Daken (Triassic of China)

Also known as PGAP 2171

Where: Fujian, China (25.5° N, 117.6° E: paleocoordinates 25.1° N, 97.8° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Daken Formation, Carnian (237.0 - 228.0 Ma)


Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: Bur. of Geol. and Min. Resources of Fujian. 1985. Regional Geology of Fujian Province. People's Republic of China Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, Geological Memoirs 1(4):1-671 [A. Rees/A. Rees/S. Bruning]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 29781: authorized by Allister Rees, entered by Allister Rees on 02.04.2003

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• List from p. 121,128. Genus-level assignments and numbers of species are from the PGAP database. Species names are in the process of being entered.
 Peltaspermales - Umkomasiaceae
Pachypteris "sp. 1" Brongniart 1828
 Peltaspermales - Leuthardtiaceae
"Glossophyllum "sp. 1"" = Arberophyllum
"Glossophyllum "sp. 1"" = Arberophyllum Doweld 2000
 Cycadales - Cycadaceae
Sphenozamites "sp. 1" Brongniart 1849 cycads
 Cycadales -
"Nilssonia "sp. 1"" = Nilsonia Brongniart 1825 cycads
Taeniopteris "sp. 1" Brongniart 1828 cycads
Taeniopteris "sp. 2" Brongniart 1828 cycads
 Ginkgoales - Ginkgoaceae
Baiera "sp. 1" Braun 1843
Baiera "sp. 2" Braun 1843
Baiera "sp. 3" Braun 1843
Baiera "sp. 4" Braun 1843
 Ginkgoales -
Cladophlebis "sp. 1" Brongniart 1849
Cladophlebis "sp. 2" Brongniart 1849
  - Osmundaceae
Todites "sp. 1" Seward 1900
 Equisetales - Equisetidae
Equisetites "sp. 1" Sternberg 1833
 Polypodiales - Polypodiidae
Ctenis "sp. 1" Lindley and Hutton 1834
 Gleicheniales - Polypodiidae
Dictyophyllum "sp. 1" Lindley and Hutton 1834
Thallites "sp. 1" Walton 1925 liverwort
 Coniferales -
Desmiophyllum "sp. 1" Lesquereux 1878
 Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
Podozamites "sp. 1" Braun 1843 podocarp
Podozamites "sp. 2" Braun 1843 podocarp
 Bennettitales -
Tyrmia "sp. 1" Prinada 1956
Pterophyllum "sp. 1" Brongniart 1828
Pterophyllum "sp. 2" Brongniart 1828
Pterophyllum "sp. 3" Brongniart 1828
Anomozamites "sp. 1" Schimper 1870
Anomozamites "sp. 2" Schimper 1870
Anomozamites "sp. 3" Schimper 1870
Cycadolepis "sp. 1" Saporta 1875
Carpolithus "sp. 1" Linnaeus 1768