinosus (162532)
Oandu - Rakvere453.0 - 450.5Norway Pharostoma sp. (166855) Pharostoma sp., Pharostoma narinosum (162631) P. narinosus, Pharostoma narinosum (162633)
Katian453.0 - 445.2Sweden (Dalarna) Pharostoma leptaenarum (124939)
Katian - Hirnantian453.0 - 443.4Sweden (Dalarne) Pharostoma leptaenarum (73413)
Rakvere451.8 - 450.5Latvia (Daugavpils) Pharostoma pediloba (192987)
Rakvere - Nabala451.8 - 449.9Norway P. narinosus (163193) P. obtusus (162533)
Nabala450.5 - 449.9Latvia (Daugavpils) Pharostoma pediloba (192988)
Kralodvorian449.8 - 445.2Portugal P. sp. (20956)
Richmondian - Gamachian449.6 - 443.7Canada (Quebec) Pharostoma rarum (37790)
Ashgill449.5 - 443.7Spain (Aragon) P. obtusus (80768)
Pirgu - Hirnantian449.5 - 443.4Sweden (Dalarne) Pharostoma leptaenarum (73408 73414)
Cautleyan - Rawtheyan449.2 - 445.2United Kingdom (Wales) P. sp. (8291)
Rawtheyan448.8 - 445.2Belgium P. sp. (192762)
Rawtheyan448.8 - 445.2United Kingdom (Wales) Pharostoma sp. (3675)
Rawtheyan448.8 - 445.2United Kingdom (England) P. sp. (3667)
Hirnantian445.2 - 443.4Sweden (Dalarne) Pharostoma leptaenarum (73410)