Classification of Abramov and Grigorieva 1988

G. †Orbiculoidea d'Orbigny 1847
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Orbiculoidea kolymaensis Licharew 1959
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Anidanthus boikowi Stepanov 1946
Anidanthus halinae Kotljar 1977
Anidanthus megensis Solomina 1981
Anidanthus sarytchevae Zavodowsky 1970
Anidanthus victori Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
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Cancrinella grandis Solomina 1981
Cancrinella subtilis Abramov and Grigorjeva 1983
G. †Cancrinelloides Ustritsky 1963
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Cancrinelloides curvatus Tolmatchew 1912
Cancrinelloides obrutschewi Licharew 1934
Cancrinelloides ogonerensis Zavodowsky 1960
G. †Eolissochonetes Hoare 1960
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Eolissochonetes maximus Afanasjeva 1977
G. †Jakutochonetes Afanasjeva 1977
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Jakutochonetes sinuatus Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
G. †Jakutoproductus Kashirtsev 1959
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Jakutoproductus crassus Kashirtsev 1959
Jakutoproductus insignis Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
Jakutoproductus parenensis Zavodowsky 1971
Jakutoproductus tatjanae Abramov and Grigorjeva 1983
Jakutoproductus verkhojanicus Fredericks 1931
G. †Marginalosia Waterhouse 1978
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Marginalosia magna Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
G. †Megousia Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
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Megousia kolymaensis Licharew 1934
Megousia kulikii Fredericks 1915
Megousia yakutica Licharew 1934
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Mongolosia anidanthiformis Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
G. †Quinquenella Waterhouse 1975
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Quinquenella planiconvexa Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
G. †Spitzbergenia Kotljar 1977
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Spitzbergenia snjatkovi Zavodovsky 1960
G. †Striochonetes Waterhouse and Piyasin 1970
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Striochonetes subquadratus Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
G. †Strophalosia King 1844
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Strophalosia grandis Tolmatschew 1912
Strophalosia vollossovitschi Fredericks 1931
G. †Terrakea Booker 1929
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Terrakea belochini Ganelin 1977
G. †Tornquistia Paeckelmann 1930
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Tornquistia pseudobrama Zavodowsky 1960
G. †Uraloproductus Ustritsky 1971
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Uraloproductus bilobatus Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
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Waagenoconcha wimani Fredericks 1934
G. †Wyndhamia Booker 1929
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Wyndhamia gijigensis Zavodovsky 1958
G. †Rhynchopora King 1865
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Rhynchopora angulatiplicata Ustritsky 1963
Rhynchopora lobjaensis Tolmatchew 1912
Rhynchopora variabilis Stuckenberg 1898
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Rhynoleichus delenjaensis Abramov and Grigorieva 1983
Rhynoleichus etschiensis Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
Rhynoleichus subglobosus Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
G. †Alispiriferella Waterhouse and Waddington 1982
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G. †Cratispirifer Archbold and Thomas 1985
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Cratispirifer barchatovae Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
G. †Elivina Fredericks 1924
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Elivina cordiformis Waterhouse and Waddington 1982
G. †Neospirifer Fredericks 1919
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Neospirifer subfasciger Licharew 1934
Neospirifer subovalis Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
G. †Olgerdia Grigorjeva 1977
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Olgerdia ganelini Grigorjeva 1977
G. †Spirelytha Fredericks 1924
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Spirelytha magna Miloradovich 1936
Spirelytha miloradovichi Archbold and Thomas 1984
G. †Spiriferella Tschernyschew 1902
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Spiriferella bituchensis Abramov 1974
Spiriferella consimilis Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
Spiriferella keilhavii von Buch 1847
G. †Timaniella Barchatova 1968
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Timaniella magniplicata Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
G. †Tumarinia Solomina and Grigorjeva 1973
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Tumarinia kolymaensis Tolmatschew 1912
G. †Marinurnula Waterhouse 1964
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Marinurnula chivatschense Zavodowsky 1968
Marinurnula timanicum Tschernyschew 1902
G. †Crassispirifer Archbold and Thomas 1985
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Crassispirifer chospochtschonicus Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
Crassispirifer jakuschewae Abramov and Grigorieva 1988
Crassispirifer koargychanensis Zavodowsky 1970
Crassispirifer monumentalis Abramov and Grigorieva 1988