Dakota Rose Granite Quarry (Cretaceous of the United States)

Also known as Rose Quarry

Where: Grant County, South Dakota (45.2° N, 96.5° W: paleocoordinates 44.7° N, 58.8° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Benton Group, Turonian (93.9 - 89.8 Ma)

• equivalent to Carlisle Shale of Benton Group

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: shoreface; marl and rubbly, argillaceous conglomerate

• a "marine boulder beach on one of a series of islands"
• "an arkosic chalky marl"; "a basal, marine beach boulder conglomerate...fine sediments from coarse sands to marls are found between and above the boulders...The clat component of the marl seems to be a kaolinitic weathering residuum of the granite [underlying]."

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collected in the 1953, 2000s

Collection methods: salvage, quarrying, surface (in situ),

• Found during stripping of overburden at a granite quarry.

Primary reference: R. Zangerl and R. E. Sloan. 1960. A new specimen of Desmatochelys lowi Williston: a primitive cheloniid sea turtle from the Cretaceous of South Dakota. Fieldiana: Geology 14(2):7-40 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 181902: authorized by Matthew Carrano, entered by Matthew Carrano on 07.10.2016

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Lamniformes - Mitsukurinidae
"Scapanorhynchus raphiodon" = Scapanorhynchus rhaphiodon
"Scapanorhynchus raphiodon" = Scapanorhynchus rhaphiodon Agassiz 1843 goblin shark
 Lamniformes - Pseudoscapanorhynchidae
Cretodus crassidens Dixon 1850 mackerel shark
 Lamniformes - Eoptolamnidae
 Lamniformes - Lamnidae
Isurus sp. Rafinesque 1810 mackerel shark
 Lamniformes - Otodontidae
"Cretolamna appendiculata" = Cretalamna appendiculata
"Cretolamna appendiculata" = Cretalamna appendiculata Agassiz 1835 mackerel shark
 Lamniformes - Aquilolamnidae
Cretomanta canadensis Case et al. 1990 mackerel shark
 Lamniformes - Anacoracidae
Squalicorax sp. Whitley 1939 crow shark
Squalicorax falcatus Agassiz 1843 crow shark
 Lamniformes - Cretoxyrhinidae
Cretoxyrhina mantelli Agassiz 1835 mackerel shark
 Rajiformes - Ptychotrygonidae
 Rajiformes -
Pseudohypolophus mcnultyi Thurmond 1971 guitarfish
 Hybodontiformes - Ptychodontidae
Ptychodus janewayii elasmobranch
Ptychodus whipplei Marcou 1858 elasmobranch
Ptychodus anonymus Williston 1900 elasmobranch
 Teleostei -
 Ichthyodectiformes - Ichthyodectidae
 Ichthyodectiformes - Saurodontidae
 Aulopiformes - Enchodontidae
Enchodus sp. Agassiz 1835
 Clupeiformes - Clupeoidei
Clupeoidea indet. Cuvier 1817 herring
 Crossognathiformes - Pachyrhizodontidae
Pachyrhizodus minimus Stewart 1899
Reptilia indet. Laurenti 1768 reptile
 Plesiosauria - Pliosauridae
cf. Brachauchenius sp. Williston 1903 plesiosaur
amphiplatyan vertebrae
 Ornithurae -
Hesperornithiformes indet. Fürbringer 1888 bird
shark-bitten tibiotarsus
 Theropoda - Dromaeosauridae
Dromaeosaurus sp. Matthew and Brown 1922 maniraptoran
 Testudines - Protostegidae
"Desmatochelys lowi" = Desmatochelys lowii
"Desmatochelys lowi" = Desmatochelys lowii Williston 1894 sea turtle
 Squamata - Mosasauridae
Mosasauridae indet. Gervais 1852 mosasaur
Coniferophyta indet.
"gymnosperm wood"