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Ophiuroidea - Ophiurida

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1836Acroura Agassiz
1840Ophiureae Müller and Troschel
1864Ophioderma bonnardi Oppel
1866Acroura Wright
1874Ophiolepis damesii Wright
1880Ophiolepis damesii Wright pp. 161-163 figs. pl. 21 figs. 4, 5
1886Ophiolepis damesi Benecke p. 196
1886Ophioderma bonnardi Benecke p. 200
1887Ophioderma asteriformis Picard
1889Ophiolepis damesi Boehm p. 271
1892Ophioglypha (Acroura) Neviani pp. 217-220
1904Ophiureae Clark p. 432
1923Ophiolepis damesii Lange p. 166
1940Ophioderma asteriformis Kutscher p. 14
1957Ophiolepis estarensis Barbier et al. p. 107 figs. figs. 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1-6
1957Ophiurida Lehmann p. 24
1960Ophiurida Fell
1961Ophiurites rhaeticus Laugier p. 3026 figs. Figs. 1, 2
1963Ophiurida Skwarko p. 579
1965Ophiolepis damesii Hess p. 160
1965Ophiurida Owen p. 548
1966Ophiurida Spencer and Wright p. U92
1983Ophiurida Haude and Thomas p. 132
1993Ophiurida Mostler and Krainer p. 37
1995Ophiurida Smith et al.
1997Ophiurida Jell p. 312
1997Ophiurida Krainer and Mostler p. 19
2000Ophiurida Jagt p. 9
2002Ophiurida Radwanski p. 396
2002Ophiurida Sepkoski
2004Ophiurida Chen et al. p. 1306
2006Ophiurida Glass and Poschmann p. 971
2008Ophiurida Hess and Meyer p. 30
2008Ophiurida Storc and Zitt p. 125
2017Ophiurida O'Hara et al.
2018Ophiurida O'Hara et al. p. 8

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EubilateriaAx 1987
infraclassMetophiuridaMatsumoto 1913

