Classification of Cowles 1994

G. Falco Linnaeus 1758 [falcon]
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Falco duboisi Cowles 1994 [Réunion kestrel]
G. Strix Linnaeus 1758
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Strix sauzieri Newton and Gadow 1893 [Mauritius owl]
G. Fulica Linnaeus 1758
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Fulica newtonii Milne-Edwards 1867 [Mascarene coot]
G. Nycticorax Forster 1817 [night heron]
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Nycticorax borbonensis Cowles 1994
Fm. Anatidae Vigors 1825
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Subfm. Tadorninae Reichenbach 1849
G. †Mascarenachen Cowles 1994
Mascarenachen kervazoi Cowles 1994 [Réunion shelduck]
Fm. Threskiornithidae Richmond 1917 [ibis]
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G. †Borbonibis Mourer-Chauviré and Moutou 1987
Borbonibis latipes Mourer-Chauviré and Moutou 1987