Synonym: Notodyptes Marples 1953
Full reference: C. Wiman. 1905. Vorlaufige Mitteilung uber die alttertiaren Vertebraten der Symourinsel. Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala 6:247-253
Parent taxon: Sphenisciformes according to D. T. Ksepka et al. 2006
See also Ameghino 1905, Brodkorb 1963, Carroll 1988, Jadwiszczak 2006, Jadwiszczak and Mörs 2011, Jadwiszczak and Mörs 2019, Ksepka and Clarke 2010, Lambrecht 1933, Myrcha et al. 2002, Simpson 1946, Simpson 1971, Tambussi et al. 2006 and Wiman 1905
Sister taxa: Anthropornis, Aprosdokitos, Archaeospheniscus, Crossvallia, Duntroonornis, Icadyptes, Inkayacu, Kaiika, Kairuku, Korora, Kumimanu, Kupoupou, Marambiornis, Mesetaornis, Muriwaimanu, Pachydyptes, Pakudyptes, Palaeospheniscinae, Paraptenodytinae, Perudyptes, Petradyptes, Platydyptes, Sequiwaimanu, Spheniscidae, Tonniornis, Waimanu, Wimanornis
Subtaxa: Delphinornis arctowskii Delphinornis larseni
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore
• Oligocene to Miocene of Antarctica (3 collections)
• Eocene of Antarctica (10)
Total: 13 collections including 17 occurrences
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