Russel-Tiglia-Egypte pit (Pleistocene of Netherlands)

Also known as Tegelen

Where: Limburg, Netherlands (51.3° N, 6.2° E: paleocoordinates 51.4° N, 6.0° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Early/Lower Pleistocene (2.6 - 0.8 Ma)

• The small mammal fauna from the infill, described by Van den Hoek Ostende (2003), Reumer (1984), Reumer and van den Hoek Ostende (2003), Rümke (1985) and Tesakov (1998) among others, is correlated with the Borsodia newtoni-Mimomys pliocaenicus Biozone, dated to 2.26-2.1 Ma (Mayhew, 2015).

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fine channel fill; sandstone

Size class: mesofossils

Collected in the 1970s

• Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden

Primary reference: A. Villa, H.-A. Blain, L. Hoek Ostende and M. Delfino. 2018. Fossil amphibians and reptiles from Tegelen (Province of Limburg) and the early Pleistocene palaeoclimate of The Netherlands. Quaternary Science Reviews 187:203-219 [E. Vlachos/E. Vlachos/L. Macaluso]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 192405: authorized by Evangelos Vlachos, entered by Evangelos Vlachos on 30.03.2018, edited by Loredana Macaluso

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Testudines -
Testudines indet. Batsch 1788 turtle
Material: 1 fragment of plastron; 1 shell fragment.
 Testudines - Geoemydidae
Mauremys sp. Gray 1870 pond turtle
Material: 1 nuchal.
 Squamata - Anguidae
Anguis cf. fragilis Linneaus 1758 Slow worm
Material: 1 parietal; 1 maxilla; 56 trunk vertebrae; 2 cloacal vertebrae; 34 caudal vertebrae; 143 osteoderms.
cf. Pseudopus sp. Merrem 1820 legless lizard
Material: 1 osteoderm.
 Squamata - Lacertidae
Lacertidae indet. Bonaparte 1831 squamates
Material: 1 parietal; 1 maxilla; 1 pterygoid; 3 dentaries; 2 cervical vertebrae; 14 trunk vertebrae; 4 cloacal vertebrae; 11 caudal vertebrae.
Lacerta sp. Linnaeus 1758 squamates
Material: 1 dentary.
 Squamata - Colubridae
Colubridae indet. Oppel 1811 colubrid snake
Material: 6 trunk vertebrae. Identification: “Colubrines” include
Natricinae indet. Bonaparte 1838 colubrid snake
Material: 60 trunk vertebrae.
 Squamata - Crotalidae
Vipera sp. Laurenti 1768 pit viper
Material: 1 trunk vertebra.
 Squamata - Natricidae
Natrix natrix Linnaeus 1758 water snake
Material: 58 trunk vertebrae.
 Caudata -
Caudata indet. salamander
Material: 18 dentaries; 1 oto-occipital complex; 5 atlases; 11 trunk vertebrae; 3 caudal vertebrae; 6 humeri; 5 radii; 1 ulna; 3 ilia; 8 femora; 2 tibiae; 1 fibula.
 Caudata - Urodela
Lissotriton sp. Bell 1839 newt
Material: 1 atlas; 32 trunk vertebrae; 2 caudal vertebrae; 7 humeri; 6 femora.
Triturus cf. cristatus Fitzinger 1843 newt
Material: 1 parasphenoid; 4 atlases; 88 trunk vertebrae; 7 caudal vertebrae; 10 humeri; 6 femora.
 Salientia -
Anura indet. Fischer von Waldheim 1813 frog
Material: 20 premaxillae; 101 maxillae; 2 sphenethmoids; 2 parasphenoids; 11 exoccipitals; 9 prootic-exoccipitals; 3 columellae; 27 squamosals; 16 pterygoids; 3 quadratojugals; 127 angulars; 25 atlases; 833 trunk vertebrae; 1 atlas fused to the first trunk vertebra; 46 sacral vertebrae; 18 urostyles; 5 clavicles; 89 coracoids; 3 scapulae; 231 humeri; 643 radioulnae; 56 ilia; 6 ischia; 205 femora; 182 tibiofibulae; 1198 undetermined elements.
 Salientia - Bombinatoridae
Bombina sp. Oken 1816 fire-bellied toad
Material: 1 atlas; 36 trunk vertebrae; 4 sacral vertebrae; 3 urostyles; 27 humeri; 21 ilia; 2 tibiofibulae.
 Salientia - Bufonidae
Bufo bufo Linnaeus 1758 toad
Material: 4 premaxillae; 3 frontoparietals; 13 trunk vertebrae; 1 sacral vertebra; 1 urostyle; 1 clavicle; 14 scapulae; 37 humeri; 19 ilia; 14 femora; 1 tibiofibula.
 Salientia - Hylidae
Hyla cf. arborea Linnaeus 1758 tree frog
Material: 4 trunk vertebrae; 2 sacral vertebrae; 12 scapulae; 7 humeri; 19 ilia; 6 femora.
 Salientia - Ranidae
Ranidae indet. Rafinesque 1814 frog
Material: 4 frontoparietals; 1 atlas; 18 trunk vertebrae; 71 sacral vertebrae; 29 urostyles; 4 clavicles; 64 scapulae; 2 scapulae fused to the clavicle; 1 shoulder girdle; 75 humeri; 111 ilia; 5 femora; 19 tibiofibulae.
Rana sp. Linnaeus 1758 frog
Material: 24 trunk vertebrae; 1 trunk vertebra fused to the sacral vertebra; 45 humeri; 81 ilia.
Pelophylax sp. Fitzinger 1843 frog
Material: 1 sphenethmoid; 1 squamosal; 22 trunk vertebrae; 88 humeri; 69 ilia; 1 ilium fused with the ischium.
 Salientia - Palaeobatrachidae
Palaeobatrachus eurydices n. sp. Villa et al. 2016 frog
Holotype: left maxilla RGM 632073; paratypes: sphenethmoid RGM 632100; premaxilla RGM 632066; frontoparietal RGM 632103; presacral vertebra RGM 632105; clavicle RGM 632116; humerus RGM 632126. Referred Material: sphenethmoid RGM 632101; premaxilla RGM 632067; maxillae RGM 632072, 632075, 632076; frontoparietal RGM 817656; angulars RGM 632083, 632084, 632090, 632096; pterygoid RGM 632080; urostyles RGM 632107, 632109, 632111, 632131; clavicle RGM 632112; coracoid RGM 632117; scapulae RGM 632120, 632121; humeri RGM 632123, 632127, 632129; radioulnae RGM 632132, 632133; ilia RGM 632138, 632141, 632153; femur RGM 817630; tibiofibula RGM 632155.
 Salientia - Pelodytidae
Pelodytes sp. Fitzinger 1838 parsley frog
Material: 1 trunk vertebra; 1 sacral vertebra.
 Salientia - Pelobatidae
Pelobates fuscus Laurenti 1768 Common Eurasian spadefoot toad
Material: 32 maxillae; 7 sphenethmoids; 9 nasals; 8 frontoparietals; 49 fragments of frontoparietal; 8 squamosals; 1 atlas; 49 trunk vertebrae; 10 sacral vertebrae fused with the urostyle; 6 scapulae; 63 humeri; 26 ilia; 6 femora.