Kinney Quarry, Manzanita Mountains, unit 4 (Carboniferous of the United States)

Where: Bernalillo County, New Mexico (34.9° N, 106.3° W: paleocoordinates 0.4° S, 36.9° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Pine Shadow Member (Wild Cow Formation), Virgilian (303.7 - 298.9 Ma)

• Wild Cow Formation, which is composed of rhythmic sequences of arkosic sandstone, gray, tan, and red shale, and gray marine limestone of Missourian to earliest Wolfcamian age. Myers (1973, 1988) recognized three members of the Wild Cow, in ascending order Sol de Mete, Pine Shadow, and La Casa. About 28 m of the Pine Shadow Member (lower Virgilian) are exposed in the Kinney Quarry... the member consiste generally of gray marine limstones alternating with marine or nonmarine shale, sandstone, and conglomerate. Lateral facies changes within the Pine Shadow Member are pronounced...early Virgilian age is based on studies of fusulinids.

Environment/lithology: lagoonal or restricted shallow subtidal; shale

• deposition in conditions of lowered salinity; deposition occurred in quiet, possibly oxygen-poor waters with restricted circulation; conection with normal marine environments persisted; mud-crack structures are observed

•#75170: anoxic, very low-energy depositional environment; waters of greatly reduced salinity; deep lagoon or bay; laminations may represent minimal tidal influence

•ref #75238: ostracods are characteristic of a mixed mear-shore -marine and brackish-water fauna that appears to have become less marine above the basal limestone

• Thickness: 0.2 m

•Fig. 5: shale, olive gray (5 Y 4/1); weathers dark yellowish brown (10 YR 4/2); plastic; very calcareous; highly fossiliferous; part of main fish-plant interval

•text: units 3 and 4 are gray to olive-gray, orange- to brown-weathering shales totaling 30-40 cm in thickness. Lithological variation within this interval is pronounced. Typically it is finely laminar, relatively compact, and slightly to moderately calcareous, but locally becomes soft and highly fissile, especially in weathered exposures.

•ref #75170: indurated, calcareous shale

•ref #75181: laminated (1-10 mm, dark) to thinly bedded, shale; polygonal (2-20 cm) structures smilar to mud-cracks

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

• Nearly all of the published fossils from the Kinney Quarry have been collected from units 3 and 4.

Primary reference: B.S. Kues and S.G. Lucas. 1992. Overview of Upper Pennsylvanian stratigraphy and paleontology, Kinney Quarry, Manzanita Mountains, New Mexico. New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources, Bulletin 138:1-11 [B. Seuss/B. Seuss/B. Seuss]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 216994: authorized by Barbara Seuss, entered by Barbara Seuss on 12.01.2021

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

Walchia sp. Sternberg 1825
 Cordaitales -
Cordaitales indet. Scott 1909
Dicranophyllum sp.1 Grand'Eury 1900
 Palaeonisciformes - Platysomidae
Platysomidae indet.
most abundant Actinoperygii
Platysomus schultzei n. sp.5 Zidek 1992
holotype: NMMNH P-19195; paratypes: CM 47832, 47836, 47840a, b, KUVP 86176, NMMNH P-19114, P-19117a, b, P-19194a, b
 Eurynotiformes - Amphicentridae
Amphicentrum jurgenai n. sp.5 Zidek 1992
holotype: CM 47845a, b; paratypes CM 47843a, b, CM 47844a, b, CM 47846, NMMNH P-19112a, b, P-19116, KUVP 86170a, b
 Actinopterygii -
Actinopterygii indet. Cope 1887 ray-finned fish
 Actinopterygii - Haplolepidae
Pyritocephalus lowneyae n. sp.2 Huber 1992 ray-finned fish
holotype: P-12988, only known specimen
 Coelacanthiformes - Coelacanthidae
Coelacanthidae indet. Agassiz 1843 coelacanth
isolated scales, teeth, dermal bones
 Acanthodiformes - Acanthodidae
Acanthodes sp. Agassiz 1833 spiny fish
Acanthodes kinneyi n. sp.5 spiny fish
NMMNH P-19208; paratypes CM 47842a, b; USNM 187147; OMNH 00447, 00448, 00449
 Elasmobranchii -
 Pectinida - Pterinopectinidae
Dunbarella sp. Newell 1938 scallop
small to up to 3 cm hinge length; as many as 700 specimens / sqm
 Myalinida - Myalinidae
Myalinidae indet.1 Frech 1891 clam
Myalina sp. de Koninck 1842 clam
Gastropoda indet. Cuvier 1795 snail
 Sabellida - Serpulidae
Spirorbis sp.3 Daudin 1800
 Fenestrata -
Fenestrata indet. Elias and Condra 1957
 Podocopida - Cyprididae
? Carbonita sp.3 Strand 1928 ostracod
NMMNH P-14709, P-14710, P-14711, P-14712
 Podocopida - Darwinulidae
? Darwinula sp.3 Brady and Robertson 1885 ostracod
NMMNH P-14714, P-14715, P-14716
 Podocopida - Healdiidae
Healdia sp.3 Roundy 1926 ostracod
NMMNH P-13713
 Palaeocopida - Paraparchitidae
Paraparchites cf. kellettae3 ostracod
NMMNH P-14706
 Palaeocopida - Knoxitidae
Geisina gregaria3 ostracod
NMMNH P-14704, P14705
 Palaeocopida - Hollinellidae
Hollinella cf. grahamensis3 ostracod
NMMNH P-14703