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. Ophiurida Müller and Troschel 1840
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Infraor. Chilophiurina Matsumoto 1915
Fm. †Aplocomidae Hess 1965
Subfm. †Aplocominae Hess and Meyer 2008
G. †Geocoma d'Orbigny 1850
Geocoma canjuersensis Roman et al. 1993
Geocoma carinata Goldfuss 1833
Invalid names: Ophiocten kelheimense Boehm 1889 [synonym]
Geocoma libanotica König 1825
Geocoma magna Bataller 1941
Geocoma planata Quenstedt 1876
Geocoma schoentalensis Hess and Meyer 2008
G. †Sinosura Hess 1964
Sinosura brodiei Wright 1866
Invalid names: Ophiopinna helvetica Hess 1962 [synonym], Ophiura longivertebralis Wolburg 1939 [synonym]
Sinosura extensa Kutscher and Villier 2003
Sinosura fasciata Kutscher and Villier 2003
Sinosura jasmundensis Kutscher and Jagt 2000
Sinosura portei Guillaume 1926
Invalid names: Ophiolepis ranvillensis Porte 1927 [objective synonym]
Sinosura reicheli Hess 1965
Sinosura schneideri Kutscher 1987
Sinosura wolburgi Hess 1960
G. †Arenorbis Hess 1970
Arenorbis squamosus Picard 1858
Invalid names: Acroura armata Picard 1886 [synonym], Acroura pellioperta Picard 1889 [synonym], Aspidura coronaeformis Picard 1858 [synonym]
Subfm. †Ophiopetrinae Hess and Meyer 2008
G. †Ophiohybris Hess 1964
Ophiohybris griesbachii Wright 1854
G. †Ophiopetra Enay and Hess 1962
Ophiopetra bathonica Hess 1964
Ophiopetra lithographica Enay and Hess 1962
Ophiopetra oertlii Hess 1965
Subor. Chilophiurina Matsumoto 1915
Fm. †Aganasteridae Stürtz 1899
G. †Aganaster Miller and Gurley 1891
Aganaster fujianensis Liao and Wang 2002
Aganaster gregarius Meek and Worthen 1869
Fm. †Dermocomidae Hess 1972
G. †Dermocoma Hess 1964
Dermocoma wrighti Hess 1964
Fm. †Ophiurinidae Gregory 1897
G. †Argentinaster Ruedemann 1916
G. †Ophiaulax Ubaghs 1941
Ophiaulax decheni Dewalque 1975
G. †Ophiurina Stürtz 1890
Ophiurina lymani Stürtz 1890
G. †Silesiaster Schwarzbach and Zimmermann 1936
G. †Stephanoura Ubaghs 1941
Stephanoura belgica Ubaghs 1941
G. †Stephanouropsis Calzada and Gutiérrez 1988
Stephanouropsis moralejai Calzada and Gutiérrez 1988
G. †Syntomospina Morris et al. 1973
Syntomospina kuehni Morris et al. 1973
G. †Dolicharthra Berry 1938
Infraor. Gnathophiurina Matsumoto 1915
Invalid names: Gnathophiuridea Matsumoto 1915 [empty]
Subor. Ophiomusina O'Hara et al. 2017
Fm. Ophiosphalmidae O'Hara et al. 2018
G. Ophiomusium Lyman 1869
Ophiomusium biconcavum Kutscher and Jagt 2000
Ophiomusium dizluense Kristan-Tollmann et al. 1979
Ophiomusium fitchii Spencer 1907
Ophiomusium gagnebini Thurmann 1851
Ophiomusium granulosum Roemer 1841
Invalid names: Ophiomusium danicum Nielsen 1926 [synonym], Ophiura (Aspidura) subcylindrica von Hagenow 1840 [synonym]
Ophiomusium leckenbyi Wright 1880
Ophiomusium lux Jagt 2000
Ophiomusium murravii Forbes 1843
Ophiomusium praecisum Hess 1966
Ophiomusium ramsayi Wright 1866
Ophiomusium rugosum Valette 1914
Ophiomusium sentum Kutscher and Jagt 2000
Ophiomusium sinemurensis Kutscher and Hary 1991
Ophiomusium sinuatum Kutscher and Jagt 2000
Ophiomusium vermiculatum Valette 1914
Invalid names: Ophiomusaidae O'Hara et al. 2018 [empty]
G. †Ophiuricoma Valette 1929
Ophiuricoma mazenoti Valette 1929
Subor. Ophiurina Müller and Troschel 1840
Infraor. Hemieuryalina Verrill 1899
G. †Ophiotrapezium Kutscher 1996
Ophiotrapezium spinulosum Kutscher 1996
Fm. Ophiopyrgidae Perrier 1893
G. Amphiophiura Matsumoto 1915
G. †Aspidophiura Matsumoto 1915
Aspidophiura seren Ewin and Thuy 2017
G. Stegophiura Matsumoto 1915
Stegophiura eocaenus Leriche 1931
Stegophiura hagenowi Rasmussen 1950
Invalid names: Ophiura (Aspidura) granulosa von Hagenow 1840 [replaced], Ophiura tener Müller 1950 [synonym]
Stegophiura nekvasilovae Storc and Zitt 2008
Fm. Ophiuridae Lyman 1865
G. †Felderophiura Jagt 1991
G. †Huangzhishania Chen et al. 2004
Huangzhishania permotriassica Chen et al. 2004
G. Ophiocrossota Clark 1928
Ophiocrossota baconi Blake and Allison 1970
Ophiocrossota oweni Blake 1975
G. Ophiocten Lütken 1855
Ophiocten seeweni Kutscher and Hary 1991
Ophiocten yvonnae Jagt 2000
Subfm. Ophioleucinae Matsumoto 1915
G. †Eirenura Thuy 2011
Eirenura kohli Thuy 2005
Eirenura papillata Thuy 2011
G. Ophiura Lamarck 1801
Subg. †Ophiura (Aspidura) von Hagenow 1840
Ophiura achatae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura astonensis Hess 1964
Ophiura bartonensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura bognoriensis Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura carpelloides Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura costata Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura cretacea Guéranger 1853
Ophiura cunliffei Forbes 1846
Ophiura davisi Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura furiae Rasmussen 1972
Ophiura graysonensis Alexander 1931
Ophiura hendleri Blake and Aronson 1998
Ophiura kunradeca Berry 1938
Ophiura marylandica Berry 1934
Ophiura olifex Quenstedt 1876
Ophiura ophiura Linnaeus 1758
Ophiura paucilepis Stöhr et al. 2011
Ophiura sarsii Lütken 1856
Ophiura serrata Roemer 1841
Invalid names: Ophioderma arkonensis Müller 1950 [synonym], Ophioglypha gracilis Valette 1914 [synonym], Ophiura parvisentum Spencer 1907 [synonym]
Ophiura sternbergica Kutscher 1981
Ophiura straini Cornell et al. 1991
Ophiura texana Clark 1893
Ophiura tinurtiensis Valette 1929
Ophiura travisana Berry 1941
Ophiura wetherelli Forbes 1852
Invalid names: Ophioglypha Lyman 1860 [synonym]
Subfm. Ophiurinae Lyman 1865
G. †Aspiduriella Bolette 1998
Aspiduriella camuna Rossi Ronchetti 1965
Aspiduriella dorae Lepsius 1878
Aspiduriella italica Crema 1895
Aspiduriella ludeni von Hagenow 1851
Aspiduriella montserratensis Calzada and Gutiérrez 1988
Aspiduriella scutellata Blumenbach 1803
Invalid names: Aspidura loricata Goldfuss 1833 [synonym]
Aspiduriella streichani Kutscher 1987
Invalid names: Aspidura Agassiz 1836 [replaced]
G. †Cholaster Worthen and Miller 1883
Cholaster peculiaris Worthen and Miller 1883
G. †Ophiotitanos Spencer 1907
Ophiotitanos laevis Spencer 1907
Ophiotitanos magnus Spencer 1907
Ophiotitanos pilleri Thuy and Kroh 2011
Ophiotitanos smithi Ewin and Thuy 2017
Ophiotitanos tenuis Spencer 1907
G. †Praeaplocoma Broglio Loriga and Berti Cavicchi 1972
Praeaplocoma hessi Broglio Loriga and Berti Cavicchi 1972
G. †Ophiurites Schlotheim 1820
Ophiurites pustulosus Müller 1847
Ophiurites trunensis Böhm 1891
Invalid names: Astrophiuridae Sladen 1879 [empty]
G. †Plathyarthra Berry 1938
Invalid names: Acroura Agassiz 1836 [nomen dubium], Laemophiurina Matsumoto 1915 [empty], Ophioderma asteriformis Picard 1887 [nomen dubium], Ophioderma bonnardi Oppel 1864 [nomen dubium], Ophiolepidina Ljungman 1867 [empty], Ophiolepis damesi Wright 1874 [nomen dubium], Ophiolepis estarensis Barbier et al. 1957 [nomen dubium], Ophiomyxina Fell 1962 [empty], Ophiurites rhaeticus Laugier 1961 [nomen dubium]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: high Mg calcitec
Ontogeny: accretion, addition of partsp
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: slow-movingc
Life habit: low-level epifaunalc
Diet: detritivorec
Diet 2: suspension feederc
Vision: blindc
Dispersal: waterp
Dispersal 2: planktonicp
Created: 2004-02-29 11:30:09
Modified: 2010-02-12 01:58:57
Source: c = class, p = phylum
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Aberhan 1992

