Parietobalaena affinis Van Beneden and Gervais 1868

Mammalia - Cetacea

Alternative combinations: Cetotherium affine, Heterocetus affinis, Plesiocetus affinis

Full reference: P. J. Van Beneden and P. Gervais. 1868. Ostéographie des cétacés vivants et fossiles, comprenant la description et l'iconographie du squelette et du système dentaire de ces animaux; ainsi que des documents relatifs à leur histoire naturelle 1-634

Belongs to Parietobalaena according to M. Steeman 2010

See also Abel 1901, Lydekker 1887, Misonne 1958, Trouessart 1898, Trouessart 1904, Van Beneden 1880, Van Deinse 1931 and Vanden Broeck 1874

Sister taxa: Parietobalaena campiniana, Parietobalaena laxata, Parietobalaena palmeri, Parietobalaena securis, Parietobalaena yamaokai

Type specimen: lectotype IRScNB CtM 605 a-b/Reg 301, a partial skull (left periotic and bulla). Its type locality is Deurne (Fort 1), Deurne Sand, which is in a Tortonian lagoonal sandstone in the Diest Formation of Belgium.


• Miocene of Belgium (2 collections), the Netherlands (4)

Total: 6 collections including 7 occurrences

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