Aves - Charadriiformes - Laridae
Synonym: Procelsterna Lafresnaye 1842
Parent taxon: Laridae according to J. F. Clements et al. 2017
See also Mayr 2022, Olson 1975, Olson and James 1982 and Smith 2011
Sister taxa: Anoinae, Chlidonias, Chroicocephalus, Creagrus, Gaviota, Gelochelidon, Gyginae, Gygis, Hydrocoloeus, Hydroprogne, Larinae, Larosterna, Larus, Leucophaeus, Limosavis, Onychoprion, Pagophila, Rhodostethia, Rissa, Rynchopinae, Sterna, Sterninae, Sternula, Thalasseus, Xema
Subtaxa: Anous ceruleus Anous minutus Anous stolidus Anous tenuirostris
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore
• Quaternary of American Samoa (1 collection), the Bahamas (1), Cook Islands (6), French Polynesia (5), Micronesia (4), Niue (7), Northern Mariana Islands (11), Palau (3), Pitcairn (11), Solomon Islands (24), Tonga (2), Venezuela (1)
Total: 76 collections including 105 occurrences
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