oks1 (Carboniferous to of the United States)

Also known as ETE Locality 2, Capital Coal Co., USNM 38362, oks1,

Where: Mcintosh County, Oklahoma (35.5° N, 95.5° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 8.8° S, 32.7° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Boggy Formation (Krebs Group), Westphalian D to Westphalian D (309.8 - 307.0 Ma)

• The Secor Coal Member is in the Boggy Formation of the Krebs Group in Oklahoma.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: crevasse splay; gray, silty mudstone

• The sediments probably represent a rapidly prograding delta lobe; plants growing on the prograding deltaic silts and muds were preserved as compression fossils in crevasse-splay sediments.
• Carbonized compression fossils were collected from light to medium gray, silty mudstones between the Secor and Secor Rider coals.

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: adpression

Reposited in the USNM

Collection methods: surface (float),

Primary reference: W. A. Dimichele, T.L. Phillips, and G.E. McBrinn. 1991. Quantitative Analysis and Paleoecology of the Secor Coal and Roof-Shale Floras (Middle Pennsylvanian, Oklahoma). Palaios 6:390-409 [R. Gastaldo/J. Allen/J. Cassara]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 21275: authorized by Hallie Sims, entered by Gerry McBrinn on 17.06.1991

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

Doleotheca sp.
ETE percent abundance; species: pollen organ
cf. Aulacotheca sp. Halle 1933
ETE percent abundance; species: pollen organ
 Marattiales - Marattiidae
Zeilleria sp. Kidston 1884
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Renaultia sp. Stur 1883
ETE percent abundance; species: .
 Hymenophyllales - Polypodiidae
Eusphenopteris "scribanii-striata" Weiss 1882
ETE percent abundance; species: .
 Cyatheales - Polypodiidae
"Pecopteris hemitelioides" = Hemitelites hemitelioides
"Pecopteris hemitelioides" = Hemitelites hemitelioides Brongniart 1834 scaly tree fern
ETE percent abundance; species: .
 Equisetales - Equisetidae
Asterophyllites sp. Brongniart 1828
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Calamites sp. Suckow 1784
ETE percent abundance; species: stems
Annularia sphenophylloides
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Annularia stellata
ETE percent abundance; species: .
 Filicinae -
Pecopteris miltonii
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Pecopteris "plumosa-dentata" Brongniart 1822
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Pecopteris sarefolia
ETE percent abundance; species: .
"Alethopteris serlii" = Pecopteris (Alethopteris)
ETE percent abundance; species: .
"Alethopteris ambigua" = Pecopteris (Alethopteris)
ETE percent abundance; species: .
 Radiatopses - Medullosaceae
Mariopteris occidentalis
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Mariopteris nervosa Brongniart 1879
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Neuropteris rarinervis
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Neuropteris sp. Brongniart 1828
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Neuropteris macrophylla
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Neuropteris obliqua
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Neuropteris osmundae
ETE percent abundance; species: .
 Sphenophyllales -
Sphenophyllum sp. König 1825
ETE percent abundance; species: stems, mak - plant organ "leaf" from ETE plant organs table
Sphenophyllum emarginatum Brongniart 1822
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Reticulopteris muensteri
Reticulopteris muensteri Eichwald 1840
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Aphlebia sp. Presl 1838
ETE percent abundance; species: .
  - Sphenopteridae
Sphenopteris macilenta
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Sphenopteris sp. Sternberg 1825
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Spermatophyta indet.
ETE percent abundance; species: ovule, mak - "leaf" from ETE plant organ table
  - Neuropteridae
Cyclopteris sp. Brongniart 1828
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Pteridospermopsida indet.
ETE percent abundance; species: axes
Neuropteris heterophylla
"Neuropteris heterophylla" = Imparipteris heterophylla
"Neuropteris heterophylla" = Imparipteris heterophylla Brongniart 1825
ETE percent abundance; species: .
Holcospermum sp. Nathorst 1914
ETE percent abundance; species: ovule
 Naviculales - Pinnulariaceae
Pinnularia sp. Ehrenberg 1843 diatom
ETE percent abundance; species: roots