Aves - Charadriiformes - Laridae
Alternative spelling: Sternidae
Parent taxon: Laridae according to O. P. Hay 1930
See also Chandler 1990, De Pietri et al. 2011, del Hoyo et al. 2014, Livezey and Zusi 2007, Mayr 2022, Smith 2011, Wetmore 1940 and Wetmore 1956
Sister taxa: Anoinae, Anous, Chlidonias, Chroicocephalus, Creagrus, Gaviota, Gelochelidon, Gyginae, Gygis, Hydrocoloeus, Hydroprogne, Larinae, Larosterna, Larus, Leucophaeus, Limosavis, Onychoprion, Pagophila, Rhodostethia, Rissa, Rynchopinae, Sterna, Sternula, Thalasseus, Xema
Subtaxa: Phaetusa
Type: Sterna
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore
• Quaternary of American Samoa (1 collection), Brazil (1), French Polynesia (1), Italy (1), the Marshall Islands (2), Micronesia (2), Solomon Islands (11), Spain (1)
Total: 20 collections each including a single occurrence