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Early/Lower Emsian to the top of the Late/Upper Pleistocene or 409.10000 to 0.01170 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 402.5 Ma

Collections (247 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Devonian419.2 - 393.3Argentina (Jachal) Argentinaster bodenbenderi (39230)
Early/Lower Emsian409.1 - 402.5Germany Ophiurina lymani (26904)
Famennian372.2 - 358.9Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Stephanoura belgica (38276 38277 38335)
Late/Upper Famennian364.7 - 360.7Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Ophiaulax decheni, Stephanoura belgica (127756) Stephanoura belgica (127753 127755)
Tournaisian358.9 - 346.7Poland Aganaster jagiellonicus (64633)
Chadian - Arundian346.7 - 340.0USA (Indiana) Aganaster gregarius (699 8115 8127 8132 8133) Aganaster sp. (556)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51China (Fujian) Aganaster fujianensis (97427) Ophioderma huaanensis (120773)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17China (Guizhou) Syntomospina kaiyangensis (32498)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17China (Zhejiang) Huangzhishania permotriassica (60533)
Early/Lower Triassic252.17 - 247.2Italy (Veneto) Praeaplocoma sp. (77392)
Early/Lower Triassic252.17 - 247.2China (Guizhou) Ophiaulax bijiensis (32500)
Early/Lower Triassic252.17 - 247.2USA (Idaho) Aspidura idahoensis (58632)
Griesbachian - Dienerian251.902 - 251.2Italy Praeaplocoma sp. (61805)
Griesbachian251.902 - 250.5China (Guizhou) Ophioderma schistovertebrata (146272)
Griesbachian251.902 - 250.5China (Zhejiang) Huangzhishania permotriassica (105220 105221)
Griesbachian251.902 - 250.5Italy Praeaplocoma sp. (61804)
Triassic251.902 - 201.4Vietnam (Tinh Lai Chau) Aspidura sp. (77537)
Smithian251.3 - 247.2USA (Idaho) Aspidura idahoensis (136684)
Smithian251.3 - 247.2Italy Praeaplocoma sp. (61808)
Spathian251.3 - 247.2Italy Praeaplocoma hessi (61809 165168) Praeaplocoma sp. (61810)