Classification of Reed 1917

Ph. Brachiopoda Cuvier 1805 [lamp shell]
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G. †Camarella Billings 1859
Camarella conybearei Reed 1917
Camarella cuneatella Davidson 1883
G. †Metacamarella Reed 1917
G. †Scenidium
Scenidium lewisi Davidson 1883
G. Lingula BruguiƩre 1797
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Lingula amabilis Reed 1917
Lingula mediostriata Reed 1917
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Lingulasma quaestor Reed 1917
G. †Obolus Eichwald 1829
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Obolus audax Reed 1917
Obolus maccullochi Reed 1917
G. †Paterula Barrande 1879
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Paterula balclatchiensis Davidson 1883
G. †Acrothele Linnarsson 1876
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G. †Conotreta Walcott 1889
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Conotreta conoidea Reed 1917
G. †Philhedra Koken 1889
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Philhedra playfairi Reed 1917
G. †Trematis Sharpe 1848
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Trematis melliflua Reed 1917
G. †Micromitra Meek 1873
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Subg. †Micromitra (Paterina) Beecher 1891
G. †Cliftonia Foerste 1909
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Cliftonia andersoni Reed 1917
Cliftonia grayiae Davidson 1870
G. †Hemipronites Pander 1830
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G. †Orthambonites Pander 1830
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G. †Orthis Dalman 1828
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Subg. †Orthis (Dalmanella) Hall and Clarke 1892
Orthis (Dalmanella) rankini Davidson 1883
Subg. †Orthis (Dinorthis) Hall and Clarke 1892
Subg. †Orthis (Hebertella) Hall and Clarke 1892
Subg. †Orthis (Plectorthis) Hall and Clarke 1892
G. †Plectorthis Hall and Clarke 1892
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G. †Leptella Hall and Clarke 1892
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Leptella grayae Davidson 1883
G. †Plectambonites Pander 1830
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Plectambonites etheridgei Davidson 1883
Plectambonites serica Sowerby 1839
Plectambonites youngiana Davidson 1870
G. †Rafinesquina Hall and Clarke 1892
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Rafinesquina brumalis Reed 1917
Rafinesquina concentrica Portlock 1843
Rafinesquina expansa de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
G. †Schuchertella Girty 1904
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G. †Strophomena Rafinesque and De Blainville 1824
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Strophomena deficiens Reed 1917
G. †Camerella Billings 1859
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Camerella balclatchiensis Davidson 1883
Camerella peachi Davidson 1883
G. †Pentamerus Sowerby 1813
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Subg. †Pentamerus (Barrandella) Hall and Clarke 1892
Pentamerus (Barrandella) undatus de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
G. †Porambonites Pander 1830
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G. †Orthorhynchula Hall and Clarke 1893
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Orthorhynchula subborealis Davidson 1883
G. †Protorhyncha Hall and Clarke 1893
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Protorhyncha nasuta McCoy 1852
G. †Rhynchonella Fischer 1809
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Rhynchonella lapworthi Davidson 1883
Rhynchonella thomsoni Davidson 1868
G. †Rhynchotreta Hall 1879
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G. †Coelospira Hall 1863
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Coelospira hemispherica de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
G. †Protozyga Hall and Clarke 1893
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G. †Zygospira Hall 1862
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Zygospira orbis Reed 1917
G. †Stropheodonta Hall 1852
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Stropheodonta donax Reed 1917
G. †Parastrophia Hall and Clarke 1893
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Parastrophia scotica Davidson 1883
Parastrophia youngi Reed 1917
G. †Triplecia Wiman 1907
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Triplecia craigensis Reed 1917
Orthis calligramma Dalman 1828
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Lingula brevis Portlock 1843
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Plectambonites sericea Sowerby and Murchison 1839
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Strophomena antiquata de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